Chapter 1816 Tension

In front of the room where Tang Zhen and others lived, the four men sat at the door, refusing to leave.

Especially the man who had the best relationship with Hei San'er followed Tang Zhen every step of the way, as if he would lose his life if he took a step away.

His face is full of pitiful looks, which makes people look angry and ridiculous.

Even though the members of the adventure group showed disgust on their faces, he still refused to leave. He could kneel down in public and beg for help. What could he not do?
What's more, they are not good in nature, their own interests are related, and they are more important than anything else.

As for Tang Zhen himself, he just ignored these four people and continued to do what he should do.

In fact, not only the four men gathered here, other survivors also gathered here, naturally they were also afraid of losing their lives.

After watching Tang Zhen's previous demonstration of tracking, they didn't disperse at all.

This also made the room where Tang Zhen and the others lived very lively, and the survivors' mutual wariness was unknowingly released.

No matter what they say, this is also an act of hugging each other to keep warm, and it is good to understand each other.

In fact, some people didn't believe Tang Zhen's statement, but the sea monster really existed, and it had killed dozens of people.

If it goes back and forth, who is its opponent alone?
Be careful, there is no big mistake, everyone gathers together, and there is a care for each other.

The survivors don't know until now that the king-level sea monster was actually scared away by Tang Zhen, otherwise they would have died by now.

In order to ensure that the crisis can be discovered in time, some people have set up some warning measures. Regardless of whether it is effective or not, it can at least play a role of psychological comfort.

In fact, the biggest hope of these people is still the eye-catching Tang Zhen. After all, among the people present, he seems to be the only one with the highest strength.

At the critical moment, they all hoped that Tang Zhen could step forward so that they could save their lives.

Tang Zhen naturally understood the psychology of the survivors, but he never made it clear that he wanted to protect them, and he was taken for granted by them as a weapon.

If necessary, he would even sacrifice some of his people as bait to catch that mysterious unknown existence.

How could he pay attention to the lives of natives from other worlds that had nothing to do with him?
According to Tang Zhen's guess, that unknown existence doesn't have that much patience, and it is estimated that it will continue to act soon.

Perhaps in its eyes, these survivors trapped in the cave have become its prey.

The next time is a long wait.

After checking the catalytic results of the creation ball on time, Tang was shocked to find that there was already a faint breath in it!

This is a symbol of the birth of life. A little bit today will grow into a real life in the future.

This proves that his experiment has been successful, and it will take time to prove whether he can grow into the special creature he wants as expected.

This is the critical moment, and the creation ball must not be disturbed in any way, otherwise all previous efforts will be wasted.

This is also the reason why those creators keep a low profile and always like to build laboratories in hidden and secluded places, just because they are afraid that accidents will happen and their hard work will be in vain.

Originally, Tang Zhen just tried it out, but he didn't expect it to succeed, which was a surprise.

In this case, he would have no reason to go out early.

A rune magic circle was arranged around the Creation Ball to ensure that no one could touch it. If someone found out and forcibly destroyed it, they would be directly hit by his pre-stored full force.

The power of this kind of world lord's attack is no less than that of nuclear weapons. Not only this cave, but even the towns outside will be razed to the ground in an instant.

Fortunately, there are very few people who can destroy the rune circle, not to mention Tang Zhen's protection, which can guarantee safety and worry-free.

After arranging all this, Tang Zhen heaved a sigh of relief, and activated the rune circle.

With the flash of the rune magic circle, the creation ball placed in front of him suddenly disappeared, even if he reached out to touch it, it was empty.

It has been sealed to an independent special space, and no one can discover its hiding place except Tang Zhen.

Leya next to her saw this scene, and a trace of doubt flashed in her eyes. It was really Tang Zhen's performance, which was more and more beyond her expectations.

Maybe Tang Zhen is indeed a novice in the field of creation, but in other fields, Tang Zhen's methods have already left her far behind.

The curiosity in Leya's heart became more and more intense. She desperately wanted to know what kind of person Tang Zhen was?

After confirming that the rune circle was working normally, Tang Zhen turned his head to look at Leya beside him, and said in a slightly serious tone: "This place is very dangerous now, you'd better not stay too far away from me, otherwise accidents will easily happen."

Before capturing that unknown existence, even Tang Zhen couldn't take it lightly, so as not to alarm this guy.

If it escapes and hides, Tang Zhen will have to work hard to find it.

Leiya nodded. Among all the people present, she was the only one who believed Tang Zhen's words the most.

"Passive defense is not as good as active offense. If things are as you said, everyone here is actually in danger."

Leia made her proposal, apparently aware of this early on.

"Don't worry, as long as it dares to come out again, it will never try to escape."

Seeing Tang Zhen's confident tone, Leiya showed a slight smile, and then tentatively chatted with Tang Zhen.


In a closed and depressing environment, people are most prone to fatigue and drowsiness, especially when experiencing a huge change and life safety cannot be guaranteed.

However, because the danger has not dissipated, and outside rescue is delayed, no one dares to take it lightly.

But people's energy is limited after all, even monks are the same. After going through a lot of tossing, the survivors are exhausted to the extreme.

After persisting for a period of time, someone suggested that it is better for everyone to rest in batches.

This can not only restore physical strength, but also maintain sufficient vigilance, otherwise it will only make the situation worse.

This suggestion was immediately recognized by everyone. After all, no one is physically strong. If they continue like this, they may be completely useless before rescue arrives.

The number of survivors is dozens of people, even if they are divided into two groups, there can be enough alert numbers, so it should be very safe.

After the discussion was made, they immediately divided into two groups, with those who were in charge of guarding around the outside and those who rested in the middle to ensure that each other could be in the sight of everyone at any time.

"Everyone, go to bed quickly, and someone will wake you up when the shift changes."

Seeing the people in the circle outside all holding weapons and looking engrossed, the first group of resters finally felt relieved and lay down on the blankets laid out in a row.

After lying down, the feeling of fatigue continued to hit like a tide, and not long after, someone snored.

Listening to the sound coming from behind, those survivors in charge of vigilance were full of envy. In fact, they were already extremely exhausted, and they all hoped to have a good night's sleep.

But when they thought about the heavy responsibility, everyone could only cheer up and keep scanning the corners of the cave.

Because of the destruction of the king-level sea monster, the original lighting facilities in this hotel have been almost destroyed, so many places look dark.

Fortunately, the eyesight of monks is much better than that of ordinary people. Even in a dark environment, they can still barely see things.

And around their stronghold, there are also many glowing gemstones used for lighting, so the dark environment does not have much impact on them.

There was silence all around, except for the sound of snoring, and the atmosphere seemed to be a little depressing.

The survivors who are in charge of vigilance, in order to dispel the fear in their hearts, talk to the people around them from time to time to strengthen their courage.

But even so, they still had the feeling that there was a pair of greedy eyes in the darkness, watching them intently.

(End of this chapter)

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