I have a city in another world

Chapter 2053 The Origin of the City of Despair

Chapter 2053 The Origin of the City of Despair

It is not something that can be done in a short time to clear away the distracting thoughts in the blood of those demons. Tang Zhen only needs to release a part so that he can move freely.

Although this kind of thing is a scourge, if it is used well, it can be used as a weapon to kill the enemy.

If these evil distracting thoughts appeared earlier, then Tang Zhen would not need to use the monsters in the forest to clean up the city, but only need to release the monsters formed by these distracting thoughts.

If he really did that, no one in this city would be able to escape, and he would instantly turn into a wild ghost.

After all, the sources of these evil thoughts are all powerful monks from the demon plane. Although they are not as good as the world of Loucheng, they are not too weak.

It can be said that these distracting thoughts are the demons of the heart, which are absorbed together with the essence and blood. Because of the nature of demon monks, the degree of danger is even higher.

If Tang Zhen really released all of them, he would be torn to pieces in an instant as the leader of the Guizhou Rider who was just an ordinary marshal in his previous life.

But this kind of thing is a double-edged sword. If there is a choice, Tang Zhen will never use it easily unless he can completely control it.

Divide a bit of attention, and monitor the situation on the battlefield at all times. Tang Zhen is also sorting out the memories of the evil spirits of the ancient temple, with a hint of surprise on his face.

It turns out that the true identity of this evil spirit is actually a slave of the gods, whose mission is to maintain this ancient temple.

As for the master of the evil spirit, it is the creator of the city of despair, a special god who claims to have countless clones and omnipotence.

His avatars spread across many plane worlds, and he attracted many fanatics by means of showing miracles.

When the believers gather enough power of faith, they will trigger the rune circles on the statues, automatically constructing a teleportation channel leading to the city of despair.

Without the fanatics knowing anything, they were sucked into this special world and then accepted the test of this god.

If you can pass the test successfully, you will get unexpected benefits, if you fail, the end will be very miserable.

In the practice world, the weak are preyed on by the strong, and while gaining benefits, they must also pay a sufficient price. This matter is quite normal.

But I don't know when it started, the world suddenly changed, and then the chaos officially began.

The world that was originally called the Kingdom of God has gradually turned into a city of despair, and everything that was there has completely changed.

The biggest victims are these fanatics, that is, the desperate.

Under normal circumstances, after the desperate people entered here, there would be a large number of servants specially bred by the gods to serve them and tell them what they were going to do.

Those cities in the Kingdom of God are also prepared for the desperate, allowing them to accept the initial test here.

Desperate people can obtain the God Stone here, and after meeting certain conditions, they can obtain the qualifications of the apostle of the gods and officially begin to accept the trials of the gods.

But when the accident happened, the servants of these gods began to hate the desperate, took the resources originally prepared for the desperate, and specifically hunted and killed the desperate.

They call themselves the remnants of the Kingdom of God, robbing the qualifications of the apostles of the gods, trying to gain more benefits.

But soon the survivors of the Kingdom of God discovered that only the desperate can dig out the sacred stone produced in the city of despair, and they, the servants of the gods, are not qualified to touch it at all.

In desperation, the survivors of the Kingdom of God began to change their strategy. Instead of hunting and killing the desperate, they caught them and threw them into the mine, forcing them to dig the god stone for their own use.

This situation intensified, and eventually caused the entire Kingdom of God to become chaotic, and it was out of control.

The original kingdom of God has also become a purgatory.

The oppressed and desperate tried to resist. They kept fighting with the remnants of the Kingdom of God, and gradually gained some advantages.

Although they lost their original memories, these desperate people from different planes and races still have strong strength, and their combat effectiveness is not much worse than that of the survivors of the Kingdom of God.

Since more than [-]% of the desperate people entered from the Long Street of Despair, the fighting there was particularly fierce, and eventually all the remnants of the Kingdom of God on the six Long Street of Despair were killed.

The panicked remnants of the Kingdom of God evacuated urgently, and using some of their authority, they tried every means to build a city gate to stop the desperate people from advancing.

As for the option of paying the voucher to pass through the city gate, it is an existing setting, and these survivors of the Kingdom of God cannot change it at all.

The victorious desperadoes are imprisoned, and as time goes by, the odds get worse for them.

At this moment, another accident occurred, and it was caused by the survivors of the Kingdom of God.

Although all the remnants of the Kingdom of God on the Long Street of Despair were slaughtered, under the influence of mysterious forces, the remnants of the Kingdom of God who were killed began to reappear in a strange way, and tried every means to take revenge on the despairers.

Originally, desperate people only need to pass their mission tests to get voucher rewards. Even if they fail, they don't need to pay too much.

But now the desperate people have to pay the price of their lives after failure, and the content of the test has become more and more strange and tricky.

The dead desperate people were forcibly transformed into night watchmen, like walking corpse puppets, who turned their heads against their own kind.

In fact, if it weren't for the restrictions of the rules, these survivors of the Kingdom of God would adopt even more crazy and cruel methods, instead of being able to act violently at night like they are now.

Due to the shortage of resources and the dangerous environment, the situation of the desperate people has become more and more difficult, while the strength of the remnants of the Kingdom of God has continued to increase until they have completely controlled the entire Long Street of the Kingdom of God.

While these remnants of the Kingdom of God rebelled, the slaves of the ancient temple, who were responsible for issuing passes to the desperate, also began to make their own calculations.

Under normal circumstances, after the desperate enter the city, they can dig ore or hunt monsters to obtain the reward of the god stone.

When you reach a certain standard, you can go to the ancient temple to exchange for a pass to the trial area, and officially become the apostle of the gods.

Desperate people took out the prescribed number of sacred stones to prove that they have enough ability to participate in the trial test. At this time, the slaves in charge of managing the ancient temple only need to collect the sacred stones and issue a pass.

But after the accident happened, the god slave of the ancient temple arbitrarily added an option, in addition to becoming the messenger of the gods, he could also choose to become a monster.

And there is only one chance to choose, you must make a choice, otherwise you will be punished.

Most of the desperate people don't have enough sacred stones. After all, the mine is controlled by the remnants of the Kingdom of God, and they simply cannot get it.

Forced into desperation, the desperate can only become monsters in the forest, so that at least they can avoid the plight of being hunted down by the remnants of the Kingdom of God.

It is conceivable how helpless and painful those desperate people are when they make choices.

In fact, even if there are enough sacred stones in hand, Shen Nu will not act according to the rules, but withhold the sacred stones for his own use, and try to kill the desperate ones.

There are more than one ancient temples in the City of Despair, they are colluding and have harmed an unknown number of desperate people.

The God Slave who had obtained enough sacred stones began to transform his form, becoming like a spirit body, trying to live longer.

They have achieved this, but they are evil spirits, cruel and greedy, and they are getting worse and worse at trapping the desperate.

In this dangerous environment, it becomes more and more difficult for the desperate, and the only way out is blocked.

Although the slaves of the gods and the remnants of the kingdom of God are so arrogant, there is an area they cannot influence, and that is the area where the apostles of the gods are located.

As long as the desperate people enter there, it is equivalent to getting rid of all shackles, and they no longer have to suffer.

If you can overcome obstacles and get the final reward, you can even get unimaginable benefits.

However, after such a long time, more and more survivors of the Kingdom of God entered that area, and now I don't know what it has become?
Perhaps it has become the world of the survivors of the Kingdom of God, and the desperate are still the same as here, suppressed and unable to lift their heads.

 Thanks: "Lord of Xiaoyao Pavilion", "161230210706931", "Thank you! Master Ming's" and "Soot", thank you for your support.

(End of this chapter)

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