I have a city in another world

Chapter 2088 Temple Upgrade

Chapter 2088 Temple Upgrade
After Tang Zhen returned to the defense zone, he first entered the temple and opened the transmission channel.

At the same time, he also conveniently raised the level of the temple. More than 200 million military exploits are enough to raise the temple by two levels.
In this way, believers can exchange for more supplies and continuously improve their own strength.

This move is convenient for those veterans, and the newcomers can only watch for their eyesight because of their lack of money.

I believe that in order to obtain the qualifications for exchange as soon as possible, these newcomers will definitely work harder and gain more military exploits.

In fact, this is the conspiracy of the Great Temple, so that believers have no choice but to hunt sea monsters desperately until the moment they fall.

The opening process is very simple. The Great Temple directly controls all the affiliated temples in the defense zone. Tang Zhen only needs to follow the steps to complete the setting of the transmission channel.

It didn't take long for the teleportation array to be built, covering an area of ​​tens of square meters, with glowing lines and runes everywhere.

The upgrade of the temple was completed at the same time, the scale was more than doubled, it looked more magnificent, and the sacred atmosphere became stronger.

Tang Zhen took a few glances, then stepped out of the Great Temple, not in the mood to observe too much.

This kind of environment full of belief and worship made him feel very uncomfortable, and he always felt full of fools.

After leaving the temple, Tang Zhen didn't climb up the city wall directly, but waved his hands to stop two veteran soldiers.

"Come here, two of you, I have something for you to do."

After hearing Tang Zhen's greeting, two veteran soldiers hurried over with a hint of excitement on their faces.

Although these guys are slick, they respect the real strong from the bottom of their hearts.

Tang Zhen's previous miraculous performance has been seen by these veterans, and he is completely convinced by him.

"Your Excellency Tang Zhen, what orders do you have?"

Looking at the slightly nervous two people, Tang Zhen chuckled and said: "You don't have to feel restrained, I have something I need you to do, and you must hurry up.

I will give you a batch of passes later, and you choose a group of people to enter the city of despair through the newly added teleportation array in the temple.

Once in the City of Despair, give the pass to the worshipers so they can teleport over.

I will tell you a route, you can go directly to a city in the city of despair, which should now be controlled by believers.

Once there, just mention me to those believers, and they will follow you.

You don't have to stay too long, bring as many people as you can, and try to find the temple and return in the fastest time.

There are a lot of passes, and it is estimated that you will not be able to issue them all in a short period of time, but it does not matter.

As for the remaining passes, they can be stored in that city for other believers who have heard the news. "

Although the City of Despair is now controlled by the remnants of the Kingdom of God, these believers are not weak, and each of them is a genuine spellcaster.

With impressive strength, coupled with the firearms and weapons they carried, those survivors of the Kingdom of God could not be opponents at all.

Therefore, it is possible to easily complete this task without dispatching too many manpower.

If it weren't for the fact that he couldn't get away right now, Tang Zhen would definitely take action himself and lead people to clean up the city of despair.

After listening to Tang Zhen's description of the details of the mission, the two veterans immediately patted their chests and said that they would definitely complete the mission satisfactorily.

Afterwards, the two of them took the storage equipment full of passes, gathered dozens of people, and quickly entered the temple to start the teleportation.

After arranging this matter, Tang Zhen climbed onto the city wall and began to replenish the ammunition he had consumed.

Those believers who were busy on the city wall once again witnessed Tang Zhen's method of creating things out of thin air, and their eyes were full of envy that could not be concealed.

Right now, all the vacant places on the city wall have been filled with various materials, enough to support consumption for a long time.

In fact, from the moment the fruit fell into the ocean, sea monsters have been appearing, but basically they are all wild monsters.

As Tang Zhen said before, they rushed towards the coast as if they had gone crazy.

After these sea monsters landed, they all stared at the giant fruit behind the city wall, their eyes were full of greed, and there was nothing else.

Since the number of sea monsters is not particularly large, only machine gunners and snipers are responsible for attacking at this time, which seems very easy.

Unlike the previous situation where sea monster corpses were piled up on the beach, after the sea monster was killed, a string of tentacles would protrude from the sand on the beach and stab into the sea monster's body at high speed.

In just the blink of an eye, the sea monster's corpse was melted into blood, and then absorbed by the tentacle-shaped object.

After careful observation, the believers on the city wall confirmed that these tentacle-like objects were the roots extending from the giant tree.

No one knew when the giant tree's roots spread to the beach, but considering that the giant tree covered the entire defense zone, it was normal for it to grow below the beach.

The speed at which the tree roots devoured the corpse of the sea monster was shocking. If this state continued, the believers would not even need to clean up the corpse of the sea monster.

Not only on the beach, but even in the ocean, there are also densely covered roots like water plants, devouring and decomposing the corpses one after another.

This also saves the time for the believers to clean up the sea monster corpses, otherwise a large number of corpses piled up here would also be a threat to the city wall.

Once the number is large, the sea monster can use these corpses as a ladder to fly to the city wall in a very short time.

Although sea monsters kept attacking them, the believers did not feel any nervousness, and even chatted from time to time during the process of hunting sea monsters.

At the same time, some careful believers found that the number of fruits on the vines on both sides of the mountain seems to be increasing.

The bright red fruit is covered with vines.Almost covering the entire rock wall, it looks like it is crumbling.

"Have you noticed, what's going on with those fruits, why do I see something wrong?"

On the fort at the peak, a believer spoke to his companion in a doubtful tone, his face full of doubts.

His companion took a look, and felt that something was wrong. He always felt that the number of fruits was inconceivably large.

Just when they were secretly surprised, the branches full of fruits suddenly shook like a whip, throwing the fruits one after another into the ocean.

The branch swayed greatly, throwing the fruit a long distance, making it look like it was raining.

After the fruit fell into the ocean, it turned into a fish again, rushing to the distance in groups.

If you look carefully, you can even see the traces of these fruits from the city wall, and the sea monsters passing by will turn a blind eye to them.

After the fruits on the branches of the rock wall were shaken clean, only a few tens of breaths later, they grew again, making the rock walls on both sides look bright red.

The believers who saw this scene were not only amazed.

The function of the giant tree to automatically release bait saves believers from the trouble of picking it. From this point, it can be proved that the giant tree must have independent thinking.

It uses this method to attract monsters in the sea, and then devours the corpses as nutrients.

So far, the giant tree has not shown obvious aggressiveness, but in the eyes of the believers, it must have the ability to attack.

It was only because some believers were hunting sea monsters that the giant tree didn't do anything unnecessary, but if the city wall collapsed, the giant tree would immediately show its terrifying side.

The believers also have a feeling that when they are fighting, there is always a pair of eyes behind them, silently observing them.

There is no doubt that the source of this special feeling is the super giant tree behind them.

(End of this chapter)

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