I have a city in another world

Chapter 1898 Fighting in the Air

Chapter 1898 Fighting in the Air

"As long as Your Excellency Tang Zhen is willing, we can cooperate unconditionally and mobilize the resources you need as much as possible."

Needless to say Tang Zhen's strength, after clearing the demon's nest, there must be no shortage of cultivation resources, and the money in his hands is even more countless.

Under such circumstances, the official means of buying demon hunters were useless in front of Tang Zhen.

So the only thing that can be done is to provide logistical assistance, collect intelligence, and show sincerity as much as possible.

The middle-aged monk believed that Tang Zhen would definitely feel their sincerity.

After determining the location of the operation and discussing everything properly, the middle-aged monk immediately arranged the matter.

Official demon hunters have a lot of power, and it is not very difficult for them to apply for military transport.

Especially the middle-aged monk in front of him came with a heavy responsibility, and his authority was much higher than other official demon hunters.

It took only an hour for the middle-aged monk to tell Tang Zhen that everything was ready and ready to act at any time.

Led by Tang Zhen, a large group of demon hunters traveled to the nearby airport in a vehicle.

When they arrived at the destination, they saw that the airport was under martial law, and teams of heavily armed soldiers were guarding there.

This time, not only demon hunters participated in the eradication of the demon nest, but also elite soldiers from the military.

The weapons and equipment they use are all developed at a huge expense, and their purpose is to deal with demonic creatures.

These elite soldiers have undergone special training, and they will also cooperate with the demon hunters to participate in the battle this time, but they are only responsible for the peripheral defense, so as to prevent those who slip through the net from escaping.

When clearing the demon lair for the second time, a large number of demon servants fled, causing the whole city to be in chaos last night, and a large number of demon hunters hunted the demon servants everywhere.

Although there were a lot of casualties, the official intervention did not cause much panic.

The reason is that the defense work on the periphery has not been done well, and no one is even in charge of defense at all.

Having learned the lesson from last time, this time the officials not only mobilized the army, but also added a large number of civilian demon hunters.

Now, in the headquarters of the demon hunters in all cities, there is an official employment mission, and the rewards are extremely generous.

Anyone who is willing to follow Tang Zhen to clear the demon nest can sign up to accept the task, and then the official organization will be organized and delivered to the designated place collectively.

This was a big move that had never happened in a century, which attracted the attention of all parties and made Tang Zhen's reputation even louder.

On the airport at this time, there were shaking figures everywhere, and the reflection of weapons and armor appeared from time to time.

Before participating in the operation, the demon hunter had completely updated his equipment to improve his strength as much as possible.

Seeing that the demon tide is about to be wiped out, the risk factor is extremely high, so you must not be stingy with points at this time.

After all the personnel boarded the transport plane, several transport planes took off one after another and headed straight for the northern wilderness swamp.

Next to these transport planes, there are six fighter jets as escorts to prevent accidents during the flight.

The means of demons are hard to guard against, and the dispatch of fighter jets to protect them is also to prevent them from attacking in the air.

Facts have proved that this approach is quite wise.

Just 10 minutes after the transport plane took off, a large group of flying monsters suddenly appeared and tried to destroy the transport plane.

The fighter pilots who had been prepared for a long time immediately fought with these flying monsters. Relying on their super fast speed and sharp weapons, they temporarily suppressed the attacks of these flying monsters.

But there were too many monsters, and after a while, fighter jets were damaged one after another, and they had to apply for support from the rear.

The devil's methods were not limited to this, and there were more than one wave of flying monsters who came to intercept them. It didn't take long for more flying monsters to appear in the field of vision.

These monsters are huge in size and ferocious in appearance. There are not only monsters like giant dragons, but also monsters like Chimera.

They are all over the sky, like dark clouds sweeping in, completely blocking the forward route of the transport plane.

The demon hunters on the transport plane were terrified. Due to their limited strength, [-]% of them could not fly in the air.

Once the transport plane crashes, neither the demon hunter nor the soldiers have the possibility of surviving.

At this critical moment, Tang Zhen's figure suddenly appeared in the air and flew towards the monsters.

