I have a city in another world

Chapter 1896 Sister Mei's Poisonous Scheme

Chapter 1896 Sister Mei's Poisonous Scheme

Seeing the appreciation in Tang Zhen's eyes, although Sister Mei didn't say anything, she was very proud in her heart.

Her past experiences have only been told to Tang Zhen so far, and other people have no right to know, otherwise it will be the time of death.

It is impossible for Sister Mei to let someone who knows her secret live, it will bring her danger, if the secret is leaked out, maybe the enemy will come to her at any time.

But these things are always kept in my heart, and it is also a very depressing thing to have no one to show off.

Being able to tell Tang Zhen and get a little appreciation has already satisfied Sister Mei.

"Looking at his appearance, he should be very satisfied with me, that's good!"

Thinking of this, Sister Mei, the female demon, became more and more proud. Conquering a strong man like Tang Zhen would bring her great satisfaction.

Sister Mei is an oddity among their races, she doesn't bother to depend on and serve other demons to survive, instead she has embarked on a completely different path of being strong.

Although she has the appearance of a city, she seems to be weak, but in fact her hands are bloody, and there are countless souls who died in her hands.

In the practice world, killings are not uncommon, and people who destroy countries and cities abound.

For this kind of thing, Tang Zhen has long been familiar with it, and will never affect his judgment because some monks kill too much.

Otherwise, if you look at the entire Loucheng world, there will be no one available. You must know that Loucheng monks above the king level have killed countless people!
He pays more attention to the ability of the opponent, whether he can use it for himself, as long as he has such conditions, even if he was an enemy before, there is no problem.

Sister Mei is a good candidate. With her participation in my plan, it may be much easier.

Thinking of this, Tang Zhen said: "The purpose of my leaving you is not only to provide assistance during the battle, but also to help me plan. How can I hunt more demons?"

Sister Mei showed a complex expression upon hearing this.

She already knew Tang Zhen's identity as a real demon, and increased her strength by hunting demons,
It's not like there are no such demons, but they are equivalent to the demon cultivators among demons, playing the role of being the enemy of the world.

Even among the devil group, they are extremely disgusted with such a guy. Once exposed, they will often be hunted down to death.

Because this is different from seeking revenge and profit among demons, it is completely killing for no reason, pure black sheep.

At this moment, Sister Mei felt like she was on a pirate ship, and she still couldn't get off.

She was afraid that after being exposed one day, Tang Zhen would be chased and killed by demons collectively, and she would also be implicated.

But now he is restrained, life and death are all controlled by Tang Zhen, so even if he knows that the road ahead is full of dangers, he can only bite the bullet and go on.

It should be known that once the devil decides to do something, most of them will not give up easily. If he dissuades him, it will arouse Tang Zhen's anger.

Slaves have no human rights, and they can only suffer in silence if they are punished. If so, why bother?

After frowning and thinking for a while, Sister Mei's eyes brightened slightly, and she made a suggestion.

"The easiest way is naturally to search for traces of the devil's nest, and then invade and plunder like the master.

It's just that there are disadvantages to doing so, and it will only make it more difficult for you to find the magic nest.

It should be known that most of the devil's lairs that are more than a thousand years old are very well hidden, and it is not easy to find them.

The two demon lairs that the master wiped out, the original masters have only been demons for hundreds of years, and they are both shallow and self-righteous idiots.

Being so ostentatious is purely asking for death. Even if the master doesn't kill them, sooner or later other demons will come to kill them.

After these two incidents, the other demons must be alert. As long as the master enters the area under their control, they will definitely close the entrance of the demon lair.

It is bound to waste a lot of time to search for the entrance of the devil's nest, and it is still unknown whether it can be found in the end. "

Tang Zhen listened to the analysis in silence, nodding slightly from time to time, obviously agreeing with Sister Mei's point of view.

Seeing this, Sister Mei let go of her courage and spoke up.

"Instead of blindly searching for the devil's nest, why not take the initiative to set up a game to attract the devil, and at the same time, let's hide behind the scenes and make a fortune with a muffled voice!"

When Sister Mei said this, her eyebrows were beaming, and she looked very proud.

Tang Zhen spat out the fine wine in his glass, and with a smile that was not a smile, he glanced at Sister Mei lightly.

After seeing Tang Zhen's eyes, Sister Mei felt a little guilty, and her eyes turned slightly.

"The reason why you suggested me to do this is because you are afraid of making too many enemies and being hunted down by demons and implicating you, right?"

Sister Mei covered her mouth and smiled lightly, although Tang Zhen pointed out her thoughts, but she was not at all embarrassed.

To be able to keep her own life as much as possible while completing the task, in her opinion, it is nothing more than normal.

All planning is only for profit, but risks will also follow. If you can guarantee safety while gaining benefits, why not do it?
Tang Zhen didn't care about Sister Mei's little thoughts, as long as he could attract enough demons for him, no matter what method he used, Tang Zhen wouldn't care.

"It seems that you already have an idea in your mind, how to operate it, why don't you tell me?"

If Sister Mei's plan works, Tang Zhen will start to implement it immediately, and will never waste any time.

"Demons are greedy by nature, and they simply cannot control the temptations that make their hearts flutter.

We can take advantage of this and create an imaginary treasure that they will come to fight for.

Fighting is inevitable in the process of scrambling, so we can take the opportunity to kill them all! "

Tang Zhen nodded. This method is not bad, but how to operate it needs to be explained in detail by sister Mei.

"According to my understanding, the demons and the human race were evenly matched ten thousand years ago. It was not until after a great battle that the demons completely gained the upper hand that the current situation was formed.

During that great war that year, many powerful demons died or fell asleep, and their demon lairs were also sealed or buried.

However, there must be countless treasures hidden in such a devil's nest, and once it appears, it will cause the devil to snatch it madly.

We can forge a similar demon lair, deliberately scatter some treasures, and then spread the news, so that those demons can be attracted. "

Sister Mei's plan is very simple, but it is also very effective. If the operation is successful, it may really save Tang Zhen a lot of time.

"The plan is good. I think I can give it a try. Do you have any suggestions for the location and items?"

Tang Zhen didn't know much about this world, so he naturally wanted to ask Sister Mei, a local snake, for her advice at this moment, so as to avoid any omissions in the implementation process.

Sister Mei seems to have a plan in mind, maybe she has a similar plan for a long time, but because of her personal strength, she has never been able to implement it.

"The location can be chosen in a valley on the outskirts of this city, where there used to be an ancient battlefield, and from time to time there will be remnants of that year unearthed.

Many demons know about this matter, so choosing the location here can maximize the credibility.

As for the treasures, I have collected some over the years. Although the value is average, they can barely be used as bait.

If the owner has more valuable items in his hand, he can also take out some. The higher the value of the bait, the better the effect will be. "

As if thinking of the scene where her plan was successfully executed and countless demons were killed, Sister Mei was so excited that she almost screamed on the spot, her face flushed.

(End of this chapter)

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