I have a city in another world

Chapter 2077 Beast Lure

Chapter 2077 Beast Lure

If you want to hunt special sea monsters, you can use a method similar to bait to attract them to the [-] defense zone.

No matter what kind of creature it is, it may be driven by desire and fall into simple or complex traps.

Once trapped, life and death are under the control of others, completely out of control.

Tang Zhen has done this more than once. The most recent time was to pretend to be an ancient demon lair to hunt and kill demons.

Although this memory has not been restored for the time being, due to habit, Tang Zhen still had similar thoughts.

It's just that what to use as bait needs to be studied carefully. After all, he doesn't know the habits of sea monsters, so he can't start in a hurry.

To deal with this kind of monster, there is no need for a complicated arrangement at all. It is only necessary to create an item similar to the animal lure, and the sea monster can be rushed like moths to the flame.

That's why he spent his military exploits to inquire about the detailed information of these sea monsters, so as to select the most reasonable and effective formula.

Although he has the ability to create things with his thoughts, he can directly use his thoughts to make bait, but the scope of this idea is too large, and if he wants to realize it, the consumption is even greater than that of actual guns and weapons.

This kind of exchange is not cost-effective. After thinking about Tang Zhen, he finally chose not to manifest it with his thoughts, but to prepare it himself.

Once successful, the cost of trapping sea monsters will be greatly reduced, and it can be used without any scruples.

After studying for a long time, Tang Zhen has gradually come up with an idea and plans to try it out as soon as possible.

There are a lot of materials needed, but they are basically ordinary items. Using the ability to create things with ideas, the consumption is almost negligible.

At the same time, the creation of ideas has another advantage, that is, it can manifest the purest items and use them directly for deployment.

Instead of obtaining a certain raw material first, and then performing secondary extraction, [-]% of the items are waste.

To do this, you must be familiar with the basic elements that make up everything, whether simple or complex, and must be kept in mind.

For ordinary people, it is more difficult to achieve this than to reach the sky.

But for Tang Zhen, who had absorbed the archived memories of countless Trobo people, this was not a difficult task.

After leaving the temple, Tang Zhen entered the space opened up inside the mountain, and as thoughts arose, pieces of experimental equipment appeared in front of him.

Soon another long table appeared, with all kinds of colorful items placed on it, pure and without any impurities.

After Tang Zhen glanced at it, he picked up a few items and began to prepare them according to the idea in his heart.

Sun Jun had been here before, but after seeing Tang Zhen frowning in thought, he immediately backed out so as not to disturb him.

When he saw those experimental equipment, Sun Jun already realized that Tang Zhen must be working on something extraordinary.

After seeing Tang Zhen's miraculous ability, Sun Jun couldn't help feeling a little bit of anticipation in his heart, wanting to see what kind of surprise Tang Zhen could bring to everyone after finishing the experiment.

There is no difference between day and night in the Kingdom of God, and those who come here for the first time will feel very uncomfortable.

It seems that time has stagnated, and the long time has no end, which makes people feel a torment in their hearts.

However, for Tang Zhen who was concentrating on it, he didn't feel any discomfort at all. On the contrary, his expression became more and more relaxed as time passed.

Judging by his appearance, it may not take long for the experiment to be successful.

At this time, the soldiers on the city wall were still training continuously, but the ocean in the distance began to slowly change.

After the previous bombardment, there were many fish wrecks floating on the ocean, as well as the corpses of some monsters.

Soon, nearby monsters were attracted by the smell of blood and gathered in the ocean in front of the defense zone, constantly devouring the floating flesh and blood.

Their heads and bodies are exposed to the surface of the sea from time to time, making the sea water look like a boiling pot, which looks amazing
Seeing this, the snipers on the city wall immediately put their huge sniper rifles on the crenel, locked on the outcropping sea monster and launched an attack.

This heavy-duty sniper rifle is a modified version, nearly two meters five in length, and uses armor-piercing bullets of the same caliber as anti-aircraft machine guns.

Even ordinary armored vehicles cannot withstand the attack of this kind of bullet, and will be easily penetrated.

Although the sea monster's scales were thick, they couldn't compare with metal armor at all, and naturally they couldn't resist the attacks of heavy sniper rifles.

Under normal circumstances, ordinary people would not be able to control such a weapon at all, and the recoil alone would be enough to cause a person to collapse.

However, after Tang Zhen's transformation, the recoil of this special sniper rifle has been greatly weakened, and the believers themselves are not weak, so they can be manipulated freely.

With the sound of gunshots, the monsters in the ocean were hit one after another, and the gushing blood dyed the sea red, and at the same time set off waves.

The monster that was hit at the vital point stopped struggling very quickly, and its corpse floated around with the waves.

Those sea monsters that were injured and survived kept roaring and struggling in the ocean, and some sea monsters even rushed ashore directly.

Judging from their appearance, they are clearly fierce and want to attack the believers on the city wall.

Even out of the ocean, these sea monsters are still flying fast, which secretly shocked the soldiers who saw the sea monsters for the first time.

The machine gunner who had been waiting for a long time opened fire immediately, and completely tore the sea monster into pieces the first time it landed on the beach.

Under the cover of such ferocious firepower, no matter how fast the sea monster is, it is impossible to avoid it.

"Everyone, be prepared, I'm afraid it won't take long before more sea monsters will attack."

Looking at the beach that was gradually stained red with blood, the recruits' faces were full of excitement, but the grumpy expressions of the veterans gradually became dignified.

The monsters in the ocean are the most bloodthirsty. Every time a battle occurs, countless low-level sea monsters will be attracted by the smell of blood.

They are not the kind of cannon fodder that participates in the siege, but are mutated from fish and sea beasts. They are numerous and messy, equivalent to wild monsters.

Every time they are attracted by the smell of blood, wild sea monsters will attack frantically. The more blood flowing from killing monsters, the more wild sea monsters will be attracted.

They will come continuously, and unless all the nearby sea monsters are killed in one go, the attack will not stop at all.

Fortunately, compared to the organized humanoid sea monsters, these wild monsters don't like to attack the city walls, and basically only move in the ocean.

However, there are still some ferocious wild monsters that will suddenly rush up to the beach and attack the city wall.

If the quantity is less.Believers can easily deal with it, without even beating the drums to gather manpower.

But if there are too many sea monsters, the entire defense zone will enter a state of war to avoid any accidents.

It is for this reason that if there is no need for each defense zone, they will never plunder and kill these wild monsters easily, so as not to cause trouble for themselves.

Tang Zhen wanted to earn a lot of military exploits, so he dared to bombard the ocean to attract nearby sea monsters.

Those veterans had already guessed what Tang Zhen was thinking.But they couldn't stop it.While secretly cursing in their hearts, they were all ready to fight.

But it wasn't until then that they realized that their weapons were only suitable for close combat, but those sea monsters had no chance to charge up the city wall, and were beaten to death one after another on the beach.

 Thanks to: "Master Xiaoyao Pavilion" for the reward, and to book friends for their support.

(End of this chapter)

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