I have a city in another world

Chapter 2189 Divine Country Prison

Chapter 2189 Divine Country Prison
The prison used by the Kingdom of God to imprison criminals is actually a deadly land. Under normal circumstances, there is no entry and no exit.

The purpose of the existence of this area was not to hold prisoners, but to place some dirty and evil things by the indigenous gods.

Many of the items collected by the indigenous gods are these things, which may be related to his hobbies.

The collection of gods is naturally not ordinary, and it must be properly cared for, so as not to cause turmoil in the kingdom of God.

Therefore, the indigenous gods specially opened up an area for placing these items, and no one except him can enter.

In the days that followed, after some believers in the Kingdom of God made mistakes, they were sent to that area by the indigenous gods to endure endless torture.

After coming and going, this matter became a routine, and the forbidden land was officially transformed into a prison of the Kingdom of God.

After a believer enters this prison, it is absolutely impossible to leave unless he has served his sentence.

Back then, God-level monks such as War Demon had a certain number of arrest quotas in their hands, so that they could monitor and deter believers.

With the sleeping of the indigenous gods, these places have been reserved and have not been cancelled.

Cultivator Loucheng is a mortal enemy, and War Demon will naturally not show mercy. He sentenced the lords in the war zone to life sentences and prevented them from leaving the prison for life.

Fortunately, there is no death penalty, otherwise the war zone lords will be hit hard when they first enter the Kingdom of God!
But even if he is saved from death, once he enters the prison, there will be no day of escape.

As for improving strength, it can only be regarded as a joke.

Fortunately, there is no inevitable death in this world. This prison is not a slaughterhouse, but there is still a way to survive.

If you want to commute or lift your sentence, you can offset it with military exploits and apply to the envoy of the Great Temple.

Even if the qualifications for release from prison are met, the release of the prisoner can only be done by the indigenous gods, so as to avoid errors in the whole process.

But the problem now is that this guy has fallen into a deep sleep, and it is impossible to wake him up.

Without his pardon order, the war zone lords would never have broken the seal established by the indigenous gods, and could only be imprisoned obediently.

The next thing Tang Zhen has to do is to find the prison, and then find a way to rescue the war zone lords.

This is not an easy task.

It should be noted that the indigenous gods fell into a deep sleep, but the original restrictions still existed, and they would be more rigid and cruel in the case of automatic operation.

According to War Demon's confession, apart from the powerful rune circle, there are also a large number of puppet guards in this prison, and the location itself is a mystery.

Except for the indigenous gods, no one can accurately determine the location of the prison, and even those believers who escaped from prison by chance cannot provide any useful clues at all.

The reason for this is to prevent believers from robbing the prison, and it is also to prevent believers from sneaking in again and taking away the precious items inside.

Although the location of the prison is mysterious and abnormal, it is not impossible to decipher the location. It must be known that when the indigenous gods established that forbidden area, they had no intention of confining god-level masters.

Once the god-level masters make mistakes, the indigenous gods cannot imprison them, but use more cruel and severe punishment methods.

It was for this reason that Tang Zhen thought that he could try to lock the prison by sensing the power of the source.

The first thing Tang Zhen has to do is to get the password to enable the prison to prohibit teleportation from Zhan Mo.

Zhan Mo didn't hide anything, and quickly told Tang Zhen that although he had the copied memory, he didn't have the backbone of the original body, and he was afraid that he would be tortured again.

After confirming that the password was valid, Tang Zhen chose an item and sent it to the Divine Kingdom Prison.

This thing can't be too weak, otherwise it will die once it enters the prison of the Kingdom of God, and the original power may also dissipate, making Tang Zhen unable to perform induction locking.

It also shouldn't be too strong, otherwise, God knows if it will pose a threat to those lords once they enter the prison of the Kingdom of God.

Since it is named a prison, we know that there are various restrictions in it, and the inability to sense the energy of heaven and earth is just one of the rules.

The Divine Country Prison, like the Forbidden Mountains, will continue to absorb the energy in the body until it abruptly turns a monk into an ordinary person.

After entering the Divine Kingdom Prison for a period of time, no matter how powerful the strong man is, he will be completely crippled.

After Tang Zhen searched the ocean for a while, he finally chose a giant crocodile sea monster about ten meters long with scales like a crocodile.

This kind of thing has a strong physical body, and it has a super strong ability to resist blows. Even without energy absorption, it should be able to last for a long time.

As for why Tang Zhen didn't use the means of creation to create a special creature and send it to prison, it was because he was worried that his creation would be repelled by the rules of the Kingdom of God.

If this is the case, then the item will be directly reduced to ashes the moment it is sent to the prison of the Kingdom of God.

After capturing the giant crocodile sea monster, Tang Zhen did not directly use the teleportation spell, but first carved some mysterious and strange characters on the scales of the sea monster.

This is not a ghost painting talisman, but a code word between the monks in Loucheng. After seeing it, the war zone lords will know that Tang Zhen is trying to rescue them.

If possible, they will also cooperate with Tang Zhen in the prison to find a way to open the prison.
When Tang Zhen was drawing characters, the giant crocodile sea monster was floating obediently on the surface of the sea, trembling all over.

Although he couldn't sense Tang Zhen's true strength, he knew it must be extremely strong, so the giant crocodile and sea monster cooperated abnormally throughout the process.

Ants are still alive, not to mention that this giant crocodile sea monster has a not weak IQ, and knows when to do what.

This is the difference between a wild sea monster and a legion sea monster. If it was a legion sea monster, it would have launched a desperate attack on Tang Zhen long ago.

After the preparations were completed, Tang Zhen stretched out his hand to hold the giant crocodile sea monster's head, and injected a trace of original power into its body.

The essence of this god is sealed, the giant crocodile and sea monster cannot digest and absorb it, and outsiders cannot easily sense its existence.

Only Tang Zhen himself can clearly sense its existence, and can even appear in the area where the source of God is located in an instant.

The giant crocodile sea monster twisted its body, it always felt that it was about to face something terrible, and its heart was full of unspeakable fear.

Just when it was feeling uneasy, Tang Zhen stepped back a few steps, and then muttered something in his mouth.

The giant crocodile sea monster suddenly discovered that a dark hole appeared not far from him, emitting a terrible suction force.

The giant crocodile sea monster was extremely frightened, desperately moving its six thick giant claws, trying to dive into the ocean.

It's a pity that the struggle is futile, the power in the black hole is getting stronger and stronger, dragging the giant crocodile and sea monster into it forcefully.

The black hole closed instantly, and everything returned to calm.

Tang Zhen held his breath and concentrated, constantly sensing the breath of the original power, not daring to be distracted in the slightest.

After a full minute, Tang Zhen slowly opened his eyes with a relaxed look on his face.

Just for a moment, he finally sensed the breath of the original power, and thus locked the location of the Divine Kingdom Prison.

The heart that had been hanging was slightly let go at this moment, and then Tang Zhen's figure flashed and flew towards the end of the ocean.

 Thanks to: "Master Xiaoyao Pavilion" for the reward, and to book friends for their support.

(End of this chapter)

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