I have a city in another world

Chapter 2054 Hope of the Desperate

Chapter 2054 Hope of the Desperate
After knowing the origin of the evil spirit of the ancient temple, Tang Zhen's eyes flashed a coldness, knowing that he did not kill innocent people indiscriminately.

Just based on what this guy has done, he deserves to be cut to pieces.

Not only the evil spirits of the ancient temple, but also those remnants of the Kingdom of God are considered traitors, or thieves.

It's just because they didn't abide by the rules, blatantly snatched things that didn't belong to them, and even mutilated the desperate.

Perhaps the survivors of the Kingdom of God think that they are also entitled to enjoy these things, but the problem is that the original owner of the items does not allow it.

In the end, they were just servants, dedicated to serving the believers of the gods. As a result, when the master was gone, they immediately raised their butcher knives like honored guests.

In this case, no matter how good the reasons for the survivors of the Kingdom of God are, they cannot be excused for their crimes.

Of course, the judge is not Tang Zhen, and even if he really wants to be held accountable, that's what those who are truly desperate should do.

Justice needs to be recovered by themselves. Tang Zhen is just a passerby and will not participate too much in it.

However, if the meeting happens to be the right time, Tang Zhen doesn't mind asking for an explanation for the desperate, so that these survivors of the Kingdom of God will pay the price they deserve.

Although he has figured out the origin of the city of despair and all kinds of dirty things, but his own memory has not been fully recovered.

Those things he knew, those that the evil spirit of the ancient temple knew, and they had been confirmed.

At the same time, after knowing his own origin, there are also some fragmentary memories that emerge, but they are of little help to Tang Zhen.

But he can at least confirm one thing, that is, the strength of this god is far beyond his own, otherwise it would be impossible to seal his memory so thoroughly.

What he wants to know most now is still why he came here and what he wants to do when he falls down.
Fortunately, compared to the previous daze, Tang Zhen can at least be sure that he must have entered the city of despair on his own initiative.

With the ability to create things with ideas, it is impossible for him to be attracted by anything, and only by improving his strength can he be moved.

For monks, improving their strength is the most important thing, and Tang Zhen believes that he is no exception.

Since there is a trial area for the apostles of the gods in this city of despair, and they will get enough benefits after passing it, is it because of this?

Tang Zhen felt that this possibility was very high, otherwise, for no reason, it would be absolutely impossible for him to put himself in danger.

Just as he was frowning and thinking, a roar suddenly came from beside him, and then he saw the resentful spirit in the ancient temple suddenly surrounded by raging flames.

The leader of the crafty knights has killed them countless times. This is a purification process in itself. The more times they are killed, the better the purification effect will be.

Amidst the shrill screams, these resentful spirits turned into fly ash and fluttered to the ground.

A spot of light like a firefly slowly floated up from the ashes, flying around in the ancient temple.

They are the purest energies obtained after the purification of evil thoughts, which are very helpful for improving one's strength.

But in the blink of an eye, those light spots flew into the body of the leader of the treacherous ride one after another, making him let out a wild roar in excitement.

At this moment, the leader of the treacherous knights obviously felt that his strength had been greatly improved, and he would never be afraid even in the face of a group of high-level monsters.

Turning his head to look at Tang Zhen, the eyes of the leader of the Guizhou Rider were full of gratitude. He didn't expect that the harvest of this trip would be so great!
"How do you feel, if I can continue to fight, I will release the second batch of evil monsters?"

Hearing Tang Zhen's inquiry, the leader of the Guizhou Rider nodded immediately, with a hint of expectation in his eyes.

The desire to fight has never been as strong as it is now, and I can't wait to kill him for three days and three nights!

In the gloomy ancient temple, the light suddenly became dim, and then one after another, bloated monsters appeared one after another.

The appearance of these monsters is very strange, with a beautiful female head, but a fat body with a bloated mouth, which looks like a mass of festering meat balls.

The moment these evil monsters appeared, a stench wafted from the ancient temple, as if a room full of corpses were hidden.

The leader of the ghostly knight roared, and his whole body was full of fighting spirit. Even in the face of a large number of monsters, he did not have the slightest fear.

Tang Zhen just watched quietly from the side, and whenever the situation of the leader of the Guizhou Rider was not right, he would lend a helping hand in time.

The fighting continued until night fell, and it finally ended. Tang Zhen finally succeeded in suppressing the remaining evil thoughts, and he could move freely without being affected.

Although the hidden danger has not been completely eliminated, it is no longer a cause for concern, and it is impossible to erupt easily.

As for the leader of the cunning cavalry who had fought a bloody battle before, he didn't look tired at all, on the contrary he was full of energy.

The harvest of hunting monsters far exceeded his expectations. As Tang Zhen said, this is a great opportunity.

"Let's go, let's go back to the city."

Tang Zhen looked at the more burly and murderous leader of the treacherous cavalry, and nodded with a smile.

The other party helped him solve the problem, and he also got enough benefits. Presumably, from today on, he will become the real overlord in this forest.

Compared with those monsters who only know how to kill, the leader of the Guile Rider has a friendly attitude towards the desperate. With his existence and restrictions, I believe that the monsters in this area will not be too presumptuous.

Tang Zhen doesn't want all the desperate people to be rescued, but he can prepare a city of his own for them, at least they can have a place to go to when they are desperate.

It is undoubtedly a very difficult thing to fight against the remnants of the Kingdom of God and the monsters in the forest and defend the city.

In this case, if there is a forest overlord like the leader of the crafty ride to help, it will undoubtedly greatly improve the safety.

As a passer-by, this is all Tang Zhen can do. The future fate of the desperate people still needs to be determined by themselves.

But Tang Zhen believed that things would be different when he announced the real situation and made known to all the desperate people.

Desperate people will definitely not bear the humiliation willingly, but will choose to stand up and fight for their own rights and interests.

As for who wins and who loses, it is still impossible to draw a conclusion.

Hearing Tang Zhen's order, the leader of the Guizhou Riders bowed and then moved out of the way.

Tang Zhen was about to leave, but suddenly he frowned and turned to look at a corner behind him.

The memory of the evil spirit of the ancient temple suddenly appeared in his mind. It seemed that the consciousness it collected was hidden somewhere in the temple.

Turning around and walking towards the place in memory, Tang Zhen waved his hand, and the carved stone slab on the ground was lifted by invisible force.

In the hidden secret room, there is a large pile of sparkling god stones, as well as the passport of the apostle of the gods.

For Tang Zhen, these things are not of much use, but since they come across them, there is no reason to miss them.

With a light wave of his hand, the items on the ground disappeared in an instant, and he put them into the special storage space.

At the moment when he learned of his identity, Tang Zhen recalled many monk skills, including this method of storage.

For a monk of his level, storing items at hand is nothing but a simple method.

Perhaps it was because of the frequent use that he remembered it easily and displayed it smoothly.

After putting away the sacred stone and the pass, Tang Zhen walked towards the gate of the ancient temple. During the walk, flames continuously shot up around his body.

By the time they walked out of the gate, the entire ancient temple was already in flames.Under the burning flames, it was completely turned into a pile of ruins.

(End of this chapter)

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