I have a city in another world

Chapter 2040 Monster Enters the City

Chapter 2040 Monster Enters the City
When the giant tree stopped growing, the horned helmet and the others were still in shock, searching through the memories in their minds, had they ever seen such a magical and spectacular scene?

Standing on the top of the giant tree puppet, looking down at the surrounding scenery condescendingly, the despairers felt indescribable emotion in their hearts.

Sure enough, following a real strong man, you can appreciate the scenery that you have never seen before, and it will broaden your horizons.

What shocked them the most was Tang Zhen's ability to turn decay into magic.

It was just an ordinary tree species, but it has become an extraordinary thing. It took only a moment to sow it, and it has already become a colossus!

It's just that no matter how tall the tree grows, it can't resist the damage from the monsters in the forest. It's impossible for Tang Zhen not to know this.

Just as they were secretly guessing in their hearts, Tang Zhen suddenly opened his eyes and breathed a sigh of relief.

At this moment, he has completed the birthing process of the giant tree, and at the same time injected enough energy to ensure that the rune magic circle on the tree trunk can be automatically activated when night falls.

When night comes, this giant tree is a safe fortress, allowing the desperate to be free from the harassment and attacks of monsters.

If Tang Zhen is willing, he can also activate the rune circle during the day and drive the giant tree to walk freely in the forest.

For the desperate, this is simply the best place to live. Even if they stay in the forest day and night, they can guarantee their safety.

Of course, the premise is that the desperate person has enough sacred stones in his hands, otherwise, without enough energy to drive, this giant puppet tree cannot move at all.

After a long time, the desperate people discovered the magic of transforming tree species, and regarded it as a priceless treasure, and they couldn't ask for it.

It should be known that the City of Despair is just a name, but in fact it is a huge world, with criss-crossing roads in the forest, and there is not just one similar city.

The number of desperate people is far more than what Tang Zhen saw, and it is almost impossible to count.

Most of the desperate people did not have the good luck of the horned helmets to occupy the city with the help of Tang Zhen, but they still wandered outside the city.

In this case, being able to have a giant tree puppet shelter is of great significance to the desperate.

After getting the modified tree species, the desperate people will carefully cultivate the giant puppet tree, live on the tree in groups, and live and multiply in the forest.

The name Tang Zhen, also because of these puppet tree species, became a legendary existence in the city of despair.

But at that time, he had already left this place long ago, and it was only a luxury for the desperate to obtain the method of making the giant puppet tree.

Fortunately, the giant puppet tree can also bear seeds. Although it is far less magical than the first generation, it can still provide enough shelter for the desperate.

This is a new species created by Tang Zhen using his own creation ability before being promoted to the Creator. The reason for its appearance is for the needs of war, but it has benefited the desperate people a lot.

Oxhorn Helmet and the others naturally didn't know about these things at this time, but they also realized the preciousness of the tree species, so they kept them very carefully so that they would not be accidentally lost.

The adherents of the Kingdom of God in the city also noticed the changes at the gate of the city at this moment. Looking at the giant puppet tree that appeared out of thin air, their faces were full of bewilderment.

The bombardment of the armored artillery vehicles had already left them devastated, and they were powerless to fight back.

The appearance of the giant puppet tree is definitely worse.

Leaving aside what this is, just because it raises the height of Tang Zhen and others is enough to make people feel overwhelmed.

The higher you stand, the farther the shells will shoot, and the greater the threat to them.

Thinking that the entire city was within the range of the armored artillery vehicles, these survivors of the Kingdom of God trembled all over, not knowing what to do.

An extremely oppressive atmosphere enveloped the entire city, which could not be dispelled at all.

Fortunately, what they were worried about did not happen. Apart from the constant bombing of the temporary city wall, which could not be built normally at all, other places in the city were not attacked.

The survivors of the Kingdom of God in the city breathed a sigh of relief. After seeing the horror of the bombing, they were afraid that the shells would hit their heads.

Although the bombing did not appear, it did not mean that the crisis was over. As time went by, the remnants of the Kingdom of God were about to face the greatest threat.

Unknowingly, night finally enveloped the city.

The survivors of the Kingdom of God in the city had already searched for a safe place as much as possible, and then completely sealed the doors and windows.

Armed with whatever weapons they could find, they shivered in their homes while listening to the wind and grass in the streets.

At this moment, even the slightest abnormal sound would make them terrified, fearing that it would be a monster approaching the door.

The officers, soldiers and spellcasters in the city were even more heavily armed. The only thing they could do now was to guard both ends of the road and snipe at the monsters that rushed into the city.

It's not about repelling the monsters, it's just about killing as many as possible to minimize losses.

At the gate of the city, the giant puppet tree shone with white and green light like a night pearl when night fell.

The hanging and dancing branches are surprisingly beautiful, and from time to time there are lights like fireflies floating from the branches.

The area covered by the light is very large, and it can be seen from a long distance, and the running rune circle exudes an aura that makes dark creatures palpitate.

In the forest at the gate of the city, tall figures slowly appeared, and more and more gathered.

They stared at the city gate with greedy and ferocious eyes, as if smelling the smell of flesh and blood, they couldn't wait to rush in and feast on it.

But the giant puppet tree at the gate of the city made the monster fearful and hesitated to approach it.

These are high-level monsters with intelligence. They can sense the danger of the giant puppet tree, and they are afraid that they will be attacked when they get close.

But those low-level monsters didn't care about this. They were ferocious and reckless, passing quickly through the edge of the disgusting giant puppet tree's light, and then swarmed over the ruins of the city wall.

Like a black tide, the group of monsters spread continuously on the street, and then followed the scent they smelled, rushing towards the buildings on the roadside.

The officers and soldiers hiding in the building immediately launched an attack, desperately preventing the monster from entering the city.

Sharp arrows, spears, and spell attacks from the caster all fell on the street one after another.

Under the overwhelming attack, all kinds of monsters fell to the streets one after another, and there were bloody corpses everywhere.

Even though they were blocked, these monsters still did not flinch, attacking the roadside buildings without fear of death.

Even though the windows were blocked, they still climbed up swiftly and slid into the building along the windows.

A burst of screams and wailing came from the building, and countless monsters followed into the building, constantly attacking the officers, soldiers and spellcasters.

More monsters continued to advance along the street, and every building on the side of the road became the target of attack, scrambling to devour the remnants of the Kingdom of God inside.

Smelling the smell of flesh and blood coming from the city, those high-level monsters who were intimidated by the giant puppet tree could no longer hold back their desire.

Like those low-level monsters, they avoided the light from the giant tree puppets, kept advancing in the darkness, and poured into the city one after another.

These huge high-level monsters have even more terrifying attack power, and the officers and soldiers who tried to stop them didn't last long before they were completely defeated.

The collapsed officers and soldiers and spellcasters fled in all directions, but they didn't know where they were going. They were often swallowed by the terrifying wave of monsters as soon as they rushed to the street, leaving no bones left in the blink of an eye.

(End of this chapter)

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