I have a city in another world

Chapter 2068 Zone Commander

Chapter 2068 Zone Commander

Choosing to exchange memory fragments instead of other items was a decision Tang Zhen had made long ago.

He himself has the ability to create things with his mind. Under such circumstances, exchanging military exploits for items is undoubtedly a very uneconomical thing.

The problem is that because of his realm, he can make ordinary items very easily, but when making special and precious items, it will still cause a lot of consumption.

For example, he could realize the armored cannon cart in one thought, but it took a long time to realize the giant puppet tree.

It's just because Tang Zhen uses the energy of the mind world when he manifests objects, which is similar to the original power and completely different from the ordinary energy of heaven and earth.

Moreover, the energy of heaven and earth in the mind world is not endless, and it still needs to evolve and perfect all things, so there is no surplus at all.

If this state of extraction is maintained for a long time, it will more or less affect the construction of the mental world.

If it is more serious, it will even affect the improvement of the realm, and even leave hidden dangers that cannot be repaired.

Although Tang Zhen couldn't accurately judge the changes in his body because of his solid memory, he was still able to make a basic judgment.

So in the future, he may use his military achievements to exchange for special items, so as to reduce the extraction of energy from the world of his mind.

As for ordinary items, they can still be obtained through the creation of ideas, and this level of consumption is completely acceptable.

After making up his mind, Tang Zhen said to the spirit envoy: "I need to exchange for a memory fragment, and there is another request, which is to help me choose a defense area with more monsters and fewer believers."

When Tang Chen made this request, it was obvious that he had already made up his mind to obtain as many military exploits as possible.

Although there were quite a lot of sea monsters in the previous defense zone, it couldn't meet his requirements at all.

The envoy didn't hesitate, and quickly replied: "The combat achievements have been deducted, and your memory fragments have also been extracted, which can be absorbed at any time.

If you want to hunt more sea monsters, then the [-] defense area is very suitable for you. There was just a sea monster attack some time ago, and all the believers in charge of the guard were killed.

It is one of the high-risk areas, and the frequency of encountering attacks is three times that of other defense areas, but the rewards for combat achievements are also more generous.

If you want to go there, I can arrange for you to go there now, as the commander.

At the same time, I can also give you certain authority, so that you can transfer people from nearby defense areas, but the number cannot exceed [-].

If you want more manpower, you need to wait for new believers to enter. If you want to restore the full staffing, it will take at least a hundred days. "

Tang Zhen nodded in agreement. In this way, he can let go of his hands and feet to do a big job.

Especially the identity of the commander can allow him to control the real power earlier and facilitate the realization of his plan.

For a newcomer, Tang Zhen can be said to have reached the sky in one step. After participating in one battle, he directly obtained the position of commander.

This is basically impossible in other defense zones, not to mention that he still has some special permissions.

If the commanders of other defense zones are like this, even if those believers break their heads, they must fight for it.

The reason why the spirit envoy was able to entrust him with important tasks was because his military exploits were high enough to meet the qualifications for being promoted to an officer.

According to the rules, it only takes [-] military exploits to be promoted to an officer, and the reward for hunting sea monsters will also increase a bit.

With the continuous accumulation of combat achievements, the rank of officers will become higher and higher, and they will have more and more authority and benefits.

Tang Zhen was different, because of the spirit envoy, he obtained all the benefits that a commander could enjoy in one step.

It may seem unfair, but it is not.

Tang Zhen's combat achievements at one time are enough to advance him to several levels. In the [-] defense zone, which is almost all rookies, it is more than enough to be a commander.

But the main reason is that his strength has been recognized by the spirit envoy. Compared with ordinary believers, Tang Zhen's strength is already much stronger.

For a special existence like him, it is no exaggeration to say that it is an enemy of ten thousand. Naturally, we can no longer stick to the old rules.

Therefore, after Tang Zhen made the request, the emissary immediately agreed, and at the same time gave him enough power.

As the spirit envoy said before, as long as Tang Zhen kills enough monsters, he will never be stingy with rewards.

As the light flickered, two objects slowly appeared, floating in front of Tang Zhen.

Tang Zhen glanced at it. One of the items was the token of the commander of the defense zone. The holder can obtain the approval of the temple and use special permissions.

As for the other item, it looked like a mass of beautiful jade with liquid flowing inside, and this was Tang Zhen's sealed memory.

"Before my memory was sealed, I don't know if you have ever read it?"

Tang Zhen looked at the memory fragments and asked the spirit envoy.

"Don't worry, I will not translate the memory fragments of any believer, so as not to release evil thoughts and demons and cause unnecessary danger.

The memory of a strong person like your Excellency is even more untouchable, otherwise, once the evil thoughts of the heart get out of control and become a monster, it will definitely cause a disaster! "

Tang Zhen nodded. Judging from his previous speculation, the words of the spirit envoy should not be false.

The Kingdom of God summoned fanatics here mainly because of their firm beliefs and relatively few demons and evil thoughts.

After the memory is broken and sealed, even if it can be exchanged by believers again, since only a part can be obtained each time, the demons and evil thoughts will be easily suppressed and eliminated by believers.

Spirit messengers dare not read believers' memory fragments because the number is too large, and it will be a very troublesome thing to accumulate and pollute themselves.

What's more, for spiritual envoys, the main purpose of summoning believers is to eliminate sea monsters, not to pry into privacy.

These are only Tang Zhen's guesses, but if it is said that the spirit envoy has never read the memory fragments, Tang Zhen will never believe it.

Of course, this moment is not the time to dwell on these issues.

He squeezed out the memory fragment with his hands, and then saw that the object quickly turned into smoke like a melting ice cube and penetrated into Tang Zhen's body.

Immediately, there were many memories about the past in his mind, perhaps because of the loss and recovery, it gave people a sense of strangeness.

As if watching a movie, the protagonist of the movie is the familiar yet unfamiliar self.

After a few breaths of silence, Tang Zhen grabbed the token in front of him and ended the conversation.

The light cluster covering his body dissipated, Tang Zhen turned and walked out of the square, but saw the believer who had chatted with him before, standing at the edge of the square at the moment.

The original leather armor on the opponent's body has now disappeared, replaced by a pure black robe that looks like silk.

Even though the body didn't move, the robe was still trembling like running water, and runes appeared and disappeared on the surface of the robe like tumbling leaves falling into the water.

You can tell with just one glance that this is definitely not an ordinary product, and it must have consumed a lot of military exploits.

After seeing Tang Zhen, the other party waved and seemed to be in a good mood.

After seeing that Tang Zhen was still wearing the original armor, the believer frowned, and after thinking about it, he said to him: "If I guessed correctly, you should have exchanged your battle points for memory fragments. This is also Something every newcomer does.

This kind of mood is understandable, but if it is considered practically, it is obviously very irrational to do so.

Because your combat achievements are limited, you can't get all the memories at all, and the memory fragments you exchanged also appear randomly, so I don't know if they are valuable.

If you waste your combat achievements like this, it will affect your strength improvement and put yourself in danger, so don't do this in the future. "

Perhaps it was because Tang Zhen was a newcomer and didn't understand the relationship, so the other party kindly reminded him.

For ordinary believers, these words are golden and jade words, which can save them many detours.

But Tang Zhen is different from other believers. He not only wants to recover all the memory fragments, but also earns enough military exploits in exchange for a chance to advance his realm.

(End of this chapter)

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