I have a city in another world

Chapter 1937 Struggle in Adversity

Chapter 1937 Struggle in Adversity
After a large number of magic nests appeared, someone once made a special statistics. The number of known magic nests now exceeds [-].

There are [-] demon lairs, even if the number of demon servants in each demon lair is [-], the number is already over [-] million.

Although the number of demon servants in the demon lairs varies, the number of demon servants in most demon lairs is definitely more than [-].

These are just the observed demon lairs. If you count the deep mountains and old forests, as well as the hidden demon lairs in the underground ocean, the number will become even more.

Just one desert devil's lair has caused humans to pay such a heavy price. If these more than 1 devil's lairs attack at the same time, it can be said that humans have almost no chance of winning.

So even if you win a victory, the worries in people's hearts have not weakened in the slightest, on the contrary, they have become more serious.

Due to the raging demons, social order has begun to become increasingly chaotic, and man-made disasters are no less harmful than demonic disasters.

At the same time, with the revival of the devil's energy, those devil servants who did not belong to the devil's nest, also began to move around, and took the opportunity to make troubles.

As the number of victims grew, the populace could no longer bear it.They began to think of ways to improve their own strength.

The public's thoughts coincided with the official's, and the service of registering and receiving weapons was fully opened immediately. As long as they can prove their legal status, all can go to the official designated place to collect weapons.

After receiving the weapons, they also need to receive certain military training, and when needed, they will be recruited to participate in the war against demons.

Although it is possible to go to the battlefield at any time, the people did not resist this request, but responded positively.

In fact, they already knew that if they fell into the hands of the demons, they would end up being slaughtered, because the demons did not need prisoners.

If you don't resist, you can only wait for death passively. If you can go to the battlefield to fight against the demons, you may even get a chance.

No one wants to lose their lives, so there is no need to think too much about how to choose.

Soon in various cities, weapons and equipment distribution points appeared everywhere, and all kinds of inventory materials and overtime manufactured weapons were distributed to the people.

Corresponding training is also carried out at any time. Men and women in casual clothes but carrying guns can be seen everywhere in public places, training seriously under the guidance of instructors.

When war comes, having weapons and not having weapons are completely two concepts. In a state where all the people are soldiers, it will definitely deal a greater blow to the demons.

In addition to distributing weapons, key locations in each city have begun to build fortifications, stockpile emergency supplies, and prepare for wars that may come at any time.

The Demon Hunter headquarters has also begun to relax qualifications, recruiting new members on a large scale, and the selection method is more flexible.

Because of the sudden eruption of demon energy, more and more ordinary people have the aptitude for cultivation, and frequently show their peculiarities.

After accepting the recruitment, they immediately started emergency training, and even used a batch of banned drugs to stimulate the potential of the body in a short period of time.

Although it will affect the body and affect the improvement of future cultivation, it can make the strength of the drug users skyrocket in a short period of time, so as to cultivate a large number of demon hunters.

This is also a last resort. If they don't do this, once the demons win, they will have no tomorrow.


Accompanied by middle-aged monks, Tang Zhen walked slowly into the headquarters of the Demon Hunter.

He didn't want to waste time at first, but under the repeated pleas of the middle-aged monk, he had no choice but to come here.

The purpose of coming here is also very simple, not to participate in any discussion meeting, but to come to the scene to guide the manufacture of demon hunting arms.

Although the Demon Hunters Guild has a large number of professionals who have mastered the skills because of Tang Zhen's teaching of skills, but in the process of manufacturing, they will still encounter various problems.

In the final analysis, their foundation is too weak. This kind of force-feeding memory teaching makes the demon hunters unable to understand many things.

Tang Zhen also knew that this kind of thing would happen. After all, cultivation is no different than other things, and a little carelessness may cause major problems.

So after the middle-aged monk made a request, he temporarily put aside his original plan and followed him to this secret base.

Perhaps out of fear of Tang Zhen's resentment, the Demon Hunter headquarters did not arrange any welcoming ceremony, but only sent several core personnel to follow Tang Zhen.

After the two parties met, they briefly exchanged a few words, and then went straight to the manufacturing base located deep in the ground.

The manufacturing base was chosen here to prevent the demons from destroying and leaking secrets. All demon hunters working here must not leave easily without permission.

When they saw Tang Zhen appearing in the base, those demon hunters who had studied with him immediately saluted respectfully as disciples.

Not only a few demon hunters did this, but every demon hunter in the base who saw him would have such a reaction.

Tang Zhen taught a group of demon hunters in a short period of time. When they returned to the base, they passed on the skills they had learned to more demon hunters.

It can be said that the entire manufacturing base is full of his disciples and grandchildren, and it is only natural to receive this courtesy.

Tang Zhen always responded with a smile, and at the same time, under the guidance of the person in charge of the manufacturing base, he went to each production line.

In order to adapt to the situation in this world, Tang Zhen improved the skills he taught, and improved the skills that originally required a lot of time into products that could be mass-produced.

Doing so will greatly reduce the power of the equipment, but the simplified version of the item is easier to produce and requires less professionalism, so it can be produced in large quantities in a short period of time.

When Tang Zhen arrived, those witcher technicians immediately surrounded him and asked him about various problems encountered in the manufacturing process.

Tang Zhen also answered their questions one by one. Since his cultivation and knowledge far surpassed these demon hunters, Tang Zhen could easily solve the problems that gave them headaches.

Hearing Tang Zhen's answer, the witcher technicians showed suddenly enlightened expressions from time to time, and their eyes were full of admiration.

They racked their brains and couldn't come up with a solution. Tang Zhen gave the answer casually, which was obviously the gap in realm.

At the same time, the demon hunters also lamented in their hearts that it is indeed a blessing for the human race to have His Excellency Tang Zhen.

After thanking him again, the witcher technicians dispersed one after another, not daring to waste Tang Zhen's time.

Tang Zhen was not in a hurry to leave. Since he came here, he couldn't just help solve common problems.

After walking around the production lines, Tang Zhen said to the middle-aged monk: "This production base is extremely important. The defense methods you have now cannot effectively resist the destruction of demons.

If necessary, I can help you rearrange it, and the effect should be better. "

The middle-aged monk was overjoyed when he heard the words, and immediately asked Tang Zhen what he needed, and then quickly dispatched people to make preparations.

With the opening of the catastrophe, the headquarters of the demon hunter had great authority, and the materials Tang Zhen needed were ready in less than half an hour.

Tang Zhen then led the rune masters trained by the Demon Hunter headquarters to guide and teach while arranging, and set up a giant rune circle near the manufacturing base.

With the existence of this rune circle, even if it is a devil at the level of a devil emperor, it is impossible to break into it in a short time.

After doing all this, Tang Zhen left quietly.

He wants to take advantage of the opportunity of the demon nests appearing in the world, and harvest a wave in the opposite direction, so that his strength can be raised to the third realm of the world master as soon as possible.

 Thanks to: "Master Xiaoyao Pavilion" for the reward, and to book friends for their support.

(End of this chapter)

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