Chapter 2039
Looking at the urban area where the smog rose again, Tang Zhen turned his head and looked at the dwarf and others beside him.

"There is no need for continuous bombing, as long as they come up a few times from time to time, so that their temporary city walls cannot be built."

The dwarf and the others nodded their heads, and then began to rest in batches. The bombing just now also consumed a lot of energy.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, they should eat and rest as soon as possible to recover their lost physical strength.

When night comes, there may be a fierce battle waiting for them, and they must not be taken lightly.

Tang Zhen also began to prepare for the coming of night. Judging by the situation at this time, the officers and soldiers in the city were destined not to dare to attack again.

After all, to come back at this time is simply to die, and it doesn't make any sense.

The only thing to worry about is the monsters lurking in the forest. When the night comes, the special road can no longer stop them, and these monsters will definitely rush to kill them.

Tang Zhen had already experienced that scene last night, and it was indeed terrifying.

The remnants of the Kingdom of God relied on the city walls to resist monsters, and Tang Zhen also had to find suitable means to ensure that he would not be harmed.

On the Long Street of Despair, he used to use armored chariots to block monsters, but in this area, a similar method would definitely not work.

Because most of the monsters in the forest are huge, even though the armored chariot is heavy, it is very likely to be overturned by them.

Although it seems feasible to manufacture large-scale armored chariots, it is too stupid, and Tang Zhen does not intend to do so.

If one method does not work, there are naturally other ways to solve the immediate predicament, which is not a problem at all.

Slowly walking to the edge of the forest, Tang Zhen looked at the giant trees piercing the sky, and then punched hard.

The giant tree in front of him kept shaking, and the seeds hanging on the tree fell like hailstones, falling all over the ground.

With a light wave of his hand, the seeds flew up from the ground, then quickly gathered together and floated in Tang Zhen's hand.

Looking at the seeds in his hand, Tang Zhen raised his other hand, which was filled with the mysterious power of vitality, completely enveloping the mass of tree seeds.

The mysterious power comes from Tang Zhen's mind, which can create all things, but now he uses it to nourish and transform these tree species, obviously he is planning to use it.

It didn't take long for these ordinary tree species to become crystal clear, like flawless jade.

Seeing this scene, Tang Zhen nodded in satisfaction, turned around and returned to the middle of the road.

From the beginning to the end, those monsters hidden in the forest did not dare to take a step forward, as if they were extremely afraid of Tang Zhen.

They have sharper perception and understand how terrifying Tang Zhen is, so they dare not provoke him.

Seeing Tang Zhen come back with a ball of crystal-like jade seeds, the dwarf and the others were all curious, wondering what he wanted to do?
Picking up a spear from the ground, Tang Zhen stabbed lightly at the dirt on the side of the road, and then threw a seed into the pit.

Immediately afterwards, he made a second hole in the ground, put another seed in it, and covered it with soil.

"Your Excellency, do you need our help?"

Niujiaohe stepped forward to ask, and at this moment he looked at Tang Zhen with awe in his eyes, obviously completely convinced by his means.

"Alright, you just have to plant these seeds along the roadside and fence off the area around us."

While Tang Zhen was speaking, he handed the seeds to the horned helmet, and then walked slowly towards the city wall ahead.

The horned helmet didn't dare to be negligent, and carefully held the seeds as if receiving a treasure, and then called his subordinates to sow the seeds together.

He didn't know Tang Zhen's purpose in doing this, but he knew that he only needed to follow the orders. At least until now, they had always had the upper hand under Tang Zhen's command.

He was even more amazed by Tang Zhen's methods.

A group of desperate people were busy planting trees, but Tang Zhen walked under an undamaged city wall and stared intently at the rune circle on the wall.

At the moment when he saw the city wall earlier, vague memories appeared in his mind again, which seemed to be related to the rune circle.

However, the rune circle in his memory seems to be more sophisticated and advanced, and its complexity is even more complex.

As for the rune circle on the city wall, it seems that it is not perfect, and there is still a lot of room for improvement.

If it is arranged by him, the defense of this city wall will be improved again, not only can it resist monsters approaching, it can even resist the attack of artillery.

It has both mental shock and physical defense ability, making the city wall indestructible.

He is now going to learn from the rune circle on the city wall and transform and upgrade it to fight against the monsters in the forest.

After observing for a while, Tang Zhen returned to the position after having a draft.

At this moment, the tree seeds have been sown, and there is still a small half of the seeds left, which are held in the hands of the horned helmet.

After seeing Tang Zhen approaching, the horned helmet came over and offered the tree seed in his hand.

Tang Zhen shook his head and said to the horned helmet: "These tree species are given to you. They have very magical power. After they are sown, they will give you unexpected surprises."

Hearing what Tang Zhen said, the eyes of a group of desperate people immediately became eager. They had seen Tang Zhen's magical methods, so they were naturally full of expectations for this tree species.

After checking around the planted tree seeds, Tang Zhen chose a place and sat cross-legged on the ground.

His eyes narrowed slightly, and the mysterious power in his mind spread out, connecting with the tree species buried in the soil.

The dwarf and the others standing nearby immediately felt this unusual breath, as if there was a substance in the air that made them feel extremely comfortable.

Between breaths, the severe pain in the body healed without medicine, and the whole body felt unspeakably relaxed.

They were full of surprise in their hearts, but they didn't dare to say too much, for fear of disturbing Tang Zhen.

The surroundings were quiet, and there seemed to be a cracking sound in my ears, and the ground began to vibrate slightly.

Before everyone came back to their senses, they saw emerald green saplings scrambling to get out of the ground where the tree seeds were planted earlier.

These saplings grow extremely fast. When they first emerged, they were only the thickness of chopsticks. In a flash, they were comparable to arms, and they continued to grow.

What is abnormal is that these saplings no longer grow upward after they grow to a height of one meter, but start to expand horizontally.

The vine-like branches began to extend rapidly towards the central area, and soon formed a carpet-like appearance.

Seeing this, the dwarf and the others hurriedly jumped and dodged, but it didn't take long for the road under their feet to be completely covered by tangled branches.

Immediately afterwards, these trees began to rise up at the same time, supporting Tang Zhen and others and the armored gun carriage together, and continued to grow and extend towards the sky.

As the trees grow, the gaps between them become smaller and smaller, and finally they stick together completely, turning into a super giant tree.

The giant tree grew taller and taller. It didn't take long for it to reach a height of tens of meters, but it still didn't stop growing.

The dwarf and the others on the canopy were stunned and stunned for a long time. They didn't see the complicated and mysterious lines on the bark surface of the giant tree while it was growing.

Looking closely at these natural lines, they are extremely similar to the runes and forensics on the city wall, which is really miraculous.

But if an expert sees it, they will find that the rune circle on the city wall is more than a little different from the lines on the giant tree.

In other words, when the rune magic circle on the giant tree is activated, it will have a stronger defense than the city wall, which can completely resist the monsters in the forest.

The most important point is that this giant tree is not a dead thing, but like a puppet in the flesh, it can walk and attack under Tang Zhen's control, comparable to a mobile war fortress!

 Thanks to: "Master Xiaoyao Pavilion" for the reward, and to book friends for their support.

(End of this chapter)

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