I have a city in another world

Chapter 1956 Summoning Formation Activation

Chapter 1956 Summoning Formation Activation

After getting the jade tablet depicting the formation diagram, the six demon gods dispersed and began to arrange according to the formation diagram.

The summoning circle that Tang Zhen wants to arrange is extremely complicated, and it is a sky-high price item on the cornerstone platform, and it is by no means comparable to ordinary rune circles.

Even if ordinary monks get the formation map, it will be like reading a book from heaven, and they cannot be copied at all.

The outline of the runes, the coordinated use of array materials, and the connection and transition of different areas, everything must be perfect.

A slight negligence in the process of arrangement will cause the entire magic circle to fail to operate, and even cause unimaginable disasters.

If Tang Zhen hadn't captured the six demon gods, then the arrangement of the rune circle could only be done by him himself, not because he couldn't trust others, but because ordinary monks couldn't complete this task.

But for the strong demon gods, this kind of thing is not too difficult. Even if they don't know much about the rune array, they can still arrange it according to the array diagram.

Under such circumstances, how could Tang Zhen let them go, he had to catch them as labor.

With the participation of six demon gods, a lot of time and energy were saved, and the cross-plane summoning circle could be completed faster.

The six demon gods were constantly busy, and Tang Zhen was also not idle. The magic circle in the core area needed to be arranged by him himself.

It's also not that he can't trust others, but that the core area of ​​the rune circle is the most precise and important place.

There are millions of runes carved in a square inch, and there must be no error in each one. The six demon gods cannot complete this work at all.

Before setting up the core circle, Tang Zhen completely sealed off the surrounding space so that outsiders could not see the scene here.

Otherwise, once the news leaked out, Tang Zhen's plan would definitely be affected if the powerful demons harassed him.

Fortunately, there are few people in this black desert, and even demons shy away from it, so no one came to disturb his actions during the process of arranging the rune circle.

As for the survivors encountered before, there is no need to worry, they will never tell about Tang Zhen.

After Tang Zhen left, the memory of this matter will be blocked, and it will not be remembered until a month later.

By that time, Tang Zhen had already completed all the arrangements, and even if the news spread, it would not have any impact on him.

Time passed slowly, and the arrangement of the rune array was coming to an end. As long as it was corrected and checked, it could be officially activated.

The six demon gods were immersed in the final inspection. During this period of time, they participated in the arrangement of the rune circle, which felt quite eye-opening.

They never thought that the rune circle could be arranged in this way, and some of the methods and concepts are simply amazing.

The knowledge of runes that I have come into contact with before is just the most superficial thing, and it cannot be compared with this rune circle at all.

But it is also because of this that they feel more shocked, and at the same time, they are more sure of the guess in their hearts.

Tang Zhen is definitely not an aborigine of this world, but an invader from outside the plane, otherwise it would be impossible to explain the doubts about him.

It's ironic that they don't know anything about such powerful outlander monks sneaking into their lair.

It seems that after the war tens of thousands of years ago, the demons have lived too comfortably, gradually forgetting that there are countless powerful worlds outside this world.

Compared with ordinary demons, the six demon gods know more about the outside world, and are more fearful and vigilant in their hearts.

With their strength, they may be able to dominate the demon world, but if they enter other planes, they may just be crushed existences.

The attitude of the master of the demon race also caused the demon plane to remain closed and resolutely refrain from contacting the outside world.

The specific reason is unknown, but according to the rumors they heard, the demon master once went to other planes by being summoned, but almost lost his life in the end.

After escaping back to the demon plane by chance, the controller set the rules, completely closed the demon plane, and continuously strengthened the barriers of the plane

In this case, it seems that if monks from outside the domain want to enter the demon plane, they can only use the ancient and secret way of summoning the magic circle.

Thinking that there would soon be monks from outside the domain entering the demon plane, or arriving through the rune circle they arranged, the six demon gods felt terribly awkward in their hearts.

