I have a city in another world

Chapter 1786 Breaking the Barrier

Chapter 1786 Breaking the Barrier
In the vast and calm lake, several huge monsters with a body length of nearly [-] meters, like colorful feathered snakes, are swimming slowly on the water surface, looking leisurely.

In the sky over the lake, there are several giant birds with a wingspan of more than ten meters wide, singing continuously.

They seemed to want to catch the water beasts in the lake, but they were afraid of these ferocious beasts floating on the water surface, and they circled a dozen times before slowly leaving.

Seeing this, those monsters in the water proudly set off waves and continued to wander around in the lake.

The lake is their territory, and in this waters, there are no fierce beasts to be their opponents.


The calm surface of the lake was rippling, and a fist-sized object was hanging on a filament, which fell from the sky and gently fell into the lake water.

The whole process was as if mosquitoes were like water, and there was not much movement.

However, the huge bodies of those ferocious beasts like feathered snakes suddenly froze, and then turned their heads to look at the place where the filaments were hanging down, with excitement and greed shining in their eyes.


The ferocious beast in the water screamed sharply, and went straight to where the silk thread was, setting off white water lines on the lake.

Immediately afterwards, the lake seemed to be boiling, and countless aquatic creatures emerged and went straight to the same place.

It seems that the hanging objects on the filaments are the most delicious things in the world, even if you risk your life, you will devour them.

A group of black shadows were entangled together, refusing to give in to each other, and fierce fighting was also unfolding in the lake.

In the blink of an eye, blood-red waves appeared in the clear water of the lake. I don't know how many fierce beasts lost their lives in the fight.

Even though they were covered in scars and even lost their lives, these fierce beasts in the water were still fighting desperately and would never take a step back.

In the process of fighting, finally one of the largest monsters in the water took advantage, snatched the thing the size of a fist, and swallowed it in one gulp.

But before it tasted the delicacy of the food, it felt a terrifying force coming, pulling its head out of the water.

The giant beast in the water struggled desperately, but it was useless at all, but in a blink of an eye, its body was pulled by the thin silk thread, and it was completely suspended in midair.

This situation is extremely strange, like a hair-like thin thread, but easily withstood the terrifying weight of this giant beast, and dragged the beast to continuously fly to the distant mountain peak.

Only then did the beasts in the water notice that there was a small creature standing on the cliff at the edge of the lake.

Although they couldn't compare with them in size, they exuded a terrifying aura, which made these beasts tremble and scatter in an instant.

I'm afraid that if I escape slowly, I will encounter a similar end.

Only the beast in the water caught by the filament was dragged and flew towards the cliff, and was finally suspended in the fast-flowing waterfall.

Although he was still struggling, he still couldn't get rid of the entanglement of the filament, as if everything was wasting effort.

"Although the appearance is ferocious, it is the most exquisite delicacy, and it is not a waste of time."

Looking at the giant beast in the water struggling constantly in the waterfall, Tang Zhen waved his hand, and saw an iron pot suddenly appear in the air.

"I have obtained this thing for many years, but I have never used it. Come and try it today to see if it is as magical as it is in the legend."

This pot looks ordinary, but it is actually a secret treasure.

It can become extremely huge in an instant, and the rune array at the bottom of the pot uses the energy of the world as fuel, and a thought can create a raging fire.

Using this iron pot to cook all kinds of natural materials and earthly treasures can make the taste extremely delicious, and at the same time refine the essence to the maximum extent. After taking it, it can help monks improve their strength.

This is Tang Zhen's spoils that he obtained in the Real Immortal Plane, but he has never used it. Today he saw the excellent ingredients in the giant lake, so he took it out again.

With a wave of his hand, the giant beast in the water was disembowelled, and then washed clean by the rapids of the waterfall.

The next moment, the monster in the water was cut into pieces by an invisible force, and fell into the cauldron that completely filled the top of the cliff, and the raging fire also burned.

