I have a city in another world

Chapter 2011 Walking and Fighting

Chapter 2011 Walking and Fighting
It can be confirmed through tests that the armored chariot can indeed defend against the attacks of the night watchmen, so that even if it is camped on the street, there is no need to worry about any problems.

After obtaining satisfactory test results, Tang Zhen ordered the dwarf to continue commanding the scene to prevent accidents from happening.

On the other hand, he sat cross-legged on a blanket, continuing to recover the exhausted energy. Only in a state of complete victory can he maintain a sufficient sense of security.

Unknowingly, there are fewer and fewer night watchmen on the street, and the sky has gradually brightened.

The desperate person who stayed up all night has indescribable excitement on his face, and it is definitely a happy thing to find a way to deal with the night watchman.

The arrival of a new day means that the plan has officially started, and they will also stay away from the land they just won.

After the desperate people had breakfast, following Tang Zhen's order, the armored chariots continued to move forward along the wide street.

The sound of rumbling wheels could be heard endlessly, and desperate people kept sneaking over to look at it along the way, wanting to see what was making the noise.

Seeing the huge armored chariot slowly moving forward along the street, the desperate man's eyes were full of shock.

"What is this? Why haven't I seen it before?"

While the armored chariots were advancing, Tang Zhen was carried by a flesh puppet several meters tall, constantly looking around.

Those desperate people looked at the heavily armored body puppet and the terrifying giant weapons on his body, and all shrunk their necks subconsciously.

If he was hit by such a huge weapon, even if his whole body was made of iron, he would probably be smashed flat.

After Tang Zhen passed by, those desperate people studied and followed from a distance.

Everyone knew that Tang Zhen and the others did not come here with good intentions, and they looked aggressive, maybe they were just here to fight.

Not long after, the first battle came suddenly.

After the convoy had traveled a certain distance, they found that the street had been blocked by obstacles, and a group of desperate people looked over with unkind faces.

Those desperate said that if they want to pass by, they must pay the back toll.

Judging from their greedy expressions, they obviously cared about the armored chariot very much, and even wanted to blackmail it from Tang Zhen.

They dare to be so arrogant because they have an advantage in numbers, and this is still their territory.

What's more, their number exceeds Tang Zhen, and enough people will bring enough confidence.

In fact, in the City of Despair, it is not uncommon for groups with more than a thousand people to hold different positions because of their different strengths.

They constitute the core of the team. As for the other desperate people, they can only be regarded as vassals. In order to get what they want, they would rather use the lives of the desperate people to test.

Tang Zhen was eager to have the opportunity to test the power of the armored chariot in actual combat, so after being provoked, he immediately gave the order to attack.

All of a sudden, gunshots rang out, and armored chariots kept knocking down the enemy while breaking through the defense.

Those desperate people blocking the way were surprised to find at this moment that Tang Zhen's most powerful weapon was not the armored chariot, but the magic-modified pistol in their hands that could fire bullets continuously.

After fighting for only a dozen breaths, they suffered heavy casualties and lost all fighting spirit.

Looking at the corpses of their companions scattered all over the place, those desperate people screamed and fled in all directions, and soon disappeared.

Seeing this, the desperate man driving the chariot could only shoot a few shots from a distance, but he had no way to continue the pursuit.

"Find a way to find their leader and get the credentials in their hands!"

Tang Zhen told the dwarf that he had no interest in slaughtering these desperate people, and his only goal was to obtain credentials.

The dwarf agreed, and manipulated the huge flesh puppet to come to the battlefield, grabbed an enemy at random, and began to torture the whereabouts of the enemy chieftain.

In the chaotic battle just now, the enemy chieftain has disappeared, and it may be very difficult to find it again.

Tang Zhen also knew the reason why the poor should not chase after them. Iron armored chariots are only suitable for head-to-head battles, but not for street pursuits. Even if they really do that, they will become restrained.

"Forget it, if you can't find it, I'll spare his dog's life!"

Tang Zhen shook his head and said after seeing the dwarf knocking down several enemies in a row but still not being able to find out the whereabouts of the enemy chieftain.

The dwarf was obviously not reconciled, and he tried to torture several enemies, but the result was still nothing.

Looking at the depressed dwarf, Tang Zhen thought for a while and said: "Next time you encounter a scene like this, you can snipe the enemy leader first, so as to prevent him from escaping in the chaos."


There was doubt in the dwarf's voice, and he didn't understand what the so-called sniping meant.

"Actually, use the magic-modified hand cannon in your hand to aim and shoot the enemy chief alone, instead of trying to find his trace after we rush over."

After hearing Tang Zhen's explanation, the dwarf nodded, saying that he would definitely pay attention to this when the next battle happened.

Thinking of the scene where the dwarf bombarded the enemy with hand cannons, Tang Zhen couldn't help but feel a little funny. If he really did this, the enemy chieftain might really die.

After the battlefield was cleaned up, Tang Zhen chose to rest where he was, and at the same time let the dwarf continue to recruit people.

Now there are only more than a thousand people under his command, which is far from meeting his requirements. This not only prevents many plans from being implemented, but also fails to deter the enemy in terms of momentum.

So after a battle, Tang Zhen naturally thought of recruiting more people, and the more the better.

Although the dwarf feels that he has enough manpower, he will resolutely carry out Tang Zhen's orders and will never hesitate.

Therefore, after he could not find any trace of the enemy chieftain, he ordered people to spread the word everywhere to inform those desperate people who wanted to join.

The previous battle can be said to be the best means of publicity, allowing the desperate people nearby to see the strength of Tang Zhen's group.

Now that they heard that they were recruiting people, some people rushed over immediately, for fear of losing the opportunity if they came late.

The originally bloody battlefield turned into a recruiting scene in an instant. Because of the previous experience, the whole process went very smoothly.

After a lot of busy work, Tang Zhen recruited nearly a thousand more people, which increased the size of the team again.

That night they stayed near the battlefield overnight, just like before, when night came, they were again frantically attacked by the night watchmen.

The armored chariot successfully blocked the night watchman's attack and protected the members of the team, making Tang Zhen sure that his method was completely feasible.

That being the case, then just go all the way forward and go straight to the end of the long street.

Tang Zhen wanted to see, what kind of existence was this legendary city gate?
 Thanks to: "Master Xiaoyao Pavilion" for the reward, and to book friends for their support.

(End of this chapter)

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