I have a city in another world

Chapter 2195 The Path of the Gods

Chapter 2195 The Path of the Gods

Everything is ready and ready to go.

"Please wait a moment, there is an item that needs to be arranged to facilitate the next action."

While Tang Zhen was speaking, he took out an item.

This set of combined rune array disks was placed by Tang Zhen at the exit of the transmission channel, and then began to be assembled automatically.

Its appearance is like a modern metal sculpture, with a suspended energy ball in the middle, slowly rotating like a star version.

A strange energy fluctuation spread, contaminating everyone, making people feel a little uncomfortable.

"Lord Tang Zhen, what is this?"

Lord Zhankuang felt it for a while, and asked Tang Zhen with a puzzled expression on his face.

"This is the rune circle provided by the cornerstone platform. The core material is obtained from the super plane, which can produce a special energy barrier.

The function of this energy barrier is to ensure that when we enter the Kingdom of God, we will not forcibly erase our memories for the rules of the Kingdom of God. "

Tang Zhen explained casually, but his eyes were fixed on those runes, intending to keep them in mind.

"I see."

Lord Zhankuang nodded, and said in a slightly surprised tone: "When did this kind of thing exist in the fifth war zone, why didn't I know it before?"

"I heard that I just got it, from the third war zone."

"No wonder so, I'm afraid it cost a lot of money."

Lord Zhankuang continued: "This kind of memory-erasing world rule is the most annoying. I have suffered a big loss, but fortunately I made preparations in advance, and this luckily solved the predicament."

The Star Spirit Lord next to him, who was also looking at the runes, heard this and said in a surprised tone: "You actually have such an experience, why have I never heard you mention it, and how come you still use wisdom to solve the problem?"

Everyone laughed softly when they heard the words, the words of the protoss lord were more or less mocking.

Lord Zhan Kuang didn't care, but said in a loud voice: "Fart wisdom, I am just afraid that I will forget things, so I created a little thing, which is responsible for reminding me of things to do in my ears every day.

As a result, when exploring the plane, he strayed into the Kingdom of True God, but it was too late to run away.

As a result, under the influence of the rules of the Kingdom of God, I completely forgot everything and didn't know who I was.

Fortunately, there was that little thing reminding me all the time, so I barely recalled something, and finally managed to escape. "

When Lord Zhankuang said this, his face showed a hint of exclamation, obviously that experience made him remember deeply.

Tang Zhen had already memorized the entire rune array in his heart, then turned his head and asked, "Does this kind of memory erasure happen often?"

The Star Spirit Lord next to him nodded and said in a calm tone: "Cutting off energy supply, erasing one's own memory, and suppressing all aspects of rules are the most common methods used by the Kingdom of God to deal with outsiders.

Unless it is hidden enough, once it is discovered by the controller of the kingdom of God, all three situations will definitely happen. "

Hearing this, Tang Zhen couldn't help asking curiously: "From your tone, it seems that you often enter the Kingdom of God. What is the reason for this?"

The Protoss Lord smiled softly. He knew that Tang Zhen had just been promoted to the Creator, so he didn't know much about many things.

That being the case, let me explain it to him by the way, as a favor.

"God-level powerhouses from other planes have a completely different cultivation method from Loucheng monks. After they establish the Kingdom of God, they usually choose to hide in hiding.

As time goes by, the scale and level of the Kingdom of God will continue to increase, and the strength of the monks will also increase accordingly, until they reach another unspeakable realm.

Some kingdoms of God have a history of tens of millions of years, and the gods in charge of the kingdom of God have basically entered a semi-dormant state, looking exactly the same as ordinary planes.

Even the aborigines of the Kingdom of God do not know that there is a Creator God in the world they live in.

Once we encounter such a kingdom of God, we will find ways to snatch the origin of God, and sometimes encounter a kingdom of God with too high a level, and we will encounter a fatal crisis.

It's just that this kind of true god country is very rare, almost once in a hundred years, and the most seen are ordinary planes.

In addition, there are also some indigenous gods. They don't like to upgrade the Kingdom of God by slowly accumulating, but like to plunder resources everywhere to help the Kingdom of God upgrade.

In addition to participating in the plundering themselves, they will also train the residents of the Kingdom of God to participate in the plundering together.

Those greedy guys are just a group of out-and-out bandits from the void plane, running around and committing crimes. "

When the Protoss Lord said this, he seemed to realize his identity, and couldn't help laughing softly.

In terms of plundering resources, monk Loucheng can be regarded as the best in the world, and he really has no right to despise others.

Tang Zhen listened with relish, so he asked, what happened to these bandits from the void plane.

When the indigenous gods fled back from the super plane, they encountered a group of void robbers. After the two sides fought, they finally led to the fall of the Warrior Continent.

Today's giant city warriors are the descendants of the void bandits.

"The divine kingdom of god-level monks can be completed completely according to their own ideas, and the types are also strange.

Just talking about those kingdoms of God that rely on plundering resources to upgrade, some alien gods directly train monks, wandering around in the void, like a pack of hungry wolves, grabbing whatever they see.

This is the void bandit I am talking about, and it is also the most common type, and its strength should not be underestimated.

There are also some alien gods who like to create weird and bizarre spaces, allowing the selected natives to participate in the reincarnation trial, the rules are cruel and bloody.

The process of this trial is itself a kind of plunder, and the treasures that the trialists snatched back from other planes were all taken advantage of by the native gods in the end.

During this process, the strength of the testers is also constantly improving, and when the strength reaches a certain level, there will be more dangerous and difficult tasks waiting for them..."

Listening to the introduction of the protoss lord, Tang Zhen also had a clearer understanding of the cultivation methods of alien gods.

After all, it is all to improve the level of the Kingdom of God and obtain more resources.

To some extent, these indigenous gods are competitors of Loucheng monks. Although most of them are fighting alone, their strength is not too weak.

God-level monks are not Chinese cabbages. Once they explode with all their strength, they will produce extremely terrifying destructive power, so they must be paid attention to.

Sometimes when the monks in Loucheng launch a plane invasion, they will encounter monks controlled by the indigenous gods, and a fierce battle will inevitably break out.

Creator-level monks usually act in such a situation, and follow the clues to find the lair of the indigenous gods.

If the fight was successful, they directly copied the opponent's hometown, and even killed the native gods together.

If they can't beat them, they will take secret actions to snatch the origin of God and then quickly evacuate.

If it is not necessary, the creators will not launch a large-scale invasion of this true kingdom of God, so as not to cause unnecessary losses.

Just as Tang Zhen was talking with the Protoss Lord, the rune magic circle had been fully activated, and the strange power became thicker and thicker.

This kind of power cannot be observed with the naked eye, but if one senses it with spiritual power, one will find that strange power is like sticky syrup, attached to the soul.

It feels uncomfortable, but necessary.

With this kind of special energy protection, the monks of Loucheng will no longer be affected by the law after entering the Kingdom of God.

As for the operating principle, it must be imitating the breath of super-plane matter, thereby suppressing the laws of the kingdom of God.

The laws of the low-level planes cannot affect the matter of the high-level planes, and carry a trace of breath from the super-planes, which can play the role of deceiving the sky and crossing the sea.

Tang Zhen suddenly realized that he had more than one item from the super plane on his body. No wonder after leaving the Kingdom of God this time, his memory was not confirmed.

Originally, Tang Zhen was a little baffled, thinking that it had something to do with the improvement of the realm, but now he figured out that this is the case.

 Thanks to: "The Master of Xiaoyao Pavilion" and "Book Friend 161230210706931" for the reward. Thank you to the book friends for their support.

(End of this chapter)

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