I have a city in another world

Chapter 2096 The Plan Begins

Chapter 2096 The Plan Begins

Tang Zhen couldn't see through people's hearts without using any means, so he naturally didn't know what that familiar monk was thinking.

But the other party gave him a very uncomfortable feeling, which also made him secretly vigilant, maybe someone had already watched him and was about to take action.

It is not surprising that this happened, after all, he was so popular during this period that he was almost known to everyone.

A tree that is more beautiful than a forest will inevitably be broken by strong winds.

However, this is what Tang Zhen wants. Whether it is looking for a companion or launching his own plan, he needs to have enough popularity to support him.

As for those guys who tried to sway their ideas, if they really messed with Tang Zhen, they might soon regret it.

There is no one who can get a bargain from Tang Zhen in the past hundred years in the vertical and horizontal planes.

What's more, Tang Zhen doesn't have time to pay attention to other things now, but wants to earn his military exploits as soon as possible, otherwise he will definitely find out what the opponent's origin is?
After returning to the defense zone, Tang Zhen called Sun Jun and others together to announce his plan.

Hearing that Tang Zhen was going to build a warship, and believers could drive it into the ocean to hunt monsters, everyone immediately showed expressions of interest.

Accustomed to relying on the city wall to passively resist sea monsters, the believers never thought that one day they could collectively march to the ocean and kill those monsters.

Thinking about this kind of thing makes people feel excited, and I can't wait to try it myself.

Although it looks very dangerous, if the warship can really be compared to a mobile defense zone at sea as Tang Zhen said, then what if it enters the deep sea?
As long as you have enough sharp weapons, you don't need to worry about logistical supplies, and warships can stay on the beach for a long time.

The most critical point is the acquisition of military exploits.

Compared with passively waiting for sea monsters to attack, taking the initiative to search for sea monsters on a warship will undoubtedly gain more military exploits.

It can be said that as long as you enter the ocean, you don't have to worry about finding monsters, but you have to worry about whether you can withstand the continuous attacks of sea monsters.

Although there have been incidents of believers entering the sea collectively in the past, those believers are all masters, and they chose to take the risk of entering the sea only because the military exploits gained in the defense zone could not meet their expectations.

These believers also have things like boats, or simply tame sea monsters. Although there are various methods, no warships have ever appeared.

This matter was quickly finalized, and in the following time, the entire defense zone will serve this plan.

After enjoying many benefits, those believers would not say much, not to mention how has Tang Zhen ever done them any harm?

In terms of personnel arrangement, because Sun Jun had to command the battle, he could not participate in this matter.

Therefore, Tang Zhen arranged for the dwarf, the horned helmet and others to assist in the responsibility. Whoever they have been with Tang Zhen, they will unconditionally carry out his orders.

These few people alone were not enough to run the whole plan, so Tang Zhen asked Sun Jun to select a group of trustworthy assistants from among the veterans.

What Tang Zhen has to do is to open a dock and collect materials for the main body of the warship.

This matter can only be taken care of by him. Whether it is terraforming or bringing back the boulders on the seabed, it is definitely not something that ordinary believers can do.

After the meeting, everyone started to act immediately.

Tang Zhen's first job to complete was naturally to open up a dock for building warships. He planned to open a channel on the mountain peaks near the defense area, and then introduce seawater into it.

The purpose of this is to send the boulders into the dock, and then drain the sea water for construction.

Under normal circumstances, the construction process of a warship would take a long time, otherwise it would be impossible to complete and launch it.

However, in Tang Zhen's plan, the battleship he built didn't need to take too long at all, and it could be used normally within a month at most.

Such a fast speed is the basic guarantee for the scale of warships, otherwise one ship will be launched in a few years, and it will not affect the overall situation at all.

To achieve this, the initial preparation work is the top priority.

When Tang Zhen shaped the battleship, he had to consider all the details as much as possible, trying to shape the hull once.

After Tang Zhen's work is completed, believers will then set up the rune circle to complete all the remaining work.

After arriving at the top of the mountain, Tang Zhen carefully observed the nearby terrain, and finally chose a wide area as a dock.

With the activation of the [Map Modification Plug-in], huge pits immediately appeared on the flat ground.

This is the dry dock used to build warships. After Tang Zhen salvages the boulders that have sunk into the sea, they will be put into it for construction.

At the same time as the dock appeared, a huge passage also appeared inside the mountain peak, leading directly to the sea.

When the passage was completed, seawater poured into it continuously, filling up all the big pits.

This channel will not always be open, and Tang Zhen will take further measures to prevent sea monsters from landing on land from here.

Although they have seen Tang Zhen's methods more than once, the believers are still amazed, their eyes are full of envy and admiration.

At the same time, they also secretly vowed in their hearts that they must work hard to earn military exploits and strive to reach Tang Zhen's level one day.

After the dock was established, Tang Zhen went to the nearby sea area to search for the boulder after the mountain peak was broken.

Due to the special material of this stone, there is still no sign of corrosion even after being soaked in seawater for countless years.

The process of searching is actually very easy. You only need to look for reefs out of the water, and there must be boulders under the sea.

It took only a short time for Tang Zhen to find materials that satisfied her, and then began to modify them.

The huge boulder hidden under the sea surface was like dough, stretched and hollowed out by a pair of invisible hands, and then lifted by the spiritual power, it surfaced in the sea.

It's like a ferocious giant sea beast suddenly rising from the sea, its surface is covered with seaweed and the remains of various sea creatures, which is quite ferocious.

Seeing this, the believers who were watching from a distance all exclaimed in amazement. They really don't understand what Tang Zhen did to fish out such a huge boulder nearly [-] meters long?
At this time, Tang Zhen was concentrating on manipulating the boulder. His spiritual sea was boundless, and the power he possessed was even more terrifying.

Because there is this buoyancy in the ocean itself, coupled with some special skills, it is not particularly difficult to lift a boulder from the ocean.

After salvaging the boulder from the sea, Tang Zhen will pull it and move it, and send it to the dock through the cave.

In the following time, Tang Zhen continued to salvage the boulders until all the docks were filled.

The seawater in the dock was pushed into the ocean under the pressure of mental force, and then Tang Zhen re-sealed the mouth of the sea, and the first step of preparation was completed.

After a short rest, Tang Zhen began to manufacture the rough embryos of the battleship according to the idea in his heart.

The shape of the battleship is naturally streamlined, so that it can be more convenient to accelerate, and whether it can be bought to bite the sea monster.

Four walls were erected around the battleship, just like a city wall, which was convenient for believers to fight sea monsters.

Weapons such as artillery and anti-aircraft machine guns can be installed on the battleship. If all of them are installed, it will form a very terrifying firepower network.

In the middle of the battleship is the activity and rest area, which can also be used to store supplies, and then the statues can also be used.

According to this design idea, the interior of the entire battleship looks like the stairs of a stadium, one ring after another.

In the underwater part of the battleship, there are also many circular windows through which believers can attack.

Under normal circumstances, it is impossible to reserve such a hole at the bottom of the battleship.

Because the sea water will rush in from the hole, completely filling the battleship and sinking it to the bottom of the sea.

However, under the effect of the rune circle, something similar to a transparent barrier will appear at the window position, which can block the entry of sea water, and at the same time, it will not affect the attack inside the battleship.

If the overseas attack is launched from underwater, then the weapon placed in the window will give the sea monster a fatal blow.

(End of this chapter)

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