Wielding a long bloody whip in his hand, he swept towards those flying monsters one after another, flashing afterimages in the air.

Wherever the whip passed, screams could be heard endlessly, and those arrogant monsters were cut in two, falling from the air to the ground continuously.

A whip shadow flew over, clearing out a large area of ​​space, the speed was jaw-dropping.

In the transport plane, there is a special player that can see the outside scene.

The demon hunters who watched the battle were stunned, and then applauded in unison, their faces full of admiration.

If he also has such strength and treats the group of demons as nothing, where can he not go under the whole world?

A real man should be like Your Excellency Tang Zhen, even though he is surrounded by thousands of monsters, he still doesn't change his face, killing monsters is like mowing grass!

Although they wanted to fight the enemy together with Tang Zhen, their strength was limited, so they could only stare blankly at this moment, but they couldn't help at all.

Those official demon hunters also stared at Tang Zhen, and many young people blushed with excitement, wishing that the figure in the sky was themselves.

In the sky at this time, the battle situation became more and more intense.

Tang Zhen rushed forward with his whip, and several transport planes followed behind him. With jaw-dropping speed, he forcibly opened a passage among the monsters.

Just when everyone thought they were finally out of the crisis, a large group of flying monsters suddenly appeared in the distant sky.

These monsters are huge in size, covered with thick bone armor, shining with a dark luster in the sunlight.

On the scales of the flying monsters, there are smaller flying monsters clinging to them. They look like yaksha ghosts, wriggling on the monsters.

When approaching Tang Zhen, they kept flying down from the monster like dumplings.

In the blink of an eye, there was another sea of ​​monsters, re-weaving a barrier to completely seal off the passage of the transport plane.

Once the transport plane collides with these monsters, it will be seriously damaged, and the death of the plane will only happen in an instant.

"It's endless, I think you are in a hurry to die!"

Seeing another group of flying monsters appear, Tang Zhen showed a look of boredom, and raised his hand and waved forward.

"Here's a ride for you!"

The air became extremely viscous, and ripples and folds suddenly appeared, and in an instant, they turned into crescent moons that condensed from nothing.

These crescent moons shone with golden light and exuded a dazzling cold light, as if they were extremely sharp.

Roughly estimated, the number is at least over [-], filling the sky to the brim.

"go with!"

Following Tang Zhen's low growl, these crescent-shaped objects made soft noises, sweeping towards the flying monster overwhelmingly.

The sky was like blood-colored fireworks, and the blood mist exploded in the air, and the scattered limbs and arms fell towards the ground like rain.

Seeing this, the flying monsters rushing over quickly dodged around, but they didn't expect these crescent moons to fly alternately in the air like boomerangs.

When they touch together, they merge into one, turning into a larger meniscus, sweeping across the air.

"Damn, what kind of weird trick is this?"

In the sky in the distance, there is also a huge dragon with a size of tens of meters, and a heavily armored demon stands on the dragon's back.

Its name is Tiancao Demon, and it is quite well-known among the demon camp.

Seeing the flying monsters that attacked earlier were cut down one after another, the demon was ashamed and annoyed. He didn't expect Tang Zhen to be so difficult to deal with.

But in the blink of an eye, most of the demon servant I had cultivated for many years was damaged, and it was so painful that it bleeds from the heart.

If it had known this, it would not have intercepted Tang Zhen halfway, which is really not worth the candle.

It's just that the battle has progressed to such an extent that once he quits, he will lose everything. It seems that he is the only one who will go on the field in person to kill this demon hunter named Tang Zhen.

"Servants, follow me into battle and tear this demon hunter into pieces!"

The Heavenly Cave Demon waved its arms, and the several bloody demons guarding it, as well as nearly a thousand heavy armored demons responded at the same time, making scalp-numbing roars.

Tang Zhen had already cleared out the flying monsters in the air. Seeing another wave of monsters flying towards him, the leader was still a high-level demon, and immediately charged forward.

I just subdued a female demon last night, and today she is not afraid of death and sent it to my door. If I can do this every day, it will save Tang Zhen a lot of energy.

(End of this chapter)

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