I have a city in another world

Chapter 2078 The Sea Monster Attacks

Chapter 2078 The Sea Monster Attacks

Seeing those sea monsters being shot one after another without even having a chance to rush over, the recruits were all excited.

The original fear of sea monsters in his heart has long since disappeared, and there is even a feeling in his heart that sea monsters are nothing more than that.

Looking at the weapons in their hands, they actually had a feeling that they couldn't put it down.

Obviously everyone knows that without these weapons, the battle would not be so easy.

The veterans who originally thought of finding ways to protect themselves in case of danger were dumbfounded at the moment.

If this situation continues, perhaps until the end of the battle, they will not get any military exploits.

If you don't get combat achievements, you will cut off your source of income, and you can't get any items from the temple.

"This battle can't be fought, why don't we let us watch the fun?"

The veterans, who have never suffered a lot, immediately found Sun Jun, wanting to ask for an explanation.

Although he was a little afraid of Sun Jun's methods, he still had to fight for the rights he should have, otherwise he would only be the one to suffer.

In the end, Sun Jun told them that the battle merits for killing monsters will be distributed uniformly after the battle, and at the same time, they will be increased or decreased according to individual performance.

Those who are capable work harder, and more military exploits will be allocated to them.

Even if you don't use weapons and don't kill sea monsters with your own hands, as long as you participate in the battle, you will also get corresponding combat achievements after the battle is over.

At the same time, Sun Jun also warned those veterans, don't think that unified distribution can be used for stealing and cheating. He will always patrol the city wall and see everyone's performance in his eyes.

Once he finds that someone dares to slack off in battle, he will record it and deal with it when the merits are assigned.

If the veteran wants to make trouble, he will never be polite.

After hearing Sun Jun's words, these veterans didn't say anything more, because the other party's explanation was clear enough.

Returning to their respective squads, these veterans seem to have changed, with their eyes fixed on the sea ahead.

At this moment, like those recruits, they began to hope that more sea monsters would come. These sporadic wild monsters could no longer satisfy their appetite.

In fact, if you think about it carefully, this mode of distributing combat merit without having to fight sea monsters up close is indeed much more comfortable than before.

The atmosphere on the city wall also became more relaxed, and everyone chatted at the top of their voices from time to time, estimating how many sea monsters they could kill.

This kind of state of seeking war is very rare in other defense areas, especially in high-risk defense areas, and it has never happened before.

Under normal circumstances, believers would avoid sea monster attacks, after all, every battle would cause a large number of casualties.

In the final analysis, it was guns and weapons that brought them confidence, and their desire for military exploits had surpassed their fear of sea monsters.

The gunshots on the city wall continued to ring out, one after another sea monsters were shot, and there were very few monsters in the ocean.

A layer of blood-red greasy foam has accumulated on the seawater on the shore, and the corpses of sea monsters spread from the shore to the ocean, rising and falling with the waves.

The sea water was even more bright red, exuding a pungent bloody smell, which could be smelled from far away.

Although in this short period of time, the believers killed a large number of sea monsters, but once it was evenly distributed, everyone would not get much battle merit at all.

It seems that only the attack of the real sea monster army will provide enough combat exploits. Although it will bear huge risks, the rewards are also satisfying.

"What's going on? If we made such a big commotion according to the habits of those monsters, they should have launched an attack long ago?"

A veteran soldier looked at the ocean in front of him with a look of doubt on his face, as if he didn't understand why there was no monster army appearing for so long?

The same is true for other believers, who have not seen more monsters appearing for a long time, which makes them feel inexplicably irritated.

Just as the believers were discussing, a black line suddenly appeared in the distance where the sea and the sky meet.

The lookout sentry who was in charge of observing the enemy's situation immediately issued a warning, and then heard the dull sound of war drums from the temple.

The sound of war drums meant that the army of sea monsters was coming, and the believers who had been wondering before immediately became excited and nervous.

They tried their best to widen their eyes, and kept observing the junction of the sea and the sky, wanting to see how big the sea monster was.

At this moment, pieces of sail-like things suddenly appeared in front of the eyes, like a giant fleet pushing across.

"My God, how could it be such a monster, I'm afraid it will be troublesome now!"

"That's right, the minimum number of monsters is hundreds of thousands, and there may even be more!"

After seeing this sail-like object, those veterans all showed shocked expressions, which seemed a little inconceivable.

Seeing this, the recruits next to him immediately asked nervously, wanting to know the origin of this sea monster.

The veteran didn't hide anything, and immediately told the recruits next to him the origin of this sea monster.

This thing that looks like a sail is actually the dorsal fin of a giant sea beast. Their size is so huge that it is comparable to a moving island.

The main function of the giant sea beast is to deliver the sea monsters to the shore, so as to prevent those sea monsters from depleting their physical strength due to long-distance travel.

The base camp of the sea monster is located in the deep sea, and it moves frequently, so as not to be locked and attacked by the temple after being discovered by believers.

While undertaking the transportation task, the giant sea beast itself also has a strong attack power. The dorsal fin can spray acid sticky balls and attack the city wall in the ocean.

This kind of acid sticky ball is extremely corrosive, and it is not easy to recover after the wound is infected. If it is not treated in time, it can even cause the body to fester directly.

Once encountering this situation, believers can only pay for their military exploits and rely on the healing function of the temple to help them heal their wounds.

Since the giant sea beast's attack ability is hard to defend against, and it will also carry a large number of sea monsters, most veterans don't want to see it appear.

The main reason is that it feels extremely aggrieved to be beaten by someone but not able to fight back.

In fact, in the temple, there are also weapons that can launch long-range attacks, and the power is quite powerful.

It's just that if you want to start a long-range strike, you need to pay a certain amount of military exploits in the defense zone, and then the temple will launch a beam attack.

Under the shroud of this kind of light beam similar to the rune circle, no matter how powerful the monster is, it will be instantly reduced to ashes.

However, the strike range of the beam rune circle is only one kilometer in diameter, so how to choose the attack position is a very critical thing.

The entire attack process needs to be controlled by the commander. As for how many monsters can be killed in one attack and whether the cost can be recovered, it all depends on luck.

The problem is that when using this kind of attack, it is at a critical moment of life and death, so even if it is a loss, you must bite the bullet and do it.

As for the combat merit consumed by the attack, it does not actually belong to the believers, but the combat merit obtained by the defense zone itself.

This kind of military exploits cannot be used by believers, and can only be used to upgrade temples, exchange for city defense weapons, and materials and daily consumables required for repairing city walls.

If the loss is too large, the temple will be automatically downgraded, resulting in some items being unable to continue to be exchanged.

If you want to re-exchange, you can only try to kill the sea monster, and then raise the level of the temple again.

Although many believers complained about it, they couldn't violate the rules set by the Great Temple.

"What are you afraid of, we have guns and cannons in our hands, and we just use these sea monsters to practice our hands!"

Sun Jun's voice sounded, and the believers on the city wall immediately laughed out loud when they heard it.

"That's right, kill these sea monsters!"

A recruit roared excitedly, and someone beside him immediately echoed, and the roars continued one after another.

The same is true for those veterans. Although they were shocked by the number of sea monsters, they no longer panicked like before.

I just don't know if those cannons pointing obliquely at the sky can cause damage to this giant sea beast, or even kill it directly.

If this can be achieved, then the military exploits obtained by killing the giant sea beast will probably make all believers smile.

(End of this chapter)

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