I have a city in another world

Chapter 1897 There is a long way to go to eliminate demons and defend the way

Chapter 1897 There is a long way to go to eliminate demons and defend the way

In the following time, Sister Mei was very active and offered advice and suggestions.

As an aboriginal monk, she knows more secrets and anecdotes, and has a more accurate psychological control over demons.

Entrusting this matter to her is obviously the right person, and I believe the result will not disappoint Tang Zhen.

As long as the demons are attracted, it is enough for Tang Zhen, as long as they show up, they will never leave!

Sister Mei and Tang Zhen discussed all night, and after taking all the changes into consideration, they finalized the whole plan.

Then Sister Mei accepted the order, took the things Tang Zhen gave her, and ran excitedly to start the layout.

Sister Mei didn't say that this plan had been brewing in her heart for a long time, but she just didn't have the courage to carry it out.

Now with Tang Zhen as the backing, Sister Mei no longer has any scruples and is eager to make things happen.

This succubus has always been full of adventurous spirit, longing for an exciting life.

That's why she doesn't spend a lot of time running the devil's lair like other demons, but hides among the people and does some plundering and assassination.

Walking on the edge of life and death, tasting the thrilling and exciting feeling, made her intoxicated.

Sister Mei was filled with excitement when she thought that she had a heavy responsibility to accomplish what she wanted to do but was afraid to do before.

The resentment originally controlled by Tang Zhen dissipated a lot unknowingly, and even a little expectation rose in his heart.

If the plan can be successful, great benefits will definitely be obtained. As the minister who made the first contribution, Tang Zhen will definitely not treat himself badly.

The reason why Sister Mei is so confident is because she is a real high-level demon, not a mixed-blood demon like Bone Erosion.

It is not without reason that pure-blooded demons look down on mixed-blooded demons, no matter their status or combat effectiveness, the two cannot be compared at all.

Tang Zhen would never kill her unless it was really necessary, that would be the greatest waste of resources.

Sister Mei firmly believes that as long as she does things with her heart, her status will become higher and higher, and her position will become more and more stable.

Of course, if given the chance, Sister Mei would still choose to get rid of Tang Zhen's control. No matter how comfortable a rich dog lives, it is not as free as a stray dog.

Life is always in the hands of others, and it is precarious. She really doesn't want this kind of oppressive life.


Sister Mei just appeared briefly, and then disappeared.

As for Sister Mei's whereabouts, the demon hunters who met her didn't ask much, but guessed that she was probably on a secret mission.

Since Sister Mei said that she was Tang Zhen's personal assistant, the demon hunter also had some guesses about Tang Zhen's background, which was obviously not as simple as it seemed on the surface.

Thinking about it, how could such a powerful demon hunter appear out of thin air, there must be a powerful force behind him.

This celestial-looking Mei sister is obviously a member of the hidden force, who appeared unexpectedly and then disappeared mysteriously, making it impossible for people to know her whereabouts.

As for other irrelevant people, they didn't even know that Sister Mei existed, let alone that Tang Zhen had gained a high-level demon servant overnight.

If this matter spreads, it will inevitably cause another uproar. Being able to enslave a high-level demon is definitely a very rare thing.

The difficulty of accomplishing this task is even far greater than that of clearing the devil's nest, and there have been very few successful people since ancient times.

Silent all night.

Early the next morning, hundreds of demon hunters gathered in the lobby of the hotel, attracting the attention of passers-by.

They secretly guessed in their hearts, could it be that some important person lives here?

There were more people outside the hotel, including the demon hunters who were still on the sidelines, as well as the agents of the rich.

After clearing two devil's nests in a row, Tang Zhen's reputation grew, and many demon hunters came here admiringly, wanting to witness his feat of clearing out the devil's nests with their own eyes.

As time goes by, there will be more and more such demon hunters, and they will continue to join the demon hunting team.

It was very lively outside, a large group of people were waiting eagerly, but Tang Zhen sat inside the room.

The middle-aged monk representing the government came to visit at dawn and was discussing with him the next goal of suppression.

Just like Sister Mei said before, the demons who blatantly exposed the location of their demon lairs are actually very few, and most of the demons hide their demon lairs very deeply.

The veteran demon is cruel and low-key, he is definitely not as ostentatious as he appears in the phenomenon, looking for trouble for himself.

This also caused Tang Zhen to be unable to find a target for a while after clearing out the two demon nests.

Ninety-nine percent of those specious rumors were created by the demon servants and had nothing to do with the demon nest.

Fortunately, the middle-aged monk came prepared, and he had a piece of information in his hand, marking several locations where there might be a devil's nest.

Using Tang Zhen's hand to weaken the demon was originally an official plan, so they had already made full preparations before their arrival.

Seeing this, Tang Zhen smiled slightly, naturally wishing for it.

After carefully analyzing the information provided by the middle-aged monk, Tang Zhen pondered for a moment, and finally chose a location.

"Beihuang Swamp, I think this place is good, shall we go and have a look?"

Hearing the location mentioned by Tang Zhen, the middle-aged monk smiled and said that there is no problem with this place.

"Beihuang Swamp is located in a nature reserve, because the environment is dangerous and wild animals are rampant, few people dare to approach it on weekdays.

The entrance to the Demon's Nest in the information is located in the ruins of this swamp, which was accidentally discovered decades ago.

Since the discoverer insisted that he saw a large group of monsters, we sent a squad of witchers to investigate, but the team never returned.

After this incident, we sent another team of elites to investigate, and finally determined that this place is a demon nest.

Due to the remoteness of the place, the headquarters sealed up the investigation results, and at the same time used official power to change that area into a nature reserve. "

The middle-aged monk gave a brief introduction, but they didn't have much useful information. Obviously, they didn't have a deeper understanding of this devil's nest.

This is actually very normal. If it is not necessary, even the official will not go deep into the devil's nest, so as not to cause greater changes.

If you really poke a hornet's nest, you will only get stung all over your head. You are asking for trouble.

This situation also illustrates the embarrassing situation of the official demon hunters. Facing the enemy of life and death, they dare not provoke them too much.

Even if he knew that a catastrophe was imminent, he had no choice but to secretly engage in some small tricks.

Perhaps their hearts are full of helplessness, but in the face of powerful demons, what they can do is actually very limited.

It's like a fish thrown into a pot of boiling water, knowing that sooner or later it will turn into a pot of fish soup, but it can't escape at all.

Everything he did at this time was more like a struggle before being scalded to death, but it didn't really make much sense.

"If Your Excellency Tang Zhen wants to go to the Northern Wilderness Swamp, I can help you contact the military's transport plane, and I can deliver you to the designated place in the shortest possible time.

As for the road in the swamp, there are also corresponding means of transportation, and you don't need to take a step in the whole process. "

The middle-aged monk knew in his heart that with Tang Zhen's strength, he could completely ignore the danger in the swamp and directly reach the location where the devil's nest was.

The main function of these vehicles is to transport ordinary demon hunters and send them to the battlefield.

It is also meaningful to kill more demon servants. When the catastrophe comes, perhaps fewer people will die.

 Thanks: "altis74" for the reward, and thanks for the support of book friends.

(End of this chapter)

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