I have a city in another world

Chapter 2196 Signing a Contract

Chapter 2196 Signing a Contract
Strange power spreads out, but anyone who passes by will inevitably be contaminated.

From then on, when monk Loucheng entered the Kingdom of God again, he didn't need to worry about his memory being erased.

The teleportation array connecting to the Kingdom of God is currently being built, but it still needs the Kingdom of God to take the initiative to guide it.

With a thought, the fanatical power of faith was simulated, touching the hidden law of this plane.

When the guiding passage appeared, Tang Zhen and several creators stepped into it, and disappeared in the next moment.

Perhaps because of his promotion to the god level, Tang Zhen's perception became stronger and stronger. During the process of receiving and teleporting, he began to faintly feel strange power appearing around his body.

In the past, he had never discovered that there were signs of such power around him.

This kind of power must have appeared when I entered the Kingdom of God a few times ago, but I didn't notice it.

It was this special power that forcibly cut and erased his memory, and he had already been tricked before he knew it.
But at this moment, more than one aura surged in Tang Zhen's body, confronting this special power.

But in the blink of an eye, Tang Zhen's hidden power was defeated and his memory was preserved.

When the line of sight returned to normal, he was already in the temple in the [-] defense zone.

Seeing this, the monk Loucheng who was in charge of escorting him hurriedly stepped forward to salute, and prepared to lead Tang Zhen to implant the stored memory.

Smiling and waving his hand to refuse, Tang Zhen turned his head and looked at the six creators behind him.

Their figures appeared one after another, and they took a look at the surrounding environment with indifferent expressions on their faces.

"See, those monks from other races are so stingy. It's just a dream to absorb energy in their country."

Lord Zhankuang felt the surrounding environment, feeling uncomfortable, and said in a very disdainful tone.

The lord named Mo Yue carefully looked at the layout of the temple and walked around inside.

With a trace of curiosity in his eyes, he asked Tang Zhen a few more questions, and then his face revealed a look of surprise.

"It's no wonder Lord Tang Zhen cares so much about this place. If you make good use of it, this place is indeed an excellent place for monks in Loucheng to improve their strength.

If the native gods hadn't encountered an accident and urgently needed the believers to do their best, such a good thing might not have happened.

After all, exchanging materials requires the consumption of God's Origin. Although it doesn't seem like much, it is still a considerable amount of consumption over time. "

Several other creators also nodded and said that they had encountered alien gods who used the power of the source to enhance the strength of their subordinates, but the number was extremely limited, and the conditions were extremely harsh.

But the reward mechanism like this kingdom of God is simply unheard of. If it is placed before the promotion to the god level, they may not be able to resist this temptation.

This situation is enough to show that the Kingdom of God is in danger, to the extent that bleeding is necessary.

No wonder the native gods were so proactive, they would rather waste more than half of their God Origin, and reach a cooperation with Loucheng World.

It's because from the very beginning, he was in an extremely critical state, and he could barely hold on in the past, but now he has reached the limit.

Cooperating with the Loucheng World and striving to survive death has become the only chance for the indigenous gods to save themselves.

"It's not too late, everyone, please come with me, let's go to the Great Temple."

Tang Zhen stretched out his hand to invite, and then walked out first.

The six creators followed behind, and after walking out of the temple, they rose into the sky at the same time.

Led by Tang Zhen, the seven figures turned into streamers and went straight to the core area of ​​the Continent of Believers.

The speed of the Creator's movement is naturally indescribably fast, even if it is restricted by the rules, it is still like thunder and lightning.

It didn't take too long for them to reach the core area.

Before the people arrived, they saw fireworks blooming in the sky, and the melodious fairy music continued to echo.

Around the Great Temple, there are clusters of flowers, and there are many figures standing tall. They are wearing formal dresses, and they are waiting seriously.

When the figures of Tang Zhen and others appeared, they saw the brilliance shining in the passage in front of the Great Temple, extending directly to the position under their feet.


Knowing that this is a spirit envoy welcoming the guard of honor, Tang Zhen stopped being polite, and invited everyone to step on the passage together after landing.

When they marched on the aisle, those believers in uniforms knelt down to the ground one after another.

The giant statues on the square smiled and saluted Tang Zhen and others as if they had come to life.

Go through the passage and enter the interior of the Great Temple.

The spirit envoy stood in the center of the hall, and although he had been waiting for a long time, he saluted the seven creators to express his respect.

These seven are all existences at the same level as the master. Although their strength is far inferior to the master at the peak, they are still existences that he must look up to.

Naturally, Tang Zhen and the others would not be arrogant. When the spirit envoy saluted, they would also return the salute.

Although he was a god-level powerhouse, he did not bully others at all, and acted mildly and appropriately.

Of course, the premise of everything is that the two sides are in a state of cooperation. If it is an enemy, the Great Temple at this moment may already be bloody.

"You should know all about my previous agreement with the god clone, right?"

Tang Zhen looked at the envoy and began the last procedure.

"That's right, I already know all about it, and this matter was originally what my master meant.

His last sliver of consciousness has fallen back into a deep sleep, and he made me responsible for the final handover. "

There was a hint of sadness in the voice of the spirit envoy, and it felt a bit like a hero's twilight. After all, the former native gods were absolutely like an invincible overlord.

It's a pity that a trip to the super plane completely changed everything, and now he is still alive, and has to gain a chance to breathe at the cost of hurting himself.

As the most loyal servant of the indigenous gods, the spirit makes the pain in his heart far more than other believers.

Tang Zhen is not interested in paying attention to the feelings of the spirit envoy. For him, the key is to obtain the source of God as soon as possible.

"Since this is the case, there is no need to waste any more time. How about we sign the contract and make the delivery now?"

The spirit envoy nodded, waved and pointed forward, and then the contract condensed by the power of rules appeared.

The indigenous gods had already signed, leaving a mark of the gods, while the monks in Loucheng were left blank.

In order to ensure the fairness of this kind of transaction, the monks of Loucheng must have multiple creators sign at the same time, which doubles the cost of breaching the contract.

This is a means of self-protection, and making this request is tantamount to admitting that you are on the weak side.

Tang Zhen had already agreed to this request before, so this trip to the kingdom of God will bring many creators together.

In addition to ensuring the safe return of the source of God, another reason is to gather the number of people who signed the contract.

When Tang Zhen and the others left their marks of the gods, the contract was automatically established, and then disappeared as a stream of light.

Because it has its own God's mark, if the signer violates the content of the contract, he must be punished accordingly.

The spirit envoy sighed softly, took out a radiant treasure box from the void, and met Tang Zhen's hand.

"Your Excellency Tang Zhen, I wonder if I can make another request?"

Tang Zhen looked at the envoy and nodded slightly.

"I don't know if the monks in Loucheng can send troops to wipe out all the sea monsters. In that case, my master won't need to be bothered by those parasites?"

Tang Zhen shook his head.

The biggest threat to the Kingdom of God at present is this kind of endless sea monsters. Tang Zhen is not sure to completely eliminate them, and he will definitely not completely eliminate them.

The emissary obviously understood this too, and what he said just now was just a fluke.

The two parties are just a cooperative relationship, how can he do things that are not in Tang Zhen's interests?

(End of this chapter)

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