I have a city in another world

Chapter 2188 Cause and Effect

Chapter 2188 Cause and Effect
In the following time, Zhan Mo poured beans out of a bamboo tube, telling everything he knew.

Through the story about the resurrected war demon, Tang Zhen knew the whole story and couldn't help but be surprised.

It turned out that War Demon had already entered the Kingdom of God a long time ago, and he was considered the first batch of believers in the Kingdom of God.

He was originally a resident of a certain plane. Because he practiced the incarnation of the indigenous gods, he was finally summoned to enter the kingdom of God.

Like today's believers, they hunted and killed sea monsters in exchange for military exploits, and constantly improved their own strength.

Perhaps the indigenous gods were trying to motivate believers, or the situation at that time was not as bad as it is now, so the indigenous gods were very generous at that time.

In that era, it was not unattainable for a believer to be promoted to a god-level master.

The indigenous gods intend to train god-level masters, but they are also considering their own future. According to his plan, these god-level masters are his servants.

With them maintaining the Kingdom of God, it can ensure sufficient security even if I am not around.

Even though the cultivation of these god-level monks was achieved through military exploits, in the eyes of the indigenous gods, all of this was due to his gifts.

The exchange of equal value does not actually include the crucial step of advancing to the god level, so it is my kindness.

With so many resources invested, wouldn't it be a big loss if these god-level masters were allowed to leave.

War Demon and other god-level masters also realized this and felt very unwilling.

As their strength increased, their ambitions grew larger and larger, and they naturally refused to be driven around like this.

However, in the face of the powerful native gods, they dare not be too presumptuous, otherwise, if they are angered, they may end up dead without a place to bury them.

Fortunately, it didn't take long for the situation to change.

The indigenous gods went to the super plane again, but returned with serious injuries and fell into a deep sleep.

Those god-level masters who had been waiting for a long time immediately seized this golden opportunity and took the opportunity to escape from the Kingdom of God.

Because of the escape of these god-level masters, the Kingdom of God fell into chaos immediately, which is also the reason for the chaos in many places.

When these god-level masters were escaping, the Great Temple was also aware of it and used prepared means to intercept them.

As a result, some god-level masters fell, and some god-level masters were involved in the turbulence of time and space, and finally escaped from the Kingdom of God by chance.

Zhan Mo and several other god-level masters are those who escaped successfully. They arrived at the demon plane and established their own territory there.

Because of the turbulent flow of time and space, the time when they appeared was out of place with the time when they escaped before.

Due to the time difference of ten thousand years, many memories belonging to the future also disappeared together.

They only remember that they emerged from the cracks, gained opportunities inside, and finally became god-level powerhouses.

As for the specific process and reason, none of the masters of these demon planes can remember.

Later, when the monks of Loucheng invaded the demon plane, the war demon finally chose to enter the crack when he had nowhere to escape.

As a result, at the moment of entering the crack, everything returned to normal, and War Demon also recovered the memory that was originally erased.

He knew his original identity, and he also knew what this place was, and while he was surprised, he immediately had a corresponding plan in his heart.

Because he once held an important position in the Kingdom of God, War Demon knows some secret things, including the mysterious area where monsters and erring believers are held.

He guessed that the Loucheng monks might follow suit, so he did not enter the Kingdom of God directly. Instead, he used the means he knew before to open the entrance to the Kingdom of God's prison near the crack.

As long as you enter through the gap, you will directly enter the prison of the Kingdom of God instead of entering the Kingdom of God.

After the arrangement was completed, War Demon would lurk and wait for observation.

Sure enough, as he expected, it didn't take long for monk Loucheng to enter the Kingdom of God through the crack.

At this time, the war demon immediately took action, and sent the monks of Loucheng to that horrible prison one after another. Since the monks of Loucheng had just arrived, they didn't realize that they had been plotted against.

The only exception was Tang Zhen.

His luck value is extremely high, and when faced with a crisis, he can often turn disaster into good fortune.

This time during the process of entering the Kingdom of God, the hidden lucky attribute came into play again, allowing Tang Zhen to avoid the war demon's plan.

However, War Demon didn't realize his omissions. He didn't know that among the monks who entered Loucheng, one person had already entered the receiving area by mistake.

Then Tang Zhen entered the Long Street of Despair, and after stirring up a lot of wind and rain, he entered the core area of ​​the Kingdom of God forcefully.

And in the shortest possible time, he became the commander-in-chief of the [-] and [-] defense zones, possessing strong strength.

At this time, War Demon hadn't noticed Tang Zhen, but was busy contacting the sea monsters, trying to kill the native gods.

As a traitor to the Kingdom of God, he could not be forgiven by the native gods, and he was alone, and it was impossible for him to deal with the native gods single-handedly.

In this case, cooperating with the sea monsters in exchange for the benefits they need has become the best choice for War Demon.

As a result, just when the two parties reached a cooperation, news about Tang Zhen began to come in one after another, and it was only then that Zhan Mo was shocked to discover that there was actually a fish that slipped through the net!
Then he listed Tang Zhen as the target of tracking and observation, so as to determine whether monk Loucheng followed him, and whether he was looking for and killing him secretly.

At that time, the War Demon was in the dark, so he could have shot Tang Zhen secretly and took the opportunity to kill Tang Zhen.

As a result, because he was afraid of the possible existence of the monks in Loucheng, he was afraid that Tang Zhen would be a fish to catch him, so he missed the best opportunity in vain.

By the time he was fully prepared and finally decided to act, it was already too late.

Because of a coincidence, or the curse of the native gods on him was too strong, after encountering Tang Zhen, things went wrong for War Demon, and he was finally killed with a single blow.

This is the cause and effect of the whole thing. After Tang Zhen found out, he couldn't help but be amazed.

He really didn't expect that the background of this matter was so complicated, and the war demon was actually subordinate to the indigenous gods.

Including several other masters of the demon plane, they also have similar identities, former masters of miracles in the Kingdom of God.

It's a pity that they, as traitors, cannot obtain any special rights in the Kingdom of God, and they dare not even visit the Continent of Believers.

Otherwise, let alone becoming the commander of the [-] Defense Zone, Tang Zhen would have been hunted down by believers long ago and would have had no place in the Believers' Continent.

After figuring out the cause and effect of the matter, Tang Zhen stopped wasting time. After leaving the Undersea Mirror Palace, he began to search for traces of the Divine Kingdom Prison.

(End of this chapter)

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