I have a city in another world

Chapter 1849 Geniuses Gather in Sacred Dragon City

Chapter 1849 Geniuses Gather in Sacred Dragon City

Under the leadership of the captain of the local tyrant, Chen Bo visited the inner city as he wished. Looking at the places mentioned by his grandfather, his face was full of excitement.

After the visit, Chen Bo said goodbye to the captain of the local tyrant, and hurried back to the resting place of the team.

He has made up his mind that he must do his best to become one of the hundred mission executors.

In future legends, his name, Chen Bo, must appear.

Three days passed in a blink of an eye.

Young cultivators from various academies, building cities, and fissure territories in the Holy Dragon War Zone have gathered in the Holy Dragon City at this time.

More than 700 million registered contestants, after some elimination, the number of participants in the final is less than [-].

With nearly one in a thousand chances of being eliminated, the contestants participating in the finals are all young talents. If there is no accident, they will all have something to do in the future.

It is precisely because of this that these young monks have received unprecedented attention, and the Internet platform in the theater is even more lively, arguing over who will be shortlisted.

Countless people rushed to the final venue, wanting to witness the final scene with their own eyes, and those who couldn't make it would also watch the live broadcast.

About [-] kilometers away from Sacred Dragon City, a huge arena appeared out of thin air, and this was the venue for the final competition.

Because of the use of the space magic circle, the arena can accommodate millions of people without being crowded.

This place was just a piece of emerald green grass before, but in just one night, a huge arena appeared.

It is said that His Excellency Tang Zhen did it himself, and completed this huge project in a single thought, which amazed the onlookers present at that time.

When the sky was just getting dark, spectators began to appear on the arena one after another. When the morning came, the audience seats in the arena were already overcrowded.

Thousands of king-level monks guard the arena to prevent accidents, and their majestic figures are daunting.

What is surprising is that although there are countless onlookers in this arena, who are constantly talking about each other, there are not many noisy voices.

Some monks who are proficient in rune formations saw the way. It turned out that the corners of the arena were densely covered with various formations, and those noisy sounds were quickly filtered out as soon as they appeared.

Thinking that Tang Zhen was able to set up such a complicated and mysterious rune circle while building the arena, the hearts of those monks were full of admiration.

Just when the game was about to start, a large group of monks suddenly appeared in mid-air in the direction of the Holy Dragon City, and rushed towards the arena.

Flying over the Holy Dragon City is strictly prohibited. This is a rule that everyone knows. To be able to ignore this rule must be a person with special privileges.

"It's Your Excellency Tang Zhen, Your Excellency Tang Zhen is here!"

I don't know which monk shouted loudly, and then all the spectators stood up at the same time in the huge arena, looking up at the figure of the approaching monks.

Sure enough, at the front of this group of monks, a young man wearing a purple-gold battle armor was looking around with a smile, while gently waving his hands in greeting.

"Meet Your Excellency Tang Zhen!"

No one commanded, but the audience on the field bowed and saluted at the same time, their voices soaring into the sky.

Seeing the master of the war zone who established the holy dragon war zone with his own hands, and even became famous in the three thousand war zone, countless monks were excited.

They have all heard Tang Zhen's name for a long time, and today they are finally able to meet each other, so how can they not be very excited?
Some people even came here not to watch the game at all, but to see Tang Zhen with their own eyes and see the legend in their hearts.

Amidst the cheers like a tsunami, Tang Zhen and others sat on the specially reserved seats and stared at the stadium below.

It was only then that the audience noticed that the monks following Tang Zhen were either the city lords of the buildings or the well-known monks of the Emperor Ling in the war zone.

It is rare to see these people on weekdays, but they are gathered here today, which not only makes the audience even more excited.

"Is that the one next to His Excellency Tang Zhen His Excellency Tyson?"

"That's right, the other one is Your Excellency Qianlong, the city lord of our Loucheng!"

"Who are those beautiful monks? Why are they sitting next to Your Excellency Tang Zhen?"

"Do you usually only know how to practice and never log in to the theater network, why can't you even recognize Your Excellency Murong Ziyue and Your Excellency Lisa?"

"Of course I know the two of them, and I also know His Excellency Tang Zhen's wife, but tell me who is that little girl?"

