I have a city in another world

Chapter 2012 The End of the Long Street

Chapter 2012 The End of the Long Street
After resting overnight, the huge convoy continued on its way.

The streets of the city of despair are extremely long. If you don't hurry up, God knows when you will reach the end of the street?

Because of the recruitment of a large number of people, the huge convoy looked more imposing when it was moving.

With a sword in hand and a bright armor, how much better than those desperate people?
In the process of advancing, from time to time there will be desperate people approaching, asking to join the team.

Through several crushing battles, the reputation of Tang Zhen's group has spread, being known to more and more desperate people.

Attaching to the strong to seek refuge is a subconscious choice made by the weak when they are in a dangerous environment.

Especially after hearing that Tang Zhen has no restrictions on recruiting people, and he almost refuses all comers, those desperate people chased after him one after another.

In addition, there are many desperate people. They did not directly join Tang Zhen's team, but followed far behind the team.

These desperate people belong to the more cunning kind, who want to reap benefits, but don't want to bear the risk of fighting.

These desperate people have discovered one thing, that is, Tang Zhen and his gang never seriously clean up the battlefield after the battle is over.

To the rich and powerful Tang Zhen and his group, these spoils of war were not worth much at all, but to other desperate people, they were rare treasures.

It is definitely a good thing to kill two birds with one stone by following Tang Zhen to pick up leaks and take the opportunity to go to the front of the street.

Of course, while picking up a bargain, you must also bear certain risks. After all, before night falls, the convoy will be attacked by countless night watchmen.

These trailing desperate people will be attacked first, and they will be killed by the night watchmen if they are not careful.

Compared with those desperate ones who are picking up cheap, the desperate ones in the convoy are all ready to fight at any time.

The streets ahead were occupied by countless forces. Tang Zhen's rampage like this would inevitably trigger a series of conflicts.

After seeing Tang Zhen's equipment, those who have self-knowledge will definitely choose to avoid it temporarily.

After Tang Zhen and the others left, everything would continue as usual, and nothing would be lost.

There must be some self-conscious people who intercepted and attacked Tang Zhen and the others.In this way, fighting is inevitable.

Things really went as expected by the desperate ones. During the next trip, wherever Tang Zhen and his group went, most of the desperate gangs fled.

However, there are also some strong groups of desperadoes who launched tentative attacks on the convoy, but all of them ended in failure without exception.

Unknowingly, the team's reputation is getting bigger and bigger, and it is constantly passed on to the street ahead.

During this period, the team has never stopped recruiting. After half a month, the number of team members has reached nearly [-].

After the number of people exceeded [-], Tang Zhen's requirements were barely met, and the next thing to do was to head all the way to the city gate.

During this period, after he re-manufactured a batch of armored chariots, he specially manufactured a batch of special chariots that were smaller in size and equipped with magically modified hand cannons.

These chariots are also driven by manpower, and can attack targets thousands of meters away. Often, only one round of shelling is needed, and the enemy will be killed to the ground.

With the armored chariot, this magical hand cannon, and nearly [-] men, Tang Zhen's group became stronger and stronger.

Now on the entire long street, there is no longer any force that is their opponent, and no one dares to come to kill them.

In the following time, the convoy drove straight along the street, getting closer and closer to the legendary city gate.

The closer to the city gate, the more lively the scene on both sides of the street, and there are even many desperate people setting up stalls on the side of the road to do business.

The desperate people living in this section of the street don't have much distress on their faces, and they seem to be living a decent life.

After seeing the huge convoy, these desperate people were also shocked, and kept looking around, trying to figure out where the convoy came from.
After inquiring for a while, they suddenly realized.

The speed of news spread on this long street far exceeds the imagination of ordinary people. Some sensational news can often travel hundreds of miles overnight.

So the desperate people are no strangers to Tang Zhen and his team, they just didn't expect Tang Zhen to appear so soon!
Less than twenty miles further on, it is the location of the city gate, which is also the end of this section of the street.

Judging by Tang Zhen's posture, it seemed that he was heading straight for the city gate, and he didn't know what he wanted to do.

Up to now, no one has guessed Tang Zhen's true thoughts, let alone that he is going to attack the city gate.

After all, this idea is too crazy. For the desperate, every building in this city should not be easily touched.

Military fortresses like city gates should be avoided because they are far more dangerous than private houses.

Unless they have accumulated enough vouchers and have the qualifications to leave here, the desperate people will subconsciously stay away from the city gate.

"Stop moving forward, rest where you are!"

Tang Zhen's voice came, and the moving convoy stopped immediately. Then, without Tang Zhen's command, the armored chariot completely blocked both ends of the road.

The team members in the middle chose to rest in place one after another, took out the food and ate slowly.

Tang Zhen jumped over the convoy members, walked out from the gap in the armored chariot, and came to the roadside stalls.

After seeing Tang Zhen, those desperate people had a trace of vigilance in their eyes, but they did not choose to flee.

Compared with the desperate people in the previous contact, the desperate people in this area are obviously much bolder.

Tang Zhen glanced at the items on the booth, and found that they were all ordinary items, and the value was not very high.

It's normal to think about it. If it's an item that is too precious, no one will sell it on the bright side. That will only cause trouble for yourself.

"How do you trade these items?"

After Tang Zhen glanced twice, he asked the stall owner.

"Barter, or vouchers, can be used for transactions!"

After hearing the stall owner's answer, Tang Zhen looked puzzled and asked casually: "Using voucher transactions, are you sure your items are really worth the price?"

The stall owner smiled and said to Tang Zhen: "Based on this kind of thing, it is true that the desperate can go to the next street, but the premise is that they can pass through the city gate smoothly.

Your Excellency may not know that in the street ahead, there is a group of powerful desperate people entrenched all the year round.

They specially intercepted those desperate people who had collected the certificates and were about to go to the city gate. Once they fell into their hands, they would definitely die! "

Tang Zhen wasn't surprised that someone specialized in robbing certificates, but he couldn't figure out why the other party kept robbing certificates?

If you want to pass through the city gate, you only need a hundred certificates. What is the use of the extra ones?
After hearing Tang Zhen's question, the stall owner sneered and said, "I'm afraid you don't know, after passing the city gate, there is a new block, and the voucher there is money.

The purpose of them snatching the voucher is to make their lives better after going to the new neighborhood. "

Hearing what the stall owner said, Tang Zhen seemed very interested, and asked the stall owner, "According to your opinion, there should be a lot of certificates in the hands of these desperate people blocking the way?"

The stall owner nodded: "Of course."

Tang Zhen smiled and said: "That's good!"

The stall owner didn't understand what Tang Zhen's words meant, and Tang Zhen didn't seem to have any intention of explaining. He just silently looked at the end of the long street with a hint of expectation in his eyes.

(End of this chapter)

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