Chapter 1938
Since the emergence of the Devil's Nest, the whole world has been in chaos, and the original transportation system has basically been paralyzed.

In order to avoid the magic nest that appeared out of thin air, many places have stopped transportation and have been officially listed as restricted areas.

In order to reduce unnecessary casualties, nearby residents were also moved to a safe place as soon as possible under the protection of the government.

Ordinary people who want to go to these areas will accept one after another interrogation, and will be solemnly warned that entering this area will be life-threatening.

Of course, under normal circumstances, no one would easily go to these dangerous areas unless there was a compelling reason.

On the contrary, many demon servants secretly came to the restricted area, trying to join those demon masters and find a backer for themselves.

Once this situation is discovered, the soldiers will kill immediately without any hesitation.

For them, they would never miss an opportunity to hunt down demons.

The relationship between the human race and the demon race has reached the level of endless death, either you die or I live.

While most of the magic nests remained in their original state without any changes, there were also abnormalities in some of the magic nests.

Among the devil's nests with the most obvious mutations, one is located on the outskirts of Lante City, where it used to be a village.

When the millennium catastrophe started, a demonic nest suddenly appeared here, and at the same time, a large amount of demonic energy spread, completely covering the nearby villages and towns.

Because the devil's nest appeared so suddenly, the villagers in that village were unable to escape, and all of them died in the end.

Fortunately, the official response was timely and most of the residents in the surrounding villages and towns were transported away, which did not cause too many casualties.

But even so, some residents were still killed, and died suddenly after inhaling the magic energy.

The remains of those victims were not devoured, but turned into monsters like walking corpses, constantly wandering in the area shrouded in devilish energy.

Once a living person enters this area, they will definitely be attacked by them, and then turned into the same monster.

In addition to these monsters, after the nearby cemetery was infiltrated by demonic energy, those rotten bones and half-rotten corpses also broke out of the ground, wandering between villages and fields.

As time passed, the range of the black air became larger and larger, and because it could not be stopped, the troops that were originally in charge of defense had to retreat continuously.

In just a few days, this area has completely turned into a demonic realm, and no creature dares to approach it at any time.

The demon servants who were originally hidden in the demon nest also began to appear one after another. They wandered wantonly in the demonic energy, carrying the supplies that were too late to withdraw.

This method of encroachment is quite effective, and the human army is helpless, and can only watch the demons rampant.

It's not that they don't want to enter the demonic energy to destroy monsters, but this magical energy is extremely corrosive, and even if they enter it wearing protective clothing, it will be completely destroyed in a very short time.

It would be too wasteful to use weapons such as artillery to attack. After all, the area covered by the magic energy is too large to carry out effective attacks at all.

If the spread of the black air is not stopped, more areas will be covered by it. If the residents of the entire Rand City are forced to evacuate, the loss will be immeasurable.

As a last resort, the military had no choice but to take the initiative and use artillery and fighter planes to bomb the Demon's Nest.

As a result, after some attacks, not only was the demonic nest not destroyed, but it made the demonic energy spread faster.

According to the reports of the personnel involved in the attack, after they entered the attack zone, they all lost their way and couldn't figure out where they were.

Not only can the naked eye not find the exact target, even if it is locked by electronic equipment, it will also make the attack deviate from the intended location.

This is obviously the special ability of demons, which can confuse attackers and make them unable to carry out effective attacks.

All available methods have been used, and finally the military can only turn to the headquarters of the Demon Hunter, hoping that they can help to find a solution.

In fact, the Demon Hunter Headquarters was also helpless in this situation, and could only advise the military to remain vigilant to prevent further spread of demonic energy.

Demon hunters can't count on it, and the military naturally has no choice but to let the devilish energy continue to spread.

In this tense atmosphere, a figure slowly entered the area, walking straight towards the core area as if ignoring the terrifying demonic energy.

This person was Tang Zhen, who had come directly to this demon lair after leaving the Demon Hunter headquarters.

After discovering that a living person had entered the demonic energy, those ferocious monsters roared hoarsely and rushed towards him one after another.

But before they got close to Tang Zhen, these monsters disappeared without a trace like fine sand blown by a strong wind.

Then, dots of red dust slowly flew out from the bodies of these monsters, landed on Tang Zhen's body and disappeared.

This is the blood essence refined by the monster. The quantity and quality cannot be compared with the devil's master. I don't know how many blood essence and dust can be condensed into a blood-colored crystal.

Naturally, Tang Zhen's target was not these demon servants, but the demon master named Corpse Elephant hidden in the demon lair.

The Demon Lord of the Corpse Elephant, there are records about it in the Demon Hunter Headquarters, and it is also the owner of the demon lair in front of us.

For ordinary people, the appearance of the Devil's Nest is undoubtedly a disaster to avoid, but for Tang Zhen, it saves a lot of time in searching.

Originally, he was still worried about finding the devil's nest, but now this problem has been solved, it's like sending a pillow after dozing off.

It didn't take long for him to pass through the area shrouded in magic energy and arrive at the location of the magic nest.

There are bomb craters remaining near the devil's nest. All the attacks launched by the military before hit the ground near the devil's nest, but the devil's nest was not damaged at all.

Around this demon lair, thousands of demon servants are gathered, and they are transporting countless materials here for barbaric modification and manufacturing.

Ordinary demon servants do not have the ability to fly into the sky and escape from the ground. When they are fighting, human transportation is naturally the first choice.

Seeing Tang Zhen who suddenly appeared, those demons were stunned for a moment, then showed a ferocious expression, and rushed towards him in a swarm.

As a result, on the way of charging, these demon servants were wiped out in pieces by invisible big hands like water droplets splashed on the glass.

After seeing this scene, the demon servant behind immediately showed fear, turned around and fled without hesitation.

Tang Zhen's powerful strength has already surpassed the imagination of these demon servants, and if he rushes up again, he can only seek his own death.

Therefore, these demon servants acted decisively, quickly withdrew from the battlefield, and informed the demon master of the situation.

Before the demon servants returned to the demon lair, they heard a roar, and then saw a huge figure rushing out of the demon lair.

"Where did you come from, dare to act wild in my devil's lair!"

Wherever the figure passed, the stench rose into the sky, looking like a rotting giant elephant.

It wears a heavy battle armor and wields a huge mace that sparks fly as it drags on the ground.

After seeing Tang Zhen, the Giant Elephant Demon Lord first took a careful look at him, and then rushed forward with a grinning grin on his face.

It doesn't know Tang Zhen, and doesn't think the other party's strength is so strong. Maybe it's just a little-known little devil who wants to take advantage of him.

Such idiots appear from time to time.

That being the case, let's harvest his life first, so that his strength can be improved one step further.

Unexpectedly, just as the Corpse Elephant Demon Race took a step, Tang Zhen on the opposite side had already arrived in an instant, and at the same time swept across with the saber in his hand.

The mace was cut in two, and at the same time, the head of the Elephant Elephant Lord was severed. After rolling twice in the air, it fell heavily to the ground.

(End of this chapter)

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