"Uh... I don't know her either. Could it be the daughter of His Excellency Tang Zhen?"

"Don't talk nonsense, His Excellency Tang Zhen's sons and daughters are all adults, but this is clearly a little girl!"

The audience around talked a lot, and Tang Zhen, who was sitting in the stands, talked and laughed freely, as if the surrounding environment could not have any influence on him.

"Tang Zhen, did you hear that, they say I'm your daughter, it's so irritating."

While Tang Zhen was chatting with Qianlong and Tyson, the little girl next to him turned around and said in a crisp voice.

"Taking Your Excellency the Mother Tree as the daughter of the city lord, there must be something wrong with their eyes, but as the saying goes, don't blame those who don't know, as long as Your Excellency the Mother Tree gets used to it."

Qianlong said with a smile at the side, but anyone with a discerning eye could see that there was a trace of teasing in his smile.

No one could believe that the energy incarnation of the giant tree that almost enveloped half of the inner city turned out to be a cute little loli.

Thinking of the weight of the mother tree in the hearts of the residents of Sacred Dragon City, and looking at this little guy who looked like a porcelain doll in front of him, Qianlong felt weird.

Today's Qianlong has a full head of white hair, neatly tied together by silver rings, and even his eyebrows have turned white, but his face is still the same as before.

It's just that, it gives people a rather devilish feeling, coupled with his usual seriousness, some people even secretly call him the white-haired devil.

As the master of Loucheng, he has already launched invasions on several planes, and the experience of life and death has made Qianlong's temperament more stable.

The nickname of the white-haired devil is not as simple as talking about it. In the hearts of the enemies, he is an out-and-out devil.

However, in front of Tang Zhen, Qianlong returned to his tired look, and even took the time to tease the incarnation of the mother tree.

The mother tree pouted her mouth angrily when she heard the words, but when she realized that she was no match for Qianlong, she finally snorted and stopped talking to him.

She is not like this, but the image of the avatar cannot be changed, not to mention that according to the lifespan of the mother tree, she is really just a child.

Seeing the angry look of the mother tree, everyone laughed and the atmosphere became more relaxed.

Looking at the familiar faces around him, Tang Zhen couldn't help feeling a little emotional. Many of the Loucheng residents who followed him back then are now in important positions.

Even for the high-profile finals, some old residents still couldn't make it because they were on the battlefield in another world.

Tang Zhen will not force everyone to gather together, because he knows in his heart that it is because of the Loucheng monks who are around him and fighting in other worlds that the Shenglong War Zone can have its current prosperity.

When you get something, you have to pay something. Why don't the old residents who are fighting outside want to come back, they just can't help themselves.

Before you know it, the moment of the finals has officially arrived.

Teams of heroic young monks, led by their respective team leaders, entered the arena in groups.

Among the lineups participating in the finals, the teams from the various building cities in the Holy Dragon Theater undoubtedly possessed the strongest strength.

Especially the young monks from Sacred Dragon City have a cultivation environment far superior to other buildings, making them more competitive.

The young monks in other Loucheng should not be underestimated either. Maybe their birth environment is not as good as that of Sacred Dragon City, but they may not be inferior in talent and ability?

In addition to the teams from various building cities, the young monks from the Folk Academy are also no less impressive.

Although they don't have the same training boost as the big buildings, they also have a pretty good training environment because of the promotion of the practice rune circle.

Young monks who can stand out in this kind of environment are born from humble backgrounds, and their talents are the best choices.

The young monks from the Fissure Territory are also outstanding figures, because the energy of the world is extremely strong, so there is no need to say much about their advantages in cultivation.

Compared with the teams of various buildings and colleges, the young monks from the fissure territory are generally younger, which is not only an advantage, but also a disadvantage.

The three types of teams each have their own strengths, and now that they get together, it is inevitable that there will be a lot of fighting.

Tang Zhen and the others watched with a smile on their faces. They didn't care about the final result. They only needed to see the scene where the talents gathered on this day, and their hearts were filled with a sense of accomplishment.

 Thanks to: "Master Xiaoyao Pavilion" for the reward, and to book friends for their support.

(End of this chapter)

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