I have a city in another world

Chapter 1817 Here Comes Again!

Chapter 1817 Here Comes Again!
The man who made friends with Hei San was named Manzi, and the two grew up together since childhood, and they had a similar taste for each other.

For so many years, the two of them have done a lot of murder and robbing, relying on the high flow of people coming and going on the island, so they have never been discovered.

After following the black and thin man, similar things have not been done less, but because they are well covered up, they have not been exposed.

At this time, Manzi was lying on the ground, tossing and turning, unable to fall asleep, and his eyes were bloodshot.

Tang Zhen's previous words kept Manzi's heart in suspense, for fear that he would fall into a deep pit like Hei San, and then be killed by an unknown monster.

The more you despise the lives of others, the more you cherish your own, especially for people like them.

"Brother, don't come to me, brother, I haven't lived enough.

If you want to hate, then harm others, don't harm me, even if you ask me to help you, brother please! "

Manzi couldn't stop talking in his heart, he knelt down to Tang Zhen for help, and now he is praying to the dead Hei San, he is really a life-saving person.

As long as he can survive, even if it is exchanged with other people's lives, the barbarian will never hesitate.

Because his nerves were always tense, even though everyone else had already sounded asleep, he still had his eyes closed, unable to fall asleep for a long time.

The figure of Hei San kept flashing in his mind, as if the other party was watching him by his side, which made Manzi extremely irritable, almost going crazy.

Deliberately wanted to let out a loud roar to vent the fear in his heart, but thinking of the consequences of doing so, the barbarian could only hold back abruptly.

Everyone was very disgusted with them at first, if he suddenly said such a voice again, he would probably be kicked outside by himself and left to fend for himself.

Manzi, who kept thinking wildly in his mind, finally opened his eyes and looked at the cave above his head.

The top of the cave was pitch black, and most of the gemstones used for lighting had been shaken to the ground, only a few dots of light still existed.

Manzi stared at the top of the cave in a daze for a while, trying to force himself to fall asleep, but found that the glowing gemstone on the top of the cave seemed to be blocked by something.

That gem was still shining for a second, but it was blocked at this time, which is absolutely abnormal.

Manzi panicked, he suddenly felt chills all over his body, and realized the shortcomings of their defensive method.

Although it can prevent the enemy from approaching from around, the cave above their heads has no means of defense at all.

That is to say, the enemy can approach from the top of the cave, and then attack them suddenly while they are not paying attention.

Seeing that the crisis was approaching, the barbarian didn't dare to hesitate, and hurriedly shouted a reminder to everyone around him.

But when he wanted to open his mouth and shout, he was horrified to find that he couldn't speak.

It was as if he couldn't remember how to make a sound and could only open his mouth in vain, letting out a silent cry of terror.

"Here, here he is!"

Manzi vaguely saw in the darkness above his head a vague figure sticking tightly to the top of the cave, also staring at him intently.

The barbarian struggled desperately, trying to use violent movements to remind the survivors on guard that the monster is above your heads and it is about to come down.

But no matter how hard he tried, his hands and feet still seemed to be frozen and unable to move, as if in this body at this moment, thoughts were the only thing that could move.

Just as he became more and more anxious, the luminous gemstone that had been blocked before slowly appeared again, and under the light, a face gradually appeared.

Seeing that face that was too familiar but was soaked in seawater to turn pale, and those eyes like dead fish, Manzi completely despaired.

It was Hei San's face, Tang Zhen was right, he was really coming to take his life.

Desperation was like a tide, constantly rushing towards Manzi's heart. Although the crisis of death was in front of him, he couldn't do anything about it.

"You idiots, haven't you noticed the abnormality above your head? If I die, I will never let you go!
Since we are going to die, we all die together! "

Manzi's heart is full of resentment, why so many people are here, I can only die by myself, this is too unfair.

"Especially that Tang Zhen, I will never let you go!"

In Manzi's view, since Tang Zhen could guess what would happen, he would naturally have a solution.

But at this time, he still didn't make a move, apparently deliberately wanting to die himself.

Therefore, in Manzi's heart, what he hated the most was not the black three who wanted his life, but Tang Zhen who would not save him.

As for the fact that they hid the colorful sea dragon, denied and tried to besiege and kill Tang Zhen, and even plotted against Tang Zhen when they were about to escape, he had already selectively forgotten.

In short, in his heart, Tang Zhen was sorry for him.

Although many thoughts flashed in my mind, in fact, it only passed for a moment.

Immediately afterwards Manzi saw that Hei San suddenly opened his mouth, a long tongue protruded from its mouth, and came straight towards him.

The tongue was translucent, like a poisonous snake, it fell silently in the darkness, and then wrapped itself around the barbarian lying on the ground.

The stiff body was entwined by the slippery and cold tongue, slowly dragging the barbarian off the ground and flying towards the top of the cave.

During this process, the survivors around did not notice any abnormalities at all, as if this incident had never happened at all.

The round-eyed barbarian's face was ashen, while Hei San, who looked down at him from above, had a strange smile on his face.

Just then, a mutation arose.

The barbarian, who had already been slaughtered, also had a strange smile on his face. The moment he got close to Hei San, his body suddenly became able to move.

Before the astonished Hei San could react, Manzi put his arms around his neck, and at the same time kicked his feet vigorously towards the top of the cave.


The sound of a heavy object falling to the ground alarmed the guards.

When they looked back, they saw the guy named Barbarian holding a corpse swollen by water.

He glared angrily, with a smug expression on his face, but it was a pity that this expression was already stiff and fixed on his face forever.

At this time, the barbarian also turned into a corpse.

Everyone who saw this scene was shocked, and quickly woke up the people next to them, while keeping a certain distance from the two corpses, as if avoiding the plague.

"Go and invite His Excellency Tang Zhen, and tell me that the monster has really come!"

A builder turned his head and shouted at the survivors around him.

"Don't shout, I'm already here."

As soon as the words fell, Tang Zhen appeared next to the two corpses and began to look at them intently.

He first glanced at Manzi's body, and found that he was smiling, as if he had fulfilled some great wish.

In fact, the greatest wish of a man like Manzi is nothing more than to enjoy all the glory and wealth, and to be superior to others in every way.

None of these things have been realized at this time, but judging from Manzi's appearance, it seems that he has obtained the greatest satisfaction.

Perhaps at the moment he was controlled by Hei San'er just now, his wish had changed, and became to die with Hei San'er.

Regardless of whether he thought so or not, Tang Zhen did it for him.

That's why the barbarian suddenly broke free and tore Hei San from the top of the cave.

Manzi's life and death were of no importance. What really interested Tang Zhen was the sudden appearance of the corpse of the black trio.

If he read it correctly, the corpse that appeared out of nowhere should have been made by Manzi himself.

 Thanks to: "Master Xiaoyao Pavilion" for the reward, and to book friends for their support.

(End of this chapter)

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