I have a city in another world

Chapter 1790 It's not easy to be a creator

Chapter 1790 It's not easy to be a creator
Seeing the girl and Tang Zhen walk out the door, the shop owner heaved a sigh of relief, and at the same time secretly said bad luck.

Having been running a store in this city for many years, he naturally knew the identity of the girl in black, which was why he didn't dare to pester her too much when the other party asked to return the goods.

If you are reluctant to make small profits, you will suffer greater losses. The shop owner can tell which is more important.

The shop owner felt very sorry that he didn't get money from Tang Zhen, and he probably won't be able to sleep again tonight.

He is good at observing words and expressions, and he can tell that Tang Zhen is definitely a rich sheep, and he doesn't know much about Creation Ball.

It's just that the shop owner didn't understand at all that offending the girl in black might only affect the business, but if he cheated Tang Zhen, he might lose his life.

Tang Zhen will never show mercy to those who deceive him, no matter what the identity of the other party is.

The shop owner doesn't even know that so far there have been nearly a hundred plane worlds, all of which have ceased to exist directly or indirectly because of this "fat sheep".

Of course, everything cannot be generalized. In this matter, even if Tang Zhen knew that he had been cheated, he might just smile lightly.

Things that are flawed in the eyes of others may not be worthless to him. Analyzing the reasons for the failure of a certain work is also part of the learning process.


Tang Zhen walked to the street and saw a strange car parked by the side of the road.

The car has six wheels, and there are four kangaroo-like long legs curled up in the hair. The soles of the feet are very strange, some of which resemble goose feet.

The body is like a convertible sports car, with two comfortable seats. When you look closely, you can find that the surface is wriggling slightly.

After seeing the girl in black, the car shook its body and made a sound like snorting.

This is a combination of flesh and blood life and machinery. Tang Zhen has seen similar things before, but it is definitely not as perfect as the one in front of him.

The creator of this world really has extraordinary abilities.

"No matter what, you must control this plane and completely control it in your own hands!"

It was the first time Tang Zhen had such an idea. He wanted to completely control a world, not destroy it for the purpose of plundering resources.

If this world is included in the bag, it will generate benefits that are ten times or even hundreds of times higher than plundering, which is of great significance to the Holy Dragon Theater.

Merely obtaining the knowledge of the Creator by yourself cannot bring benefits in a short period of time, and it will take many years to promote it. How can it be compared to directly controlling the entire world!

Invading and plundering is far more straightforward than completely controlling a plane. It can be said that everything is for the purpose of destruction, and those who resist will be killed without mercy.

But to control a plane without bloodshed requires more planning and deployment, which takes a lot of time, and of course the benefits will be greater.

If it was a son of a plane to do this kind of thing, he might be familiar with it, but for Tang Zhen, this was the first time.

The experience of helping Rocky in the Immortal Plane is at most a support, the real actor is Rocky, he was an outsider from the beginning to the end.

This matter is a challenge for Tang Zhen, but it is easier to arouse his fighting spirit, and he enjoys it.

Seeing Tang Zhen staring at her car intently, the girl in black smiled, mistakenly thinking that he was very interested in her car.

With a hint of pride in her tone, the girl pointed to the car and said, "It looks good, it's a gift from my grandfather, and there is only one in the whole city."

Tang Zhen nodded. Even with his knowledge, he couldn't find too many faults. It was indeed a very interesting thing.

After thinking about it, Tang Zhen said, "If I'm not wrong, this car can not only drive on land, but also dive into the bottom of the water, right?"

Hearing Tang Zhen's words, a look of surprise flashed across the face of the girl in black. It was the first time for a layman to see the hidden functions of the car.

"Tell me, how did you find out? You haven't heard about this car before, right?"

Facing the question from the girl in black, Tang Zhen pointed to the front of the car, where there were very inconspicuous organs covered by hair.

"This should be the gills of the car, which can breathe underwater and provide oxygen to the occupants.

When the back of the seat is launched into the water, the transparent meat film should be able to pop up, so that the occupant can see the scenery outside. "

Seeing the surprised girl, Tang Zhen walked up to the car and pointed to the car's four legs and hidden tail.

"When you encounter a special environment and enter the water, the four legs and the fish-like tail will come in handy, am I right?"

The girl in black pouted. The feeling of being seen through all the secrets was really uncomfortable.

"It's a good experience, get in the car now, I'll take you to buy a Creation Ball."

Although Tang Zhen discovered all the secrets of the car, the girl in black didn't care. It wasn't a big deal, so what if she knew.

Seeing it is nothing, but being able to actually manufacture it is considered a real skill.

After the two got into the car, the girl grabbed the two tentacles on the driver's seat with both hands, and then saw the six wheels spinning wildly, and the car flew out in a flash.

Although the speed is very fast, this car knows how to avoid pedestrians on the road, and it is completely autonomous, which also makes the driver very leisurely.

The girl turned her head to look at Tang Zhen while driving and asked, "You don't look like a local. Did you come to our place to buy creation balls or something else?"

Tang Zhen said lightly: "The purpose of my coming here is to learn the knowledge of Creation until I become a Creator.

Since you are from here, can you explain to me the specific learning process of the Creator? "

Hearing that Tang Zhen said that he wanted to become a creator, the black girl was not surprised. Most of the outsiders came here for this goal.

"It's not easy to become a creator. First of all, you have to have enough talent, enough cultivation, and you also need to have enough money as a support.

After you have all these, it will be a long learning and research process. Becoming a creator is not easy, and [-]% of people choose to give up in this process. "

When the girl said this, she turned her head to look at Tang Zhen, and said in a slightly persuasive tone: "So before making a decision, you must think carefully. If you are not sure that you can bear it, it is best to give up as soon as possible. .

Becoming a creator is not as easy as you think. "

Tang Zhen heard that the other party was doing it for his own good, thanked him with a smile, and said that he had already considered it before coming.

When the other party heard the words, they stopped persuading them.

This city has no shortage of dream seekers like Tang Zhen, and every year there are [-] if not [-].

It's just that most people came here with passion, and then bumped into walls everywhere, and finally left quietly in despair.

It can be said that there is no one in a hundred who can really stay, and in the process of learning in the future, a large number of people will be eliminated.

Maybe it won't be long before the mysterious young man beside him will leave the city quietly.

For the next time, neither of them spoke, until a huge building complex appeared in front of them, and the car slowly stopped.

The buildings here are more distinctive. From time to time, you can see strange animals and plants appearing in front of you, running around pedestrians.

Most of their identities belong to pets, and [-]% of them are created by creators, and many of them are unique things.

Of course, if the creator has mastered the specific creation formula, it is also possible to mass-produce it, especially for those daily necessities that consume a lot, just one creation formula is worth a lot.

"This is the Creator Academy in the city. It ranks third in the entire world. Its level is not particularly high, but its strength should not be underestimated.

Each Creator Academy has its own specialties. The specialty of this academy is its relaxed environment and rich enough classics. In this regard, it can be ranked in the top ten of all the academies. "

The girl in black introduced Tang Zhen as she walked. Judging by her tone, words and deeds, it was as if she had returned to her own home, looking at ease and relaxed.

Tang Zhen acted as a loyal listener. At this time, every word the other party said was remembered in his mind, and it might come in handy at a critical moment.

If you want to plan a plane, you must not miss any information. Sufficient and comprehensive information is the necessary basis for carrying out operations.

Now that Tang Zhen has made up his mind, he will find a way to let monk Loucheng infiltrate into this world, and then cast a big net quietly.

When the net is closed, the world will be under his control.

(End of this chapter)

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