This is a conspiracy against the demon plane, but they are still involved in it, and it is no exaggeration to say that they are traitors of the demons.

"A traitor is a traitor. It is better to die by others than to die yourself. What's more, I think about others, and who thinks about me?"

The thoughts of the six demon gods at this moment are surprisingly consistent, and they don't think they have done anything wrong at all.

It is impossible for them to sacrifice themselves to stop Tang Zhen and resist the invasion of foreign monks.

They are demons, selfish and sinister in nature, if they really sacrifice themselves for others, then they forget the root.

The most important point is that even if they really want to do it, they have to have that opportunity.

Tang Zhen seemed to be too lazy to talk to them, but these demon gods knew in their hearts that their every move was under surveillance, and they would be discovered if there was any abnormality.

Tang Zhen had already given them a chance to live. If they continued to act recklessly, no one would be able to save them.

On the huge square, Tang Zhen walked with his hands behind his back, his eyes swept over the dense lines on the ground

After confirming that there was no problem with the rune array arranged by the six demon gods, Tang Zhen smiled and nodded in satisfaction.

"The layout of the magic circle is very good, there are no omissions, it seems that you really put your heart into it."

The demon gods were expressionless, but they were secretly sneering in their hearts. If there were any omissions, you, an insidious fellow, would probably turn against you immediately.

In order to prevent Tang Zhen from finding fault, the six demon gods were extremely careful when arranging the formation. Every link was checked repeatedly to ensure that there would be no mistakes.

They dare to swear to God, even when doing their own things, they have never been so attentive.

That feeling of walking on thin ice is really extremely uncomfortable and extremely depressing.

In addition, there is an unspeakable sense of shame, but unfortunately it can only be suppressed in my heart, and I dare not show it at all.

"Your Excellency Tang Zhen, the magic circle has been set up, what else do we need to do next?"

Regardless of what the demon gods are thinking, they will definitely not show it, and at the same time they have to please Tang Zhen.

So the Bone Wing Demon God took the initiative to ask about other work arrangements to show his attitude.

Tang Zhen smiled when he heard this, looked at the demons and gods and said: "In the next time, I will continue to trouble you all, please go to the rune arrays arranged by you.

I will activate the forensic evidence, and please cooperate with your heart at that time, and don't let everyone's hard work go to waste. "

After hearing Tang Zhen's words, the six demon gods remained silent, turned around and walked in different directions.

No matter what Tang Zhen planned, they could only cooperate obediently, even if they were uneasy in their hearts, they could only bite the bullet and obey the arrangement.

Without Tang Zhen's guidance, they stood in the correct position, and then looked at Tang Zhen intently.

Tang Zhen walked slowly to the center of the magic circle, murmured something, and then suddenly activated the rune magic circle.

The huge rune circle began to operate, and the mysterious and simple runes slowly glowed, and then formed a series of colorful beams of light, rushing directly to the sky.

At the same time, a strange and desolate atmosphere slowly rippled around.

The sky darkened at some point, and thick dark clouds formed in an instant, as if they would fall from the sky in the next moment.

The six demon gods in the rune circle seemed to feel that their bodies were completely out of control, and at the same time gradually merged with the circle.

"Damn it, I knew this Tang Zhen had no good intentions, he clearly wanted the six of us to participate in the summoning together, so as to increase the chance of a successful summoning.

If he wants, he can sacrifice us at any time, that would be the worst luck! "

The Bone Wing Demon God cursed secretly in his heart, although he was full of unwillingness, he was helpless.

The expressions of the other demon gods were the same, as if they had swallowed the most disgusting thing, but couldn't spit it out at all.

Just when they were thinking wildly, the consciousness seemed to be suddenly connected to a special world, where the summoned one was.

After seeing the seat clearly, all the demon gods trembled in fear as if struck by lightning.

(End of this chapter)

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