I have a city in another world

Chapter 1784 The end of the war

Chapter 1784 The end of the war
In the sky, the ten war towers are like stars hanging above their heads, as if they will fall to the ground in the next second.

A huge shadow fell on the ground, blocking the sunlight projected on the ground, as if the light never came again.

The feeling of fear that weighed on his heart made the Trobo tremble all over, and his eyes were full of horror and despair.

Having seen too much death, they have become numb. Since they have nowhere to escape, they might as well resign themselves to fate.

In addition to the war towers, there are countless huge warships suspended in the sky, like fish in the ocean.

These war weapons that once belonged to the Trobo people are now turned around and placed on their own necks.

Accompanied by these weapons of war, there are too thick clouds and gunpowder smoke to dissipate, and there seems to be a faint blood color and an indelible smell of blood.

The near-ground air combat is over at this time, and the real ground combat has just begun.

This war that has spread across the entire planet is absolutely impossible to end in a short time. The ground is different from the open space, and the enemy has more hiding places.

Compared with other planets, the enemies of the capital star are particularly tenacious, and they really deserve to be the elite troop of the Trobo people.

They used all available means to desperately resist the attack of the monks in Loucheng, and a firefight could occur anywhere.

As for Tang Zhen and other world master monks, they stopped attacking after successfully landing on the capital star, and the world masters did not need to take action for the next thing.

Now that the enemy's defeat has been decided, it is natural for the world masters not to intervene at this time, leaving the opportunity to obtain combat points to the monks of Loucheng.

However, after solving the capital star, it does not mean the end of the war.

These world lords still have to continue to act, go to other planets of Trobo, and complete the harvest of spoils.

Tang Zhen's task was to stay on Capital Planet and be responsible for the finishing work in the later period of the war. This was not an easy task, and it involved too many things.

In order to ensure harvesting as much loot as possible, Brother Loucheng did not damage the planet Tropo seriously, otherwise, after the victory, he might only be able to harvest a bunch of rags.

The value of intact things is naturally different from that of garbage.

Even if most of the monks in Loucheng disdain technological weapons, they can still reward a lot of battle points if they get them on the cornerstone platform.

What's more, places like the Tropo galaxy are rare high-tech planes. Many materials here are of extremely high value. Even if the warship is dismantled and sold for scrap iron, it can still be sold at a good price. .

In the long history of the Trobo civilization, the wealth accumulated is not only the scrap metal, but also other very precious resources.

Compared to the wealth of the entire Trobo galaxy, the origins of those worlds are nothing, and there is no shortage in the hands of these world masters.

Take the Holy Dragon War Zone as an example, the number of world origins obtained in one year far exceeds the sum that can be obtained by the Trobo galaxy.

Of course, this does not mean that Tang Zhen will give up drawing, it is all his spoils, and there is absolutely no reason not to take it away.

Especially after learning about all the soul memories of the Trobo people, Tang Zhen no longer has any secrets in the entire Trobo galaxy.

It will take a certain amount of time just to arrange for people to take out those hidden resources, and some things must be handled by Tang Zhen himself.

It is estimated that in the next period of time, he may not be able to relax for a moment, running around searching for things.

While the war was still going on, Tang Zhen had already dealt with trivial matters, and began to lead a group of Loucheng monks to dig three feet in the capital star to find treasures.

The so-called treasures are not gold, silver and jewelry, but the underground weapon depots and emergency supplies depots of the Trobo people.

These places store the wealth accumulated by the Trobo people. Even though supplies were mobilized from here to deal with the invasion of the Loucheng monks, there is still a large amount of inventory.

It's just that the locations of these warehouses are mostly extremely secretive, and even the transfer of military supplies is done by robots.

Except for a very small number of relevant persons in charge, others don't know the exact location at all, they just know that there is such a place.

Others don't know, but Tang Zhen knows it very well.

After leading a group of Loucheng monks like wolves and tigers to the target location in the shortest time, Tang Zhen only needed to call the location, and those Loucheng monks began to break the ground and tear down the walls.

They are also very professional in doing this kind of thing.

No matter how strong the defense is, it can't stop the destruction of these Loucheng monks. It didn't take long for them to rush into the underground space abruptly.

The huge underground warehouse is full of all kinds of war supplies, and the task of the monks is to move it completely.

Tang Zhen paced here with his hands behind his back, his eyes sweeping over the materials that were maintained as new. From now on, these things will belong to him.

What appeared in front of him at this time were rows of fighter jets, with smooth and graceful shapes, and they were one of the main fighter jets that had served in the Tropo Legion.

More than a hundred years ago, every time the Trobo people invaded the plane, there would be such fighter jets, attacking ground targets.

However, with the development of science and technology, this kind of fighter jet, which has made great achievements in combat, has gradually withdrawn from the service sequence and can only be stored as combat supplies.

Compared with the fighters in active service, the performance of this fighter is slightly insufficient, but it is still more than enough to be allocated to the various buildings in the Shenglong theater for reconnaissance missions.

Of course, this kind of distribution is not a free benefit. If Lou Cheng in the theater wants to get it, he must pay a certain price.

With the development of time, the various buildings in the Holy Dragon War Zone have passed the lactation period, and now their strength continues to grow, and it is finally time to feed back the War Zone.

As the commander-in-chief of the war, Tang Zhen gave priority to distribution of power.

These fighter jets belonged to Tang Zhen and were not included in the distributed war bonus. If other Loucheng monks wanted them, they would have to purchase them with battle points.

According to Tang Zhen's instructions, these fighters were sealed with storage equipment by the monks of Loucheng, and they would not be unsealed until the right time.

Hundreds of Loucheng monks worked together, and the cleaning process was naturally very fast. It didn't take long for the entire underground warehouse to be cleaned up.

After clearing this place, Tang Zhen and the monks boarded the battleship and went straight to the next place.

Perhaps it is a special racial habit that makes the Trobo people like to keep things underground, regardless of whether they are needed or not.

After several days of continuous digging, Tang Zhen got a little impatient with the countless supplies he harvested.

It just so happened that another urgent matter needed to be dealt with, so Tang Zhen entrusted the matter to others and continued to dig out the hidden treasures of the Trobo people.

Whether it is on the planet or outside the planet, the treasure locations have been carefully marked by Tang Zhen, and the monks in Loucheng only need to follow the map to find them.

During the period of searching for supplies, the enemies on the capital star were completely cleaned up. The entire planet was littered with corpses, and there were ruins everywhere.

After the war against the capital star was over, except for one war castle that continued to guard, the remaining nine war castles all left and went to other planets to eliminate the remnants of the enemy.

Tang Zhen had already finished his preparations at this time, and quietly left Capital Star to look for the space fortress that was launched during the execution of the Starship plan.

With the victory of this war already won, the space fortress that does not know where it is now is the biggest remaining hidden danger.

So after handling the matter properly, Tang Zhen led a fleet and began to pursue it all the way according to the direction faintly sensed by the secret method.

(End of this chapter)

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