I have a city in another world

Chapter 2010 The Unbreakable Shield Wall

Chapter 2010 The Unbreakable Shield Wall
In the black night, the silence is terrifying, and when the time is about to come, the desperate people will automatically look for a place to hide.

If they move a step slower, they may be hit by night watchmen, and if they are not careful, they will die without a whole body.

When many desperate people are attacked by night watchmen, they often flee into those buildings in a panic, but doing so is tantamount to seeking their own death.

But in the situation where there is no way to escape, the desperate people have no other choice but to get into the surrounding buildings.

So before the night comes, it is extremely important for the desperate to find a suitable hiding place.

Many desperate people have a fixed hiding place, which is their territory, and outsiders are strictly prohibited from approaching.

If you walk around the streets with a flashlight at this time, you will find that in the corners and crevices of these roadside buildings, you can see hidden desperate people from time to time.

When they find someone trying to approach, they will show dangerous eyes, warning others not to seize their own territory, otherwise it will be an endless battle.

This is the situation of the desperate. They have always feared the night watchman like a tiger, and it is too late to avoid them, but they have never taken the initiative to provoke them.

If these things are said, perhaps the first reaction of the vast majority of desperate people is that they have met a lunatic.

But tonight Tang Zhen is going to take his men to be a real lunatic. They can't stand the good building, but they want to stay on the street and fight with those night watchmen.

If it is an ordinary desperate person, they will not have such courage to kill them, unless they are pushed to the point of desperation.

Although they felt flustered in their hearts, looking at the companions around them and the armored chariot they were driving, they didn't know why they felt a bit of pride in their hearts.

What about the night watchers?If they really match up, it's not certain who will die.

While the desperate people waited quietly with bated breath, Tang Zhen suddenly turned his head slightly to look at the brightly lit houses around him.

I don't know when, at the positions of those windows, figures of different heights, shorts, fats and thins suddenly appeared, but they all exuded a strange aura.

They were standing behind the window, watching the desperate people on the street with cold eyes.

Tang Zhen didn't know why there was an abnormal lighting phenomenon today, so that the entire street was illuminated, but he had some vague guesses, maybe it was because of the large number of desperate people gathered here.

Only by casting a wide net can we catch more fish. Seeing so many desperate people gathered here, the weird owners of those houses may also want to join in the fun and trap a few unlucky people into the house.

It's a pity that these weirdos are going to be disappointed, because they are facing an organized group of desperate people, and they will definitely not leave the queue without permission.

The most important point is that the food and supplies in the building have lost their appeal to the desperate.

Because of Tang Zhen's existence, all the items they need can be distributed in full.

Under such circumstances, who would take the risk to explore those buildings?

The desperate people in the street also noticed the figures at the window at this time, but their expressions were very flat.

Perhaps the equipment on their bodies and the companions around them gave them enough courage to prevent them from feeling too much fear.

At this moment, on the street ahead, a figure suddenly walked slowly.

His feet were floating off the ground, and he was holding a spine with a skull attached to it in his hands.

There was a pair of scissors in his hand, which was stained with blood, his eyes seemed to be out of focus, and he walked on the street blankly.

Soon, like a cat smelling fish, it rushed towards the shield wall in front, waved the scissors in its hand, and stabbed continuously towards the shield wall.

The sound of bang bang was endless, and the night watchmen kept attacking the shield wall, as if they never knew how to get tired.

The knocking sound seemed to be a signal, and soon there were night watchmen appearing in the surrounding streets and alleys one after another.

They rushed towards where Tang Zhen and the others were at the same time. For a moment, there were strange figures shaking everywhere on the wide street.

The shield wall made a bang sound when it was hit. Fortunately, the chariots were firmly connected, so they would not be easily broken through.

Looking at the densely packed figures on the street, Tang Zhen never had the fate of ordering an attack, because what he had to do was to test the stability of the armored chariot.

See if it can withstand the attack of the night watchman and whether the defense is stable, not to destroy the night watchman.

Otherwise, killing such inexhaustible things every night may exhaust those desperate people in a short time.

Judging from the situation at this time, it is clear that this armored chariot does have a certain effect, at least until now, which night watchmen have never broken through the defense of the shield wall.

The desperate people stood fighting on the armored chariot, and at this moment their hearts were in their throats. From their positions, they could easily see the night watchmen who were close at hand.

Someone was holding a magic modified pistol, his body was constantly shaking, and he subconsciously wanted to attack these ferocious night watchmen.

It was their companions who saw this and stopped them in time, because everyone knew that Tang Zhen did not give the order to attack.

That being the case, just be patient.

Tang Zhen looked around condescendingly, seeing the figures of those night watchmen, but he was slightly relieved.

He was not worried about the large number of night watchmen, but worried that they would have the means to destroy the shield wall, which would require a new plan.

Fortunately, the current test results show that the night watchman can't easily break through the defense of the shield wall, and can only collide unconsciously.

In fact, in the final analysis, the night watchmen are just unconscious corpses. They only attack blindly, but they don't know what the attack is for.

"Continue to hold on to your respective positions, and take turns to go down to rest. Once you find a dangerous situation, you must immediately warn."

Tang Zhen observed for a while, and after confirming that there was no problem, he asked his subordinates to rest in the central area in batches.

In the long night, it is impossible for the desperate to waste all their energy on confronting the night watchman, so no one can bear it.

As long as it is determined that the night watchman cannot break through the defense, those desperate people can rest in groups instead of spending time with the night watchman.

In the days to come, perhaps every night, they will be like this.

Blankets were spread on the road, and the desperate people lay down on them and fell asleep.

After a busy day, they did feel a little tired. Seeing that the night watchmen were unable to break through the shield wall, they finally let go of their hanging hearts.

It was enough for them to be able to sleep at night without worrying about the night watchman.

(End of this chapter)

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