A stream of clear spring poured into the pot, covering all the flesh of the giant beast in the water, and dense air bubbles rose slowly into the pot.

After a while, there is a fragrance wafting away, which makes your mouth water when you smell it.

While cooking, the cauldron gradually shrunk, and the essence of the beast meat was gradually extracted.

Tang Zhen was not in a hurry, but slowly controlled the flame. After nearly a day, the cauldron finally became the size of a basin.

This giant beast with a body length of [-] meters was finally boiled into half a pot of fresh soup, which tasted very tempting.

Fresh soup and fine wine, sitting on the top of the mountain, watching the clouds rise and fall with a smile.

During this period of time, he was busy fighting with the Trobo people, and Tang Zhen had no time to relax, but now he finally had a chance to take a rest.

Because there are no monks in the land under his feet, it has always maintained a primitive and natural style. Being in such an environment makes Tang Zhen feel extremely comfortable.

After enjoying the perfect meal, Tang Zhen set off again, heading straight for the deep sea outside the mainland.

With the speed of the master monk, even if the continent is hundreds of thousands of miles long, Tang Zhen can cross it in a short time.

It didn't take long for Tang Zhen to fly over the vast sea.

Affected by some unknown force, the ocean here is rough, and severe storms appear from time to time.

In the short time Tang Zhen arrived here, he had already seen several terrifying tornadoes wandering around the boundless sea.

But it didn't take long for the sea to suddenly become as flat as a mirror, and the previous scenes that seemed to be coming to the end seemed to be just hallucinations.

"Interesting, I always feel that this is not a force of nature, but something controlled by humans."

After Tang Zhen said this, he continued to move forward into the distance.

About half an hour later, he finally saw the energy field discovered by the reconnaissance plane, like an invisible barrier penetrating the sky and covering the continent.

Tang Zhen tried it and found that this barrier was not easy, even with his strength, it would take a lot of effort to break through.

He was not in a hurry to break it, so as not to cause unknown changes, but followed the barrier and dived into the deep sea to confirm that there was also a barrier on the bottom of the sea.

The sky and the sea are hard to get through, and if you want to leave the mainland, you can only force yourself out.

After thinking of this, Tang Zhen returned to the surface of the sea and began to study how to break the energy barrier.

This thought lasted for three days, during which he remained motionless, like a clay sculpture or wood carving.

During the period, a huge sea creature tried to attack him, but before it could get close, it was turned into flesh and blood under the strangulation of invisible forces.

The flesh and blood attracted other sea monsters to approach, and then continued to repeat the previous scene. Before he knew it, the sea around Tang Zhen was covered with the corpses of giant sea beasts.

"That's it, I understand."

Tang Zhen, who was sitting quietly on the surface of the sea, suddenly opened his mouth, and then stretched out his hand and waved lightly at the surface of the sea. The corpses of those sea beasts turned into bones in an instant, and the essence and blood in the body gathered together.

Using the essence and blood of these sea beasts as ink, Tang Zhen quickly drew hundreds of runes and slammed them into the energy barrier ahead.

After these runes landed on the energy barrier, they were like dyes, revealing the originally invisible energy barrier.

The changes were not limited to these, after dozens of breaths, the originally impenetrable barrier suddenly seemed to become much softer.

Tang Zhen stretched out his hand and pressed it, and the barrier seemed to be full of elasticity, wrapping around his palm.


As soon as the words fell, Tang Zhen's body suddenly retreated nearly a hundred miles, and then suddenly accelerated, rushing towards the area covered with runes like lightning.


It was as if a finger was pressing against the balloon, and the invisible turned into tangible energy wrapped around Tang Zhen's body, preventing him from leaving this closed continent.

But at this time, Tang Zhen was like an awl, concentrating all his power on one point, and that barrier couldn't be replenished with energy, so naturally it couldn't block the impact of a master cultivator.


There seemed to be a crisp sound coming from the ear, and then the scene in front of him suddenly changed. Tang Zhen had already left the closed continent and appeared in the outside world.

(End of this chapter)

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