Chapter 2097
In the process of building the battleship, Tang Zhen did not stick too much to the shape, but basically maintained the original shape of the boulder.

When viewed from a distance, the battleship looks like a floating island, full of great deception.

If believers can restrain their breath and cooperate with the rune circle to cover them, even if they drive to the lair of sea monsters, those monsters may not be able to find them.

Many methods will be deployed on the battleship. After all, it is related to the lives of believers and the long-term implementation of the plan. Naturally, it is necessary to ensure safety and concealment as much as possible.

The ability of warships to approach and attack will undoubtedly greatly improve the success of sneak attacks, which is extremely important in battle.

There is nothing to use in war, not to mention that Tang Zhen intends to keep the warship in service for as long as possible, so he will never be perfunctory in the design and construction.

I believe that with the passage of time, these unsinkable mobile islands are destined to make Tang Zhen's reputation even more famous.

After all, he personally initiated and completed this plan, building a mobile defense line for the Kingdom of God, and turning the original passive defense into an active attack.

Of course, it is too early to mention these things now, even if it will leave an immortal legend in the Kingdom of God, Tang Zhen will not take it to heart at all.

If you only care about the reputation behind you, you will undoubtedly lose sight of the way forward, and even your actions will be affected.

While Tang Zhen was busy, four-winged birds kept appearing in the sky above the [-] defense area.

After circling a few times in the air, the four-winged bird landed, and then impatiently took a lure fruit, and swallowed it with its head up.

This is a habit they developed in the Great Temple. Fortunately, the animal lure fruit only works on sea monsters, otherwise these four-winged birds would have to go crazy collectively.

As for the passengers carried by the four-winged bird, they were all believers who had accepted the employment mission in the temple and came from other defense areas.

The reward Tang Zhen gave was very generous, far exceeding the harvest of hunting sea monsters. The believers who had long been tired of fighting and wanted to change their environment would naturally not miss this opportunity.

These believers are only the first batch, and more believers will come one after another in the coming time.

After the believers landed, someone was in charge of receiving them and leading them to the dock.

Seeing the boulders parked in the dock and imagining the sight of such a giant driving in the ocean, believers began to become eager to try.

It is undoubtedly a very fulfilling thing to be able to turn the boulder into a mobile fortress and gallop across the ocean.

Believers feel honored to be part of the builders.

At this moment, Tang Zhen came to these believers who accepted the employment task and asked a few more professional questions.

The believers were rarely nervous. After all, Tang Zhen's reputation was too loud, and they had all witnessed Tang Zhen's methods through the Shadow Transmission Stone, confirming that he was a real superpower.

After Tang Zhen asked a few words, he handed over a stack of blueprints to the believers, asking them to study and get familiar with them so as not to make mistakes during work.

The content on the blueprint is all related to the rune circle, and the hired believers only need to follow the blueprint for construction.

After these believers took the blueprint, they studied it carefully, and were soon attracted by the contents of the blueprint, and they couldn't help but exclaim one after another.

It is really that the rune array on the blueprint is too delicate and efficient, and its stability and power have far exceeded their imagination.

Originally thought that they were making money by technology, but until now everyone realized that they were actually the ones who took advantage of it.

Even if they don't regard their military achievements as futile, these believers will never leave easily, thus missing a rare learning opportunity.

What makes them feel depressed is that although everyone can see the subtlety of the rune circle, it doesn't mean that they can learn to master it.

The most valuable thing in the rune circle is not the content on the blueprint, but the idea and technique of constructing the rune circle.

It's like reading a book. Although you know that all the words are written on it, because you haven't studied it, you don't know what the words mean.

"Your Excellency Tang Zhen, I wonder if you can explain to us the layout and operation principle of these rune circles?"

A believer couldn't hold back the joy and curiosity in his heart. After hesitating for a while, he asked Tang Zhen.

His request was a bit rude, after all, for monks, special rune circles were of extremely high value.

If it wasn't for the needs of construction, they wouldn't even be able to see the drawings, let alone learn to ask for advice.

The other believers also looked at Tang Zhen, for fear that this request would arouse his dissatisfaction and thus lose the rare learning opportunity.

"I don't have time to teach these things now, but if you have any questions you don't understand, you can always come to me, and I will try my best to answer you."

Tang Zhen did not feel contemptuous and arrogant because his strength and knowledge far surpassed these believers. After all, he had also experienced the process of seeking knowledge and learning accumulation, and he knew what it felt like.

After hearing Tang Zhen's words, a group of believers showed gratitude at the same time, saluted and thanked each other, showing a very respectful attitude.

With Tang Zhen's promise, their trip was worthwhile.

Looking at the believers who were watching carefully with the blueprints and discussing around the hull from time to time, Tang Zhen nodded slightly.

The layout of the rune circle on the future battleship will all need these believers to complete. Properly teaching them some knowledge and skills will undoubtedly greatly improve the progress of the project.

Tang Zhen never minded letting knowledge be known to more people, especially those who were in the same camp as him, not to mention that these believers couldn't get the true essence at all.

The amount of work involved in the manufacture of warships is very large, and it is impossible to complete all the layout of the rune circles by relying on these believers.

So after Tang Zhen thought about it carefully, he mobilized a large number of people from the believers in the defense zone and asked them to follow and work together.

Because they are all monks, believers are the best labor force, and their work efficiency is by no means comparable to that of ordinary people.

Now that the manpower has been put in place one after another, the construction of the battleship has officially started, and a large group of believers began to get busy around the hull.

All of a sudden, the entire defense area fell into a busy state, like a super-large construction site.

The materials required for believers to engrave the rune circle can be exchanged directly in the temple, and the military exploits spent will be directly deducted from Tang Zhen's name.

Although he exchanged a large number of memory fragments, Tang Zhen still reserved some of his combat achievements for backup. In addition, the believers continued to hunt and kill sea monsters, so he was not worried that there would be no combat achievements available.

Tang Zhen would also go into the deep sea from time to time, looking for sea monster lairs to hunt and kill. As long as he successfully found one, it would mean tens of millions of battle achievements.

If we only talk about the speed of obtaining military exploits, I am afraid that there is not a single believer in all the defense zones in the Kingdom of God that can be compared with Tang Zhen.

While the [-] defense area was busy, the news about Tang Zhen's manufacturing of warships had spread rapidly.

Because of the existence of some shadow stones and temples, there are no secrets at all between the major defense areas. Once something happens, it will be known to the believers immediately.

After inquiring about the specific data of the battleship and its capabilities, many believers were moved. Even the chiefs of those defense areas were wondering whether to spend military exploits to order one.

Apart from other things, the guns and weapons carried on the battleship alone are enough to stimulate their desire to buy.

As long as there is such a battleship guarding the defense zone, no matter how many sea monsters attack, there is no need to worry that the defense zone will be forcibly broken through.

If you can select a group of believers to enter the deep sea, you will surely be able to hunt and kill more sea monsters and gain more combat exploits.

The commanders of the major defense areas are also like Tang Zhen. After the believers hunt the sea monsters, they can get a certain percentage of the share, but the amount is not as high as Tang Zhen.

But even so, after a long period of time, it is still a huge income from military exploits.

Therefore, the commanders of these defense zones paid the most attention to the warships made by Tang Zhen, and they always stared at the shadow transfer stone for observation and research.

Not long after the construction of the warship started, commanders from other defense zones arrived to discuss the purchase of warships.

 Thanks: "The Lord of Xiaoyao Pavilion" for the reward, thank you book friends for your support!
(End of this chapter)

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