Chapter 1789
Tang Zhen was not in a hurry to go to the academy, but first visited the shops on both sides of the street to deepen his understanding of the world.

Looking at the products sold in those shops, Tang Zhen was at a loss, because he didn't know what these items were for.

But looking at the materials selected by the students of the School of Creation, you can know that these things must have special uses, otherwise they would not spend a lot of gold coins to buy them.

Tang Zhen became more interested and determined to find out the secret of the Creator.

As for the matter of finding the starship fortress, there is no need to rush at all, it is more important to obtain the knowledge of the creator.

Having made up his mind, Tang Zhen continued to wander around while analyzing and sorting out the information he had collected.

In addition to various materials, some shops also sell finished creation balls, but the number of customers is slightly scarce.

Although there are only simple things in these creation balls, they are expensive, and the cheapest price is more than [-] gold coins.

As long as the creation ball is purchased, the store operator will provide corresponding spells to facilitate the purchaser to take out the items inside.

It's just that after the item is taken out, it cannot be put into it again. This process involves the power of mysterious laws and cannot be reversed at all.

Tang Zhen looked at it for a while, and found that there were many creation balls worth millions in the store in front of him, but even so, the items inside were still not too precious.

Compared with the closed continent in my hand, the difference is not even a star and a half. From this, I can determine how valuable the creation ball I accidentally obtained is.

Seeing Tang Zhen staring at the Creation Ball, the shop owner quickly stepped forward and introduced, "Sir, which Creation Ball do you like? If there is anything unclear, I can introduce it to you."

When the shop owner opened his mouth, Tang Zhen pointed at a creation ball in front of him and said, "This one looks very interesting. Can you tell me what's inside?"

The shop owner glanced at the Creation Ball that Tang Zhen pointed to, and explained with a smile: "You have really good eyesight. This Creation Ball has an extraordinary origin. It is the work of a master disciple of our city academy.

There is one hectare of fertile land, and a special aquatic plant grows. The seeds of this aquatic plant are extremely delicious, and many creators use it as food.

And every ten years, the volume of this fertile land will increase by one point. After you buy it, it can be used as a family heirloom and handed over to your descendants. It is definitely worth the money! "

Tang Zhen nodded. This creation ball is only the size of an egg, but there is a fertile field inside, which is really strange.

Ordinary people have this kind of thing, as long as there are no accidents, at least they don't have to worry about starving.

"Things are not bad, but I don't know the price?"

Tang Zhen looked at the shop owner and asked in a calm tone.

"The price is not high, only 50 gold coins, I can assure you, this is definitely the lowest price, you will never be able to buy it in another place!"

This kind of creation ball can't be sold for ten days and half a month. Now that someone is interested, the shop owner will naturally try to sell it.

"50, it's not too expensive."

Tang Zhen had hundreds of millions of gold coins in his pocket, and 50 gold coins could be easily taken out, not to mention that he was not interested in bargaining.

The owner of the shop next to him showed a tinge of joy when he heard the words, and when he was about to take advantage of the victory to pursue him, he didn't want someone beside him to interrupt suddenly.

"You boss is really unscrupulous. This kind of inferior farmland creation ball with only one hectare of land can only cost 20 yuan at most. You even directly ask for 50 yuan. Are you not afraid that people will trouble you if they find out?"

The corner of the shop owner's mouth twitched when he heard the words, and he turned his head to look at the place where the voice came from. He saw a tall girl in a black gilt skirt staring at him.

This girl's appearance is very characteristic, the proportion of the facial features is extremely perfect, and the brows are full of heroism.

With a neat outfit and black bronzing boots covering the calf, it can definitely make people's eyes shine.

But the owner of the store shrank his pupils, then showed bitterness, shook his head at the girl and said, "Don't talk nonsense, the quality of my Liangtian Creation Ball is absolutely guaranteed, and how can those defective products be compared!"

The girl was a little reluctant and pointed at the shop owner and said: "Don't do this to me. My friend bought a creation ball from you a few days ago, but only after returning home did he discover that the creation ball The ball is full of holes.

She's not short of the money, and she doesn't bother to bother you, but I can't just watch her suffer.

I came to you today to ask you to return the goods to me, did you hear me! "

When the girl said this, she took out an egg-sized creation ball from her pocket and placed it directly on the counter of the shop.

Tang Zhen took a glance and found that there was a fruit tree in this creation ball, which was full of exquisite and transparent fruits.

What makes people feel uncomfortable is that these fruits are full of insect eyes, and some of them have completely rotted, and insects can be seen crawling around on the fruits.

No wonder this girl would come to the store owner to return the goods. Anyone who sees such fruits will feel uncomfortable from the bottom of their hearts.

The shop owner glanced at the Creation Ball, rolled his eyes, and was about to speak up to defend himself, but the girl in black said again: "You don't need to explain to me, everyone knows the truth, I will ask you today whether you can return it or not. return the goods?
If you return the product, let's forget about it, and I don't want to be nosy.

But if you don't return the goods, I will go to the academy to tell the story and see who else will come to you to buy things in the future! "

After hearing what the girl said, the store owner nodded quickly and said, "Don't worry, I will return the product to you right away. I just hope you don't talk nonsense. I was also deceived."

When the girl heard this, she pouted and muttered in a disdainful tone: "It's weird to believe you. No one in the whole street knows your virtues, so you specifically look for outsiders to attack."

The corner of the shop owner's mouth twitched, but he didn't dare to refute, because he knew the girl's background well, and he couldn't afford to offend her.

Seeing the shop owner go back to collect the money, the girl turned to look at Tang Zhen, then pointed to the fertile field creation ball and said, "This creation ball also has flaws, although it looks good now, it will be different in the later stage.

There will inevitably be water shortage and insect damage in the aquatic grass fields. After the production is reduced, diseased and dead, it is not bad to have one tenth of the harvest. "

Looking Tang Zhen up and down, the girl thought for a while and said, "If you want to buy a Creation Ball, it's best to go to the store specially run by the college to buy it. Although the price is a bit more expensive, at least the quality is guaranteed.

If you insist on buying from these private stores, it is best to spend money to hire an apprentice creator to help identify it, so as not to suffer losses if you buy defective products. "

Listening to the girl's explanation, Tang Zhen smiled and nodded.

"Thank you for reminding me. I really don't know anything about this. I also want to buy some creation balls. I wonder if I can hire you as a consultant?"

After hearing Tang Zhen's words, the girl frowned and said hesitantly, "It's not impossible to invite me, but my vision is very high, and the fee is also very expensive.

Let's make an agreement, you need to pay me an appraisal fee of [-] gold coins for each creation ball you choose. If you think it's too expensive, you can find someone else. "

Hearing what the girl said, the smile on Tang Zhen's face grew stronger. If the other party dared to quote such a price, he must have absolute confidence.

That being the case, he couldn't miss the opportunity. If he could pick a few good-quality creation balls, it would be convenient for him to analyze and study.

"No problem, I hired you, and I will trouble you to lead the way. I am not familiar with this place."

Hearing that Tang Zhen agreed to her terms, the girl looked him up curiously, and then casually took the box handed over by the shop owner.

After checking the gold coins inside and confirming that there was no problem, the girl ignored the bitter shop owner and waved at Tang Zhen.

"Let's go, the car is outside, I'll take you to buy a real high-quality creation ball."

Tang Zhen smiled when he heard the words, ignored the hesitant shop owner, and followed the girl slowly away.

 Thanks to: "Master Xiaoyao Pavilion" for the reward, and to book friends for their support.

(End of this chapter)

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