I have a city in another world

Chapter 1955 Black Desert

Chapter 1955 Black Desert

Following the direction guided by the Bone Wing Demon God, Tang Zhen immediately set off for the Black Desert, preparing to establish a summoning circle.

Choosing a place with weak spatial barriers is naturally to ensure the smooth execution of the plan and make it easier for the summoned to enter this world.

In fact, it is a popular fighting method in many planes to use summoned objects to assist in the battle, thereby improving one's own strength.

The same is true in the world of demons. Summoning was popular ten thousand years ago. Many monks in the human race would often summon demons to assist them in fighting.

But later, with the start of the human-devil war, the human race was completely defeated, and this summoning technique did not come down, and fewer and fewer people used it.

The demons who have already controlled the entire world do not need to be summoned to reach the human world, otherwise it would be unnecessary.

Demon hunters and demons are enemies of life and death. If you avoid them, how dare you summon them?

However, among ordinary people, there are often incidents of secretly using summoning, but in the end either the summoning fails, or they take their own lives and are killed by the summoned demon servants.

But what Tang Zhen summoned was not a demon, but a monk from another plane. There was a huge difference between the two.

His promotion in this world is equal to the recognition of this world, so when he uses the summoning circle, he will not be suppressed by the laws of the plane.

If it is not recognized by the law, things that were originally logical will become extremely difficult. This is the suppression of outsiders.

For another Loucheng monk, without the approval of the law, even if he tried his best, he would definitely not be able to complete the summoning.

This is where Tang Zhen's value is reflected. If he hadn't completed his promotion, Cornerstone would not have proposed this plan.

The distance of thousands of miles is not that far to Tang Zhen. Not long after he left the camp in the forest, he had already arrived at his destination.

Sure enough, as the Bone Wing Demon God said, the Black Desert is indeed a forbidden zone for life, and there is no trace of any living thing in it, not even a weed or an insect.

When he arrived in this area, Tang Zhen felt a breath of emptiness, and felt a little kind.

Perhaps it is precisely because of the existence of this invisible and invisible power that this place has become a forbidden place for life, and even demons avoid it far away.

Compared with humans, animals and plants are more sensitive in this regard, and instinctively seek advantages and avoid disadvantages.

But the main reason is that this place is too barren, there is no trace of nutrients in the black sand, and it can't support anything at all.

After arriving in the Black Desert, Tang Zhen let go of his mental power and searched for the most suitable place.

Not long after, Tang Zhen showed a smile, got up and flew towards the depths of the black desert.

Soon a flat area appeared in front of me. Apart from the black to shiny coarse sand grains, there were also huge skeletons half-buried in the sand, which had experienced countless years of wind and sun.

These are the bones left by demons and humans. Perhaps because of the special environment, they have not decayed after thousands of years.

After carefully looking at it, Tang Zhen was very satisfied with this location and decided to build the summoning circle here.

Driven by his thoughts, the black veils all over the ground slowly gathered to form a flat ground.

When the black sand gathered a sufficient amount, an invisible pressure appeared, squeezing the black sand together.

At the same time, the blossoming flames wrapped the sand grains and refined them into lava.

After the flames disappeared, a huge black square appeared at Tang Zhen's feet.

The scattered grains of sand have now turned into a whole stone slab, scorching hot and solid.

This square made of local materials is naturally the basis for summoning the magic circle. Just looking at the area, you can tell that the amount of work to come is definitely not small.

After completing this step, Tang Zhen opened the space in his mind and released the six demon gods imprisoned inside.

These guys are bound by the contract, coupled with the invisible shackles set in their bodies, there is no possibility of escape.

Six figures slowly appeared. They took a look at the surrounding environment, and then looked at Tang Zhen standing in front of them, their eyes were full of complex colors.

I thought they would be imprisoned in that special world for the rest of their lives, but Tang Zhen released them after only a short time.

It's a pity that this doesn't make any sense. Now that life and death are under Tang Zhen's control, what difference does it make where you are?
The demon gods noticed the strangeness around them, especially the huge black square under their feet, which was clearly smelted from black sand.

These things didn't exist in the Black Desert originally, so they were obviously made by Tang Zhen, and the anger has not dissipated.

Tang Zhen deliberately chose a place with weak plane barriers, and at the same time created such a large square, obviously planning to do something.

The six demon gods had extraordinary knowledge, and after a little thought, they guessed Tang Zhen's intentions.

"Your Excellency Tang Zhen, do you want to make a rune array?"

After thinking about it for a while, the Bone Wing Demon God still asked directly, with a neither humble nor overbearing attitude.

Although these powerful demon gods are controlled by others, they don't want to appear too cowardly, so they try their best to maintain a trace of restraint and demeanor belonging to the strong in their words and deeds.

The Suiyan Demon God showed a trace of contentment on his face. It likes to stay in such an environment the most, and it feels like returning home.

When thinking of this, it couldn't help showing a hint of frustration. It has worked so hard to manage the magic nest for thousands of years, and it doesn't know if it is possible to go back?

Several other demon gods looked at Tang Zhen, and they also guessed Tang Zhen's plan, but they didn't know why they called themselves out?

The greedy and selfish character of the demons makes them habitually judge others by themselves, thinking that it is impossible for Tang Zhen to let them get in touch with related things, lest the secrets be leaked.

Tang Zhen glanced at the six demon gods, and said softly: "I really want to set up a rune circle, and the purpose of calling you out is to discuss and communicate with you."

After saying these few words, he casually threw six jade tokens into the hands of these demon gods.

"According to the content recorded here, you arrange the rune circle, and no one is responsible for an area.

If there is anything wrong, you can remind and advise at any time, and Tang will definitely accept it with an open mind. "

After the six demon gods searched the jade tablet with their spiritual power, they first showed shock, and then looked at Tang Zhen with strange faces.

Although they couldn't recognize the origin of the rune circle, they could tell that it should be a summoning circle.

The problem is that this magic circle is so exquisite that even with their knowledge, they can't find any faults at all, and some parts can't even be understood at all.

Arranging such a huge and complicated rune circle will inevitably consume a lot of time and energy. If Tang Zhen is relied on to do it alone, it may take a long time to complete.

Apparently Tang Zhen's so-called exchange of guidance with him was just a polite remark, and his real purpose was to treat the six of them as free laborers.

The six demon gods were depressed, but there was nothing they could do about it. They were not lazy, but they felt uncomfortable.

But at this time, they are under the control of others. As long as Tang Zhen gives an order, they dare not disobey in the slightest.

Tang Zhen was able to use this kind of rhetoric, obviously because he took care of their face. After all, strong people who are also at the level of world lords must always be given proper respect.

"Your Majesty Tang Zhen, don't worry, we will do our best."

Since they had no choice, the six demon gods had no choice but to accept their fate obediently.

"Naturally, you all have to do your best. If I find out that anyone dares to make trouble on purpose and try to cover things up, don't blame Tang for being rude."

When Tang Zhen said this, he glanced coldly at the six demon gods, and the meaning of the warning was self-evident.

With the help of the six demon gods, a lot of time can be saved, but without them, Tang Zhen can still arrange the rune circle.

Under such circumstances, if someone dared to play tricks and delay the progress of his plan, Tang Zhen would definitely not let him off lightly.

After hearing Tang Zhen's warning, although the six demon gods did not speak, they were very depressed.

Sure enough, the downcast phoenix is ​​not as good as a chicken, and the majestic six demon gods have been reduced to this level.

If he could choose again, even if he killed them, he would never accept the task of chasing and killing Tang Zhen.

This is simply a super fire pit. After jumping in, there is no possibility of escaping.

(End of this chapter)

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