Chapter 1936
The bloody battle of Sand Sea Pearl has attracted countless attention.

People keep an eye on Tamor's battle situation through various means, and the topics of daily discussion are also related to this.

The media also did not let go of this opportunity, no matter what happens, it will be broadcast as soon as possible.

People know very well in their hearts that through this war, the gap between humans and demons can be seen.

If human beings win, it means that there will be hope in the future, and the demons are not invincible.

But if the human army fails, then in the days to come, they must do their best, otherwise the catastrophe of genocide is imminent.

In fact, there are more than one devil's nest now, but none of the countries where the devil's nest is located has acted rashly.

The lesson of the small desert country is right in front of us. If we attack rashly, it may cause unimaginable disaster.

Being in peace with each other is exactly what they hoped for, and it can be maintained day by day.

Therefore, most countries choose to surround the demon nest with heavy troops, but they will not take the initiative to attack. At the same time, they try their best to find the possibility of solving the problem.

After those demon lairs appeared, they also did not launch a large-scale attack, and there were even few traces of demon servants.

This abnormal phenomenon immediately attracted the attention of the Demon Hunter Headquarters.

According to the nature of the demons, it is impossible for them to be so honest. There must be special reasons for this situation.

The biggest possibility is that these demons are not ready yet, and they don't want to take rash actions to avoid losses.

Although this harvest is a war between demons and humans, there is also cruel competition among demons.

The number of purchases is limited, and if you want to get more benefits, you can only plunder the harvest of other demons.

Therefore, every time a millennium catastrophe occurs, a group of demons will fall in the battle. They are not killed by the hands of the human race, but by the internal fighting among the demons.

Especially in the late harvest season, this kind of battle will become more intense, and its cruelty will far exceed the war between the human and devil races.

In this case, if you fight against the human race from the very beginning, then for the demon, it is undoubtedly a matter of gain outweighs the gain.

It would be really depressing if one's own strength was damaged and was targeted by other demon lair masters.

Compared with harvesting ordinary creatures, the harvest of snatching the devil's nest is no different. If the devils were given a choice, they would naturally choose the latter.

Although guessing the reason, it is still useless. The war is doomed to be inevitable, the difference is that it will come sooner or later.

At this time, Tamor City was already in ruins everywhere, and the artillery fire continued to explode in the city. The once magnificent and tall buildings had turned into pieces of ruins.

No one knows how many bodies are buried under the ruins, and how many survivors there are in the ruins, because it doesn't make any sense at all.

The fighting that happens all the time, and the death that will appear in a blink of an eye, make the sky above the city always filled with the smell of blood.

Living has become a torment.

Reinforcements and demon hunters from various countries were continuously sent into this city. Human beings seemed to be preparing to build a city wall with flesh and blood, trapping these demons in the ruins.

At the same time, a large number of fighter planes were dispatched to attack the devil's nest in the desert, trying to use intensive air strikes to completely destroy the devil's nest.

The battle was extremely difficult. Whether it was the Desert Devil's Nest or Tamor City, the human army was stubbornly blocked.

Those demon servants seemed to be killing endlessly, maybe they would come out from the corner at any time, and then it would be a life-and-death fight.

Compared with humans, these demons do not need logistical supplies at all. Both food and weapons can be obtained from the battlefield, and their survivability is even more amazing.

After paying a heavy price, human beings realized that fighting alone could not be the opponent of the demons, so they began to subconsciously form a team.

As long as they meet together, they will actively cooperate and try their best to survive on the battlefield.

In such a temporary team, the demon hunter is an indispensable main force, otherwise, no matter how many people there are, it will be useless.

At the same time, it is best to have snipers, assaulters, machine gunners, and blasters who use weapons such as bazookas.

These teams cooperated with each other and fought fiercely with the demon servants in the ruins, and achieved very good results.

But even so, it still didn't have much of an advantage, because the Demon Servant possessed a variety of strange abilities in addition to its strong melee combat ability.

Especially when the night comes, the whole city becomes the world of demon servants, they are elusive among the ruins, almost impossible to guard against.

I don't know how many well-trained soldiers fell under the sneak attack of the demons like this, and died worthless.

The soldiers who participated in the war had a lot of hardships, and they would cheer up every night, for fear that the demons would launch a sneak attack at night.

If this situation continues, it may not take long before the balance of the battlefield will be broken, and the human army will also end in failure.

Just when the soldiers participating in the war were worried, the aid supplies from the Demon Hunter Headquarters arrived at the scene as quickly as possible.

These materials include special firearms and bullets, as well as armors with runes engraved on them, as well as a large number of items specially developed for the demons.

These things existed in the past, but they were basically used by demon hunters, and ordinary people had no chance of accessing them.

However, after Tang Zhen taught the skills, the demon hunters have mastered faster and more efficient methods. With all their efforts, a large number of special weapons and equipment have been manufactured.

These equipments are called demon hunter armaments, and they are various and targeted, making it more convenient for demon hunters and soldiers to use them in combination.

With these special equipment, the strength of the human army has been greatly improved, and it has gradually gained an advantage when fighting against the demons.

Seeing the remarkable effect of the new equipment, the Demon Hunter Headquarters mobilized all resources in an attempt to manufacture more Demon Hunter Armaments.

The situation in Tamor City is gradually improving, and the attack on the desert devil's nest has also achieved quite gratifying results.

Under the bombardment of countless artillery fires, this demon nest was finally turned into ruins, and countless demon servants were killed and injured.

The devil hidden in the devil's lair finally made a move, but in the face of countless fighter planes and intensive artillery fire, he was finally bombarded to pieces.

After the news was confirmed, it immediately attracted cheers, and people finally realized that modern weapons are not incapable of killing demons.

Although the price paid is a bit high, as long as the demons can be completely wiped out, it is definitely worth it even if it is all.

After the desert devil's lair was destroyed, the battle in Tamor City was coming to an end. The demon legion, which lost the support from the rear, was heavily besieged and then completely cleaned up by human soldiers.

According to statistics afterwards, the number of demon servants killed in this battle was nearly [-], which is quite a glorious result.

But the human race paid a higher price. Nearly 20 soldiers participated in the battle, but after the war ended, the number of survivors was less than [-].

As for the residents of Tamor City who died in the war, it is impossible to make specific statistics, but it is conservatively estimated that it is more than one million.

That is to say, the human race paid more than 200 million lives to kill less than [-] demon servants, and the ratio is quite different.

If such a price has to be paid for clearing other demon lairs, then the human race may be completely dead before the demons are finished.

After learning this set of data, people were silent, and the joy of victory disappeared.

With the end of the Tamer City War, countries have become more careful about the prevention of demonic nests, and almost all the armed forces have been mobilized to surround those demonic lairs.

After learning the experience of this bloody battle, they also began to train demon hunters regardless of the cost, manufacturing demon hunter weapons as much as possible, and training specialized combat teams.

There is really not much time left for the human race. Once those demons are ready and start a full harvest, the situation of the human race will become more difficult.

(End of this chapter)

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