I have a city in another world

Chapter 1850 Fighting Monsters

Chapter 1850 Fighting Monsters
Nearly [-] talented players competed on the same stage, which naturally attracted the attention of countless people.

At this moment, whether it is the Holy Dragon War Zone or the Fissure Territory, they are all paying attention to this event.

With the current strength of the Shenglong Theater, it is absolutely easy to live broadcast a game in real time.

Compared with other war zones, the Shenglong theater has a strong technological atmosphere. After decades of operation and construction, the Shenglong theater is more like a technological plane.

Tang Zhen's purpose is to combine science and technology with cultivation, with cultivation civilization as the mainstay and science and technology civilization as the supplement. After the two are integrated, the entire theater will have a new look.

The communication network spreads throughout the entire war zone, and the transmission of information is smoother, especially in the cities where ordinary people live, technological items can be seen everywhere.

It is for this reason that countless spectators can witness the live action of the game and cheer for the teams they care about.

Even the original world is also paying attention to this game. In addition to the global live broadcast, there are also a large number of spectators arriving at the scene.

Among the participating teams, there are several teams that are very special because all their members come from the original world.

The kindness of dripping water is reciprocated by the spring. After Tang Zhen became famous, he naturally couldn't forget the original world that provided him with great help.

Not only did he open up more original world immigration qualifications, but he also allowed former world organization students to come to Holy Dragon City to study and exchange.

The students who have obtained this qualification are all true geniuses, and they can't get in if they have background or strength.

Ordinary tourists and students are two completely different concepts, and the latter are almost equivalent to temporary residents of Sacred Dragon City.

These students from the original world studied and cultivated in Sacred Dragon City, and when they expired, they could return to the original world or join various building cities.

With the experience of studying and living in Sacred Dragon City, these students are very popular no matter in the original world or in various building cities.

Among these buildings in the Holy Dragon War Zone, some buildings were established by officials such as the Asian League and the American League to enjoy the war dividends through plane invasion.

Ninety-nine out of [-] of the students receiving training in Holy Dragon City will join this type of Loucheng, which can be regarded as Tang Zhen enhancing their strength in disguise.

The stronger the building city in the war zone, the more benefits it will have for Tang Zhen, so he is quite supportive of this kind of thing.

As the field of vision continues to widen, the eyes of the original world are set on the broader Great Thousand Plane, and they have long lost interest in competing for the tiny land of the earth.

Tang Zhen had no intention of cutting willows, but kept the original world from having wars for decades, which is more or less a merit.

Compared with the elites in the entire theater and the young monks in the crack territory, the strength of the original world team is not too strong.

However, the competition is a test of overall strength. In some events, the former world students still have strong competitiveness.

With the sound of a trombone, the game officially began.

The competition items in the first level are the contestants' cultivation base and combat effectiveness.

Invincible in all directions, crushing the Great Thousand Plane, what the monks of Loucheng are most proud of is naturally their powerful fighting skills.

The young monks participating in the competition have all undergone systematic training, and many of them have good skills, so they are full of confidence in the first level.

Looking at the competitors around them, they secretly swear in their hearts that no matter what kind of competition they play, they must be perfect.

"The first competition begins!"

A distant voice sounded, and immediately under the eyes of everyone, the participating teenagers were divided into different areas at the same time.

These areas are like hexagonal grids, like transparent glass blocks, making it impossible for contestants to come together.

The original team was also completely dismantled, and the only way to win is by yourself.

The audience took a closer look at those grids, and soon showed surprise on their faces.

The space formed by these grids seems to be very small, but when you stare at it, it seems to be infinitely enlarged, which gives people a very weird feeling.

Although I don't understand the specific principle, for the audience, it is more convenient for them to watch the game.

Those young monks who participated in the competition looked dignified, and they kept looking around, and at the same time, they were ready to fight.

When he came back to his senses, a group of hideous monsters suddenly appeared and swarmed towards those young monks.

There have been no monsters in the holy dragon theater for a long time, because Tang Zhen, the master of the theater, has canceled this slightly backward training method.

However, for this competition, the cornerstone platform has restarted the ability to create monsters to test the true level of the young monk.

The strength of these monsters ranges from low to high, and they have a fixed number. When the specified time is up, the one who kills the most monsters wins.

Different from the virtual illusion of the cornerstone platform, this is a real fight with real swords and guns. If you are not careful, you will be injured by monsters.

Although you won't lose your life, you will inevitably suffer a lot.

After knowing the content of the competition, the audience took it for granted and looked forward to it even more.

Because the enemies these young monks will face in the future will be ten times more cunning than these monsters, and more cunning.

If you can't even deal with these monsters now, how will you set foot on the plane battlefield in the future to deal with various crises?
Compared with the older generation of monks, the only thing these young monks lack is perhaps this kind of blood and fire fighting.

The audience in the arena looked calm and calm, but the young monks participating in the competition were tense. They clenched the sabers in their hands and slashed at the monsters with roars.

The arena space is completely sealed, there is no escape, not to mention the arrogance in their hearts, they will never give up easily.

The blade flashed, the blood was soaring, and the monsters roared angrily after being injured.

Perhaps due to their nature, these monsters showed no fear and launched more violent attacks on the young monk.

In the face of such a ferocious monster, it is inevitable that some young monks will feel timid and make many mistakes in the battle.

Some people have even been injured by monsters and were sent out of their competition space after being unable to hold on.

The Cornerstone Platform took the opportunity to repair their bodies to ensure that they can participate in the next competition normally.

Seeing this scene, the monks in Loucheng couldn't help shaking their heads secretly, and some even cursed directly.

"These little bastards are nothing more than first-level monsters, and they made them into a mess, it really pissed me off.

When Laozi was their age, even though he was only a second-level monk, he had already killed several third-level monsters by himself. "

A companion nearby heard this, smiled and shook his head and said: "How does it compare between that time and now? The living environment in the past was extremely harsh, and you couldn't survive without working hard.

If you look at the current environment again, fights between buildings and cities are not allowed, underage monks are not allowed to participate in plane wars, and some contestants have never even killed chickens.

It's already quite good for them to be able to perform like they are now, why do you ask for so much? "

Hearing what his companion said, the monk shook his head and turned to look at Tang Zhen who was sitting in the stands.

After hesitating for a while, he said to his companion: "You said Tang Zhen's actions are good or bad, and will it affect the strength of our theater?"

Hearing this, his companion frowned slightly, and said in a displeased tone: "You dare to question His Excellency Tang Zhen's decision based on your two actions?"

The monk choked for a moment, and muttered in a low voice: "Although these young monks are not weak in cultivation, they are all tied up in the face of first-level monsters, which makes people feel a little disappointed. It can be seen that there are drawbacks in this bloodless training method."

His companion shook his head, and while watching the game, he said: "These young monks are extremely talented, what they lack is battlefield experience, and other aspects are ten times and a hundred times better than ours back then.

After going to the battlefield and polishing for a year or so, he will definitely grow up quickly, and his future potential is much greater than ours.

If you don't believe me, let's make a bet, wait ten or eight years, and then you can see the achievements of these young monks.

If not as good as you, my name is written upside down. "

Hearing his companion's resolute tone, the monk thought for a while and nodded slightly.

"Even if it's a real bet, I hope you can win, and I hope to have the opportunity to see with my own eyes the day when these young monks really grow up."

(End of this chapter)

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