I have a city in another world

Chapter 1791 Official Store

Chapter 1791 Official Store
While the two were talking, they had passed through the long velvet carpet and came to a strange building shaped like a watermelon.

The meat velvet carpet extends all the way to the interior of the building. People are constantly coming in and out at this time, and it looks very lively.

There was no need for Tang Zhen and the two to walk, the velvet carpet squirmed and sent the two into the building, as if in an automatic elevator.

According to the explanation of the girl in black, this kind of meat velvet carpet is also a creature created by the creator. It has the ability to clean itself and move objects, and is very popular with the rich.

After entering the building, I saw elf-like beautiful creatures everywhere in the room. They were shining with colorful fluorescent lights all over their bodies, and sprinkled spots of light when they were flying.

"Welcome, please tell me if you need anything, and I will be responsible for introducing the arrangements for you."

After seeing Tang Zhen and the other two coming in, an elf with transparent wings and a height of only one foot flew over and said in a slender and pleasant voice.

"Go and do your work. I am very familiar with this place, so I will be responsible for guiding it."

Although the elf in front of him was just a creature created by the creator, the girl in black still maintained enough politeness, which made Tang Zhengao take a look.

"Please take your time to visit. If you have anything to do, you can call me and my partner directly."

The colorful elf flapped its wings, saluted Tang Zhen and the girl in black, and then slowly flew towards the counter not far away.

"Now tell me what type of creation ball you plan to buy, so that I can take you there directly, so as not to waste time."

The girl in black, who was employed by others, quickly entered her role and asked Tang Zhen with a very formal expression.

Tang Zhen thought for a while, and then replied in an affirmative tone: "I plan to buy a few from the lowest-level creation ball to the highest-level creation ball, and keep it for later research. Can you buy it here?"

After hearing Tang Zhen's words, the girl showed a surprised expression on her face, and then shook her head slightly.

"The highest-level creation balls are definitely not available here, their value is too high, you need to go to the largest auction house in the capital, where occasionally there will be something you want.

Creation balls that are several levels lower can be bought here, but the price is very expensive. Are you sure you want to buy a few from high to low? "

Tang Zhen nodded, indicating that he really planned to do so.

"Well, I hope you have enough gold coins in your pocket, it will cost a lot of money."

The girl shrugged, and led Tang Zhen to a row of counters, and began to introduce him to the products here.

This is a store specializing in the sale of Creation Balls. Most of the teachers or apprentices in the academy will choose to sell them here after they finish making them.

There are also some creator apprentices who have contacts with shops and send their works to those shops for consignment, but most of these works are somewhat flawed.

In the shops run by the college, the customers are usually connoisseurs, they can distinguish the defects, and naturally they will not pay for them.

If someone knows who the author is, it is not only a problem of not being able to sell, but also involves face, so the quality of the Creation Ball here is basically guaranteed.

Therefore, the creation balls sold in private shops are either inferior products of this type, or the works of self-taught creation apprentices.

"This is the lowest-level creation ball, it should be the work of an apprentice, do you see the label here, it has been appraised by someone, and it belongs to the first-class quality.

There are nine levels of stars, from one to nine, with nine being the highest, and each star is divided into nine levels.

Moreover, the color of this star is still white, indicating that this is only the lowest quality, and there are three quality levels of silver star, gold star, and purple star on it. "

Listening to the introduction of the girl in black, Tang Zhen nodded again and again. The creator's system is indeed quite complete, and it has been refined to such a degree.

The more so, the more he can't miss this plane, he must find a way to control it.

At this time, he was not only secretly grateful, but if he hadn't discovered this special plane first, but had been discovered by other Loucheng theaters, it is estimated that this creator civilization would have been destroyed in one fell swoop.

If so, it will definitely make people heartbroken.

Thinking of this, Tang Zhen looked at the girl in black, and asked in a slightly puzzled tone: "Since it is such a low-level creation ball, why is it placed here, and there is such a high price?"

Hearing Tang Zhen's inquiry, the girl showed such an expression, confirming once again that Tang Zhen really knew nothing about the Creator.

But the more so, the more she admired Tang Zhen's eyesight. It is obviously a skill to tell all the functions of her car just by looking at it.

"You just see the level of this creation ball, but you don't know the value of this plant.

According to the creator's vision, this should be a kind of natural material and earthly treasure that can improve one's cultivation level after being swallowed. It is a special plant that has not been recorded before.

Since he has passed the appraisal, it means that he has succeeded, or that he is only one step away from success, so he is eligible to be placed here.

Of course, this is not a mature plant, and it is uncertain whether it will bear the expected fruit. It will take at least ten or twenty years to get a specific answer.

It is because there is a certain gambling nature, otherwise it would not be worth only [-] gold coins, but at least [-] gold coins! "

After hearing the girl in black's explanation, Tang Zhen waved to the elf beside him, and then pointed to the Creation Ball in front of him.

"I bought this Creation Ball, but I want to buy other ones, should I settle it together or separately?"

After hearing Tang Zhen's words, the little elf said that the settlement can be unified, but she needs to follow by and take care of the records.

Tang Zhen nodded, looked at the girl in black, motioned for her to continue leading the way and introduced.

She earned one hundred thousand gold coins easily, and the girl was obviously very happy, and she was more serious about selecting and introducing them.

Tang Zhen listened carefully at the side, and found that there was indeed a reason for the high price of the other party, because the Creation Balls she chose were indeed of the best quality.

The girl in black didn't even look at those creation balls that had minor flaws but were not a big problem.

Either don't choose, choose the best if you want to choose.

What she did was exactly in line with Tang Zhen's wishes. Her vision was critical enough, and she had enough money in her pocket, so her cooperation was quite good.

The two walked around the store, and finally selected more than 80 creation balls, with a total value of more than 5000 million gold coins.

But Tang Zhen was still not satisfied, because he wanted a higher-level creation ball, but the girl refused to choose it for him.

Facing Tang Zhen's puzzled expression, the girl explained: "It's not that I don't want to make this money, but those advanced creation balls involve too much knowledge and have long exceeded my upper limit of knowledge.

But if you are willing to wait, I can find an expert to help you, but the authentication fee is not 100 gold coins, but [-] million gold coins! "

Hearing the girl in black's explanation, Tang Zhen nodded. The other party was very professional, and he didn't choose to deceive because of money.

"In that case, please help me find an appraiser. It's already here. Naturally, I don't want to leave with regrets."

When Tang Zhen was speaking, he first settled the payment for the more than 80 creation balls, and then put a bag of gold coins into the girl's hands.

The maximum denomination of gold coins in this world is 1000, and there are special gold cards above, the maximum denomination is [-] million.

They all exist for the convenience of the Creator. For ordinary people, it takes a long time to earn a single gold coin.

The girl in black accepted the reward from Tang Zhen, with a smile on her face, she stretched out her hand and snapped her fingers.

"You are very happy. If so, I will give you a [-]% discount."

When the girl said this, she first pointed out some gold coins and returned them to Tang Zhen, without any distressed expression.

Then she took out another item from her pocket, fiddled with it a few times and shouted loudly: "Old man, I found you a business to make extra money by appraising a creation ball for 80 gold coins.

I'm in the college's store, if you want to make money, come here quickly! "

 Thanks to: "The Master of Xiaoyao Pavilion", "Book Friend 180310100759679" and "The Man Determined to Become a Shennong" for their rewards. Thank you to the book friends for their support.

(End of this chapter)

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