I have a city in another world

Chapter 2067 Spirit Envoy

Chapter 2067 Spirit Envoy
Like its majestic appearance, the interior of the Great Temple is also extremely luxurious, as if it has gathered all the rare treasures in the world.

Yushu precious flowers, colorful smoke and light, and changing light and shadow make this place even more mysterious.

A picture with a calm background, framed by gem circles of various shapes and colors, is distributed around the entire temple. The forms that this god has transformed are also displayed in this temple.

All kinds of beautiful creatures appear in the air from time to time. They are just illusions, but they are lifelike, showing the most touching gestures.

It seems that all the good things of time have gathered in this temple, making people linger and forget to return.

Being in the temple is equivalent to coming to another world. The area you see in front of you has far exceeded the volume of the great temple itself.

It is conceivable that this is some kind of special means to integrate an independent space with the Great Temple.

Tang Zhen didn't know who built this great temple, but he also knew that countless thoughts must have been spent on its construction, so there was such an ingenious building.

Even people who don't believe in this god will feel an indescribable sense of majesty and solemnity the moment they enter the Great Temple, and they will subconsciously worship it.

In addition to the shock brought by the item itself, the inner area of ​​this great temple may also hide mysterious power that can confuse people's hearts.

Looking at the central location of this great temple, there is also a huge and empty field, standing a believer covered by a light group.

Standing in front of the square, the believer introduced: "These believers are communicating with the spirit envoys of the temple, using their battle achievements to exchange for what they need. You can also go to the square area and try to communicate with each other through ideas.

After the communication is successful, you only need to think about the items you want to exchange in your heart, and you can see various options and the combat achievements required for the exchange.

I'm leaving first, we have a chance to see you again. "

While speaking, the believer had already walked into the square, and then saw that his body was enveloped by a ball of light that appeared out of thin air.

Tang Zhen walked slowly to the center of the field according to the other party's instructions. As the rune magic circle was triggered, his body was also shrouded in a ball of light.

At this moment, I feel that I am in another space again, and the light ball plays the role of isolation.

"Pious believer, what do you need?"

A voice sounded in Tang Zhen's ears, and there seemed to be a touch of kindness in the majesty, which made people feel very kind.

Tang Zhen could hear a trace of coldness in the voice, as if it was a machine repeating a recording.

"I want to exchange memory fragments, preferably all memories!"

Tang Zhen expressed his request with a blank face.

"The military exploits you have are not enough to exchange for all the memories. If you want to exchange them all, you need [-] million military exploits."

After Tang Zhen put forward the request for exchange, the spirit envoy immediately responded, but the amount was a bit shocking.

[-] million military achievements can be said to be an astronomical figure, and it is almost impossible for ordinary believers to accumulate enough.

A tinge of anger arose in Tang Zhen's heart. The other party's actions were obviously deliberately making things difficult.

"Then can you tell me, how much is the existing military exploits?"

After hearing the envoy's reply, a mocking smile appeared on the corner of Tang Zhen's mouth, and he continued to ask.

"Your current military exploits are 13. You can exchange one hundred thousand military exploits for a memory fragment. Would you like to exchange them?"

"One hundred thousand military exploits is equivalent to one hundred thousand ordinary sea monster lives, but I can only exchange for one memory that belongs to me, which is really a good deal.

Then I would like to ask you, why deprive me of my things and then resell them to me? "

Tang Zhen's voice became a little cold. If it wasn't for lack of confidence, he would have demolished this great temple now.

Hearing Tang Zhen's sharp questioning, the voice of the emissary who had sounded earlier was silent for a few breaths, and then replied in a light tone: "As a believer in the gods, enjoying the favor of God, you should give something in return.

Sealing your memories is actually to prevent accidents caused by too many distracting thoughts, the most important thing is the inner demon.

If you don't do this, perhaps this world will be full of monsters born of evil thoughts.

There is another reason for doing this, and it is also for your consideration.

Depriving your memory of the seal is equivalent to cutting off the attachment to the past, and then being able to practice wholeheartedly.

So you should learn to be grateful instead of feeling angry and mistaking kindness for malice. "

Tang Zhen couldn't help sneering when he heard this.

"If you lose your original memory, it's like being bound by your hands and feet, and you can't use all your abilities.

The path of cultivation is inherently cruel, and all monks do are trying to find ways to improve their strength and make themselves stronger.

However, your actions undoubtedly pushed the monks into a desperate situation, and you even boasted that you were considering the believers.

Do you know how many people lost their lives in vain during this process? A kingdom of gods rebelled for nearly a thousand years, and god slaves slaughtered believers as pigs and dogs, but no one cared about them. Is this also your training?

In my opinion, this is just a shameless method to force believers to work for you. No one cares about their lives, right?

Perhaps from the beginning to the end, no one has ever exchanged a complete memory, everything is just a scam, right? "

In Tang Zhen's words, there is actually a trap hidden. He wants to know if anyone has exchanged a complete memory, and then left from here?

"Rules are rules, there is absolutely no room for change, and there is nothing I can do about it.

I can only tell you that if you have [-] million military exploits, you can get a complete memory at any time.

At the same time, I can also tell you clearly that these military exploits are not impossible to earn, and more than one believer has exchanged complete memories.

Even if you want to leave, you can also do it, but the premise is to obtain enough military exploits. "

After hearing the envoy's answer, Tang Zhen smiled lightly and said, "Since you always emphasize the rules, well, I will follow the rules.

Can you tell me how much military exploits are needed to help me break through the current realm? "

Tang Zhen's question also had hidden traps.

First, I want to see if the other party knows my origin and realm, and second, I really want to know whether I can improve my strength through this method.

Since he came to the Great Temple, he was ready to be discovered by others. Instead of doing that kind of deceitful thing, he might as well take the initiative to attack.

Even if something really happened, he believed that with his own strength, he could escape from this place with great confidence.

After waiting for a while, the voice of the spirit envoy sounded again, but the tone was a little more dignified.

"So that's the case, Your Excellency is not a believer in the gods, no wonder there are such arrogant remarks.

In fact, an outsider like you has appeared more than once in the past years, and I always feel a little unwilling.

The problem is that no one invited you in. Since you have already entered, you must abide by the rules here.

In fact, for you, this might not be an opportunity.

I can tell you clearly that they, like the believers of the gods, also left indelible feats in the guardian war.

Of course, their efforts were not in vain. Those truly strong men also got what they wanted in return after they had made enough meritorious deeds.

So as long as you get enough combat achievements, then no matter what you want, I can satisfy your request.

As for breaking through your current realm, you need tens of billions of military exploits. This figure seems unattainable, but there is still more than one person who has successfully achieved it.

I hope you will be successful in achieving this goal, after all, it is a matter of mutual benefit to you and me. "

Hearing the other party's explanation, Tang Zhen was secretly surprised. It seemed that in the other party's eyes, raising one's realm was not so difficult.

What kind of strength and self-confidence are needed to make this promise without hesitation?

Thinking of the terrifying giant found under the Great Temple when he used mental power to investigate earlier, Tang Zhen had a faint guess in his heart.

This god who summoned countless believers to the Kingdom of God and could easily give generous rewards must have unimaginable strength.

It was only because of some kind of accident that he was forced to use this method to protect his own safety.

 Thanks to: "Master Xiaoyao Pavilion" for the reward, and to book friends for their support.

(End of this chapter)

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