I have a city in another world

Chapter 1785 Closed Continent

Chapter 1785 Closed Continent
In the boundless universe, dozens of Trobo heavy warships are slowly sailing in an unknown direction.

The road is long, and I don't know when I will reach the end point. Relying on warships as a means of transportation is naturally the best choice.

Star seas, battleships, these products are full of technological atmosphere, but the controllers are not from the world of technological civilization.

Among these heavy battleships, there are one hundred thousand king-level monks on board, as well as a large number of lower races who are responsible for driving the battleships.

Compared with the Trobo people, these lower races are much luckier, and now they just have a new master.

The dust has not been washed away, and he embarks on a new journey, but this time he does not know when he will find the trace of the enemy.

The long journey is boring and boring. Many people who go on interstellar travel will choose to enter the dormant cabin, and will automatically wake up after arriving at the destination.

Fortunately, for monks in Loucheng, most of their time is immersed in cultivation, and they don't care too much about the external environment.

No matter how long the journey is, it is just to open your eyes and close your eyes.

Unknowingly, the fleet has moved away from the Trobo galaxy and arrived at an unknown starry sky.

The abandoned planet that hides the starship fortress exists here, but it has long been destroyed.

Looking around, there are only patches of meteorite seas, and the twinkling stars in the far distance.

In the command ship located in the center of the fleet, Tang Zhen personally arranged a rune circle to enhance his sensitivity to the blood of the Trobo people.

After sailing in an unknown galaxy for nearly a month, Tang Zhen finally opened his eyes with a hint of joy on his face.

The Trobo people thought their plan was flawless, but they underestimated the means of the monks of Loucheng. Even if they fled to an unknown plane, Tang Zhen still had a way to find them.

In fact, even Tang Zhen couldn't accurately judge the exact location of Xingzhou. He could only look for it like a needle in a haystack through a trace of induction in the blood of the Turobo people.

At just a moment ago, he sensed the blood of the Trobo people. Although it was fleeting, it was enough for Tang Zhen.

"Order to stop advancing. The entrance to the plane where the enemy is located should be near here. I need to carefully determine the exact location."

Although the thousands of planes seem to be non-negotiating with each other, they are actually entangled like a mess, one link after another.

As long as you find the hidden key nodes, you can enter it smoothly, which is why Tang Zhen has been wandering around in unknown galaxies.

If the other party fled from this vicinity, there would inevitably be traces left behind, which could not be erased at all.

After the fleet stopped, Tang Zhen's mental power dispersed and he began to search the vicinity carefully.

After a long time, he discovered an unusual area, and after repeated confirmation, it was exactly what he was looking for.

After locking that location, Tang Zhen forcibly opened up a space passage with the cooperation of nearly a thousand Loucheng monks.

With Tang Zhen's current strength, it is not too difficult to open up a space channel, but it is only suitable for his own use.

If you want the fleet to pass, you must stabilize it. Although this process is not responsible, it requires a lot of manpower to assist.

Therefore, under normal circumstances, the cornerstone platform is responsible for the opening of plane passages by monks in Loucheng, which is simple and convenient.

After the opening of the space channel was completed, the huge fleet began to file in. After the last warship entered, monk Loucheng and Tang Zhen, who helped maintain the channel, also entered it at the same time.

The space channel that lost its stability flickered a few times before disappearing completely like a collapsing bubble.


Between the continuous mountains, a dark passage suddenly appeared, as if a hole had leaked in the sky.

Immediately afterwards, huge warships flew out slowly, casting shadows that made the beasts in the mountains tremble.

They didn't know what appeared in the sky, but they were instinctively terrified, lying on the ground and not daring to move.

In fact, what the beast feared was not the huge battleship, but the passengers inside the battleship.

For these native creatures, the aura emitted by those monks in Loucheng unconsciously is even more terrifying than the aura of natural enemies.

After passing through the transmission channel, Tang Zhen's mental power was released, covering a radius of ten thousand miles.

This is his habit. After arriving in a new world, he always likes to use his mental power to explore the surrounding environment to determine what kind of world it is?
Through the probed information, it is possible to determine the strength level of this world, and thus formulate a detailed action plan.

It was just the result of the investigation that made Tang Zhen look weird.

If there is no error in the induction, this should be a high-energy plane. Among the vast mountains, there are a large number of fierce beasts hidden.

There are many beasts whose strength is no less than that of the monks of the law, and some beasts are even better than the monks of the law.

But what is strange is that there is not a single monk in this area of ​​ten thousand miles, and it is completely dominated by ferocious beasts.

This kind of situation is very rare, at least among the planes that Tang Zhen has been to, he has not seen a similar situation.

The reason is that the monks' greed is endless. In order to obtain enough resources, no desperate situation can stop their footsteps.

Through the mental power investigation just now, it can be confirmed that there are countless treasures of heaven and earth within a radius of ten thousand miles.

In the face of such a super treasure house, the monks definitely have no reason to miss it.

But in this mountain, there is no trace of monk activities at all, even after Tang Zhen searched repeatedly, he found nothing.

This kind of thing itself is very strange. After Tang Zhen thought about it, he ordered to send out a reconnaissance plane to conduct reconnaissance in a farther direction to obtain more detailed information.

At the same time, he also ordered the battleship to stand by and activate the optical invisibility state at the same time. After he had enough information, he made further plans.

A day later, the reconnaissance fighter sent back a message, and Tang Zhen finally understood his environment.

It turned out that this was a completely sealed continent, surrounded by stormy waves. In those oceans, there were countless terrifying sea creatures.

In addition, in the extreme distance of the ocean, there is a strange energy field that surrounds this continent.

It is precisely because of the existence of this circle of energy field that the continent is always in a closed state, the things inside cannot get out, and the creatures outside cannot enter.

It was only then that Tang Zhen suddenly realized that it must have been some unknown deviation when they opened up the space channel, and that's why they accidentally entered this closed continent.

This is a good thing, but it is also a bad thing.

The good thing is that this resource-rich continent is now exclusively owned by them, and no one will affect them even if they scrape the land three feet away.

The disadvantages are also obvious. According to Tang Zhen's guess, this energy field must be very strong, otherwise it would be impossible for no monks to break in.

There is no doubt that there must be monks in this high-energy plane.

But even if they can't break in, it can completely explain the problem.

The monks outside couldn't get in, and it would be very difficult for Tang Zhen to get out. Even if he could get out, the heavy warships might not be able to get out.

As for the facts, it needs to be investigated in person before a conclusion can be made.

"Idle is idle, let everyone go around, there are many good things here."

When Tang Zhen gave the order, he also smiled at the monk Loucheng beside him, saying that if he hadn't had some important work to do, he might have turned around.

Continents that haven't been touched by monks are bound to be full of treasures, and even Tang Zhen can't resist the joy of searching and discovering.

 Thanks to: "Master Xiaoyao Pavilion" for the reward, and to book friends for their support.

(End of this chapter)

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