I have a city in another world

Chapter 2087 Everything is ready

Chapter 2087 Everything is ready
The matter has been resolved, and Tang Zhen, who has obtained the authority, can operate on his own at any time.

At this point, the spirit envoy will not interfere too much, as long as it can hunt and kill monsters, Tang Zhen will not bother even if he boils the ocean dry.

In fact, it was Tang Zhen's special status, coupled with his miraculous creation ability, that made the spirit envoy feel that he was different.

For other believers of gods, it is absolutely impossible to receive so many special cares, and even regard the defense zone as a place of trial.

There is a natural reason for this. Compared with monks of the same level, monks in Loucheng are stronger and have more means, and there is no comparison between them.

Especially the top Loucheng monks like Tang Zhen, everyone has special means, no matter where they are, they are destined to be impossible to remain unknown.

After the matter was settled properly, Tang Zhen didn't stay any longer, and returned to the [-] defense area by seraph.

At the same time as he returned to the defense area, Sun Jun had already led people to pick the fruits, and then poured them into the ocean continuously along the cliff.

Swept by the waves, these fruits slowly floated into the deep sea, flocking to the place where the sea meets the sky.

At this time, the believers were surprised to find that after the fruits entered the water, miraculous changes took place immediately.

They actually grew pectoral fins and tail fins, and they swam quickly in the water like fish, but when they were taken out of the water, the fins on the fruit would disappear quickly.

Everyone didn't understand the reason, and they could only secretly sigh that the things Tang Zhen made were as amazing as they were.

However, there are also believers who secretly wonder, since the sea monster will frantically want to devour more fruits after swallowing the fruit, how many sea monsters can the fruit flowing into the sea attract?
Such a big ocean, how many fruits do we need to put in?

With the food intake of those sea monsters, if they want to fill their stomachs, maybe a thousand catties of fruits are not enough, right?

After hearing the believer's question, Sun Jun smiled and turned to look at the giant fruits on the top of the giant tree.

Tang Zhen asked him to take care of those giant fruits before, and Sun Jun still didn't understand why, but now he suddenly figured it out.

After the fruit comes into contact with seawater, the efficacy of the medicine will be increased by more than a hundred times, so only one fruit can drive the sea monster crazy, instead of devouring many fruits to take effect.

After the sea monsters go crazy, they will still think about devouring more fruits, but ordinary fruits can no longer satisfy the desires of the sea monsters. Only those fruits at the top of the giant trees are the targets that the sea monsters try to devour.

They will come from the deep sea, rush to the [-] defense zone frantically, and snatch the super fruits on the top of the giant tree.

As for how the sea monster determines its position, it must be that after devouring the fruit, it will have a telepathy with the super giant tree and accurately lock the position of the [-] defense zone.

Sun Jun was amazed by this miraculous method.

At this time, Sun Jun could not have guessed that Tang Zhen's strength had far exceeded his imagination, and perhaps he had already reached the point where he could not match it.

His arrival may have been just an accident, but for Sun Jun, it was a great opportunity.

Being able to follow such a strong man, even if it is only a short journey, is enough to benefit him for a lifetime.

In fact, after struggling in the Kingdom of God for many years, Sun Jun has also heard many rumors about superpowers. It is said that these people have extremely terrifying strength, and few people have seen their true faces.

With their strength, they naturally disdain to stay in the defense zone to hunt sea monsters, but go deep and dangerous to find more fierce sea monsters.

Unless one has the ability to enter the vast deep sea, or the top of a mountain, one may have the opportunity to witness the true faces of these superpowers.

Based on the means shown by Tang Zhen alone, it can be determined that he must belong to the ranks of superpowers, but for some unknown reason, he did not choose to act alone like other superpowers?

Sun Jun is not interested in understanding the specific reasons, and it would be better for him, otherwise he would have no chance to follow.

It is precisely because he is aware of this that he will try his best to do things and never waste a minute or a second.

When he was secretly sighing in his heart, there was an exclamation from the side, which made Sun Jun frowned.

When I turned my head to look, I found that the branches from which the fruits had been removed were filled with fruits rapidly again, and the number was much denser than before.

Some believers do not believe in evil, and pick off the newly borne fruit, and a group of people stare at the plucked branches.

Then, on the bare branches, new fruits popped out like blowing balloons, at an astonishingly fast speed.

This time the entire branch was covered, and when viewed from a distance, the peaks on both sides were bright red, even the city walls.

"My God, why can't I pick all the fruits?"

Seeing this abnormal scene, the believers were full of astonishment, and couldn't help but sigh in amazement.

This super giant tree has given them too many surprises. Not only can it be used as training materials, but it can also attract sea monsters. The most important thing is that it is inexhaustible!

It feels amazing to think about it!
In the short time since they came to the [-] defense area, the believers have experienced too much sorrow and joy, from the initial despair and confusion to the present surprise and excitement, I really don't know what else is waiting for them in the future?

While arranging for the believers to drop the fruits, Sun Jun also ordered people to sort out the remaining ammunition, maintain the guns and weapons, and deal with the sea monsters that might attack at any time.

Tang Zhen had already warned before that the sea monsters expected this time were completely different from the previous ones. They were all in a state of madness, and they would never take a half step back because of the deterrence of guns and weapons.

Therefore, the only thing the believers can do is to pour out ammunition as much as possible and block the attack of the sea monster.

If this cannot be achieved, then what awaits them is the end of the city being destroyed.

So while he was busy, believers kept entering the temple and exchanging the newly obtained military exploits for supplies, thereby improving their chances of survival.

If you are stingy in battle and don't improve your strength as soon as possible, you may lose your life in this wave of monsters.

In a short period of time, the appearance of the [-] defense zone has changed drastically.

Not only was there an extra giant tree covering the entire defense area, the recruits also changed their equipment uniformly, and the veterans wanted to arm themselves to the teeth.

The mental outlook of the defense zone has also taken on a new look. Every believer has a strong fighting spirit on his face, and he is ready to stop the sea monster.

However, some people secretly worry that there are not many people in the defense zone now, and if someone is injured, there will not even be a substitute.

Even if no one was injured, once the sea monster attacked, there would be no chance to breathe.

If this problem is not solved, even if they are not killed by sea monsters, they will be exhausted to death.

Therefore, replenishing new manpower has become an urgent problem to be solved, otherwise once the war comes, it will inevitably cause a series of crises.

Sun Jun has already applied for additional manpower at the temple, but this kind of thing should not be rushed, after all, those believers have to go through preliminary trials before they have the opportunity to enter the Kingdom of God.

Although there are many "novice villages" like the City of Despair, and there are also many fanatics who have been summoned to the Kingdom of God, the rules that should exist must not be changed.

In this regard, the rules of the kingdom of God are quite strict, and they will never give up on what is lacking and send those fanatics directly into the defense zone.

Perhaps there is a last resort in this, but it also makes it impossible to replenish the defense zone in time when it is short of manpower.

Sun Jun has been worrying about this matter all the time, even if he has the best weapon, he needs someone to operate it.

How did he know that Tang Zhen had not only solved the manpower problem, but even moved the portal to the [-] defense area.

The temple behind the city wall will become a passage to the plane where the fanatics are located, allowing them to appear directly in the [-] defense area after accepting the summon.

In the future, there is no need to worry about insufficient manpower, but to consider how to manage too many people.

 Thanks to: "Xiaoyao Pavilion Master" and "Chengmin" for the reward, and to book friends for their support!
(End of this chapter)

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