I have a city in another world

Chapter 2098 Visitors

Chapter 2098 Visitors

After arriving at the [-] defense area, these commanders went directly to the location of the dock, wanting to see how powerful this battleship is?
In fact, before they arrived, they had been paying attention to the defense zone for a long time, and they were very obsessed with guns and weapons.

There is always a group of people who are obsessed with this kind of fire-breathing cold weapon. If they see it but can't get it, they always feel uncomfortable.

After landing, according to the normal situation, they are not allowed to wander around, even if they are the commander of the defense zone.

However, Tang Zhen had already issued an order before, but all visitors can go to the dock under the guidance of a special person to watch the entire manufacturing process of the warship.

Of course, visitors can only see what they should see. As for some hidden core information, they cannot have the opportunity to see it.

A group of commanders came to the dock, and after seeing the scene in front of them, they couldn't help but freeze in place.

Because the location of the dock is beyond the scope of the defense zone, believers in other defense zones cannot see it through the shadow transfer stone at all.

It is precisely because of this that some people rush to come here, wanting to see the true face of Lushan Mountain.

As a result, what appeared in front of their eyes were only huge pits and black stones like hills.

Among these huge pits, there is a group of believers who are busy coming and going. They use tools like slings or scaffolding to surround these boulders.

Materials like bamboo poles can be exchanged at a very cheap price in the temple. Even if the entire boulder is surrounded, it will not cost much military exploits at all.

Although the scene at work was lively, that was not what the commanders wanted to see.

"This is a battleship. Are you kidding me? It's clearly just some broken rocks. Isn't the [-] defense zone a lie?"

A commander of the defense zone looked at the black stone with a look of surprise on his face, and said to his companions.

There was a trace of disappointment in his tone.

The other commanders were also at a loss. Tang Zhen used the temple to make an advertisement, saying that the battleship was miraculous, which is why they came in a hurry.

As a result, after seeing the real thing at the scene, they found that it was too different from their imagination, which made it difficult for them to accept it for a while.

"What's going on with this Tang Zhen? Do you want us to drive a pile of rocks to hunt sea monsters? If that's the case, then there should be as many sea miles in front of our housing area as possible."

Someone took the opportunity to make sarcastic remarks. During this time, Tang Zhen was in the limelight, which aroused the jealousy of many people. These guys wished for a chance to ridicule.

However, most of the commanders watched with cold eyes. They did not rush to draw conclusions, but observed carefully.

In fact, this group of commanders had already seen that the boulder in front of them was just rough, and there was still a huge distance from the real battleship.

It's just that they were too impatient and rushed over when the battleship was just being built, for fear that they would not be able to catch it if they arrived too late.

Although their mouths were full of disapproval, they were still shocked by the information they got after careful observation.

Apart from other things, it is definitely a very difficult thing to hollow out the hard and tough boulder.

Because the material of this kind of stone is far superior to that of steel, otherwise it will not be able to resist the damage of sea monsters. It can be said that there is no problem at all when using it as the main material of a battleship.

If they are allowed to do it, it will take at least ten or eight years to do this.

These transformed boulders alone already have great value, and they cannot be exchanged without enough military exploits.

Of course, what the commanders want is not the hollowed out boulder, but the finished warship, but the cost of hollowing out the boulder must be included in the sale.

The commanders are somewhat unwilling to spend a lot of military exploits to buy this kind of stone that can be seen everywhere.

It's a pity that this kind of thing is beyond their control. As long as they want to buy a warship, they must accept these conditions.

While talking in low voices, the commanders were still carefully watching the process of the believers engraving the rune circle, but found that they couldn't understand it at all.

Some of the commanders present were also proficient in rune circles, but the rune circles inscribed on the battleship were completely different from what they had come into contact with before.

It seems that it is not a simple matter to steal a teacher to learn art.

"Commanders, I don't know if you have any ideas, you can bring them up with me at any time, and I will try my best to convey them to Your Excellency Tang Zhen?"

A veteran soldier is responsible for receiving these commanders and answering their various questions. If the other party has any special requirements, they can also raise them during the visit.

Although he was smiling on the surface, he was actually quite disdainful towards these zone commanders in his heart.

These guys are not the same as Tang Zhen, they are just a group of wolves who will not let go when they see fat. If they are the commanders of the [-] defense zone, the believers will never get many benefits and benefits.

"Tell me, what will this battleship look like after it's finished?"

A commander thought for a while and asked the veteran Youzi.

In fact, the question that these commanders are most concerned about is, what kind of guns and weapons will the warship carry, and how much lethality can it have?

According to their thinking, it is natural that the more the quantity, the better, so that they will not feel a loss when they buy it.

It's just that warships are different from real city walls after all, and the rationality of weapon layout needs to be considered, not as many as you want.

Even so, when those commanders saw the completed blueprint of the battleship, their eyes still lit up.

At this moment, they made up their minds at the same time, even if the price of the warship was high, they would go back and search for it!
During the research and discussion of these commanders, the four-winged birds in the sky continued to appear, and the passengers on them were either believers who were hired, or customers who made sense to buy warships.

The constant influx of people also made the [-]rd room area extremely lively, and there were moving figures everywhere.

Tang Zhen did not contact these believers, but concentrated on transforming the battleship and deploying some necessary facilities on the battleship.

In addition to weapons, the most important area of ​​a battleship is naturally its power system.

The power system of a normal battleship needs to consume a lot of fuel and special fuel. Obviously, this method is not suitable for believers in the Kingdom of God, so Tang Zhen still uses the rune circle to drive it.

When remodeling the hull, Tang Zhen had already reserved space for the power system. He only needed to engrave and activate the rune array to push the battleship forward.

As for the working principle of the power system, it is actually very simple.

There are water inlets on the front and sides of the battleship. When the water flows into it, it will be accelerated by the rune circle, and then it will be ejected rapidly from the stern.

The jetting power of the water flow is extremely strong, more than enough to propel a warship, and believers can also directly control the strength of the water flow to achieve the functions of acceleration and steering.

As for the god stone consumed by running the power system, it can be exchanged in the temple, and there is no need to worry about being unable to move due to loss of power.

In addition to the power system, Tang Zhen also has corresponding arrangements for the most important weapon system of the battleship.

In addition to the necessary guns and weapons, the battleship will also be equipped with underwater weapons. After all, monsters basically move underwater instead of attacking on the coast.

If there is no such underwater attack weapon, then no matter how many guns are carried on the battleship, it will not be able to effectively kill the monster at all.

(End of this chapter)

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