I have a city in another world

Chapter 2211 I am from Baixi Loucheng (1)

Chapter 2211 I am from Baixi Loucheng ([-])

The Baixi Valley is located at the edge of the Holy Dragon War Zone, where there are high mountains and dense forests. In the early years, it was once a lair occupied by monster dragons and giant beasts.

The local aborigines worship evil gods, and many cruel and bloody sacrificial activities prevail. After outsiders are caught, they are basically used for sacrifices.

In an open space in the Baixi Valley, temple altars built with brown rocks and countless white bones and skeletons can still be seen.

There are almost countless resentful souls lingering here, even in the daytime, there are ghosts haunting them.

Later, the orcs discovered this place, and after a bloody battle, Baixi Valley became the territory of the orcs again.

Since then, it has been officially named because of a stream in the valley full of boulders.

The rushing mountain spring water hits the boulder, forming a white ribbon, which looks extraordinarily beautiful in the sun.

There are a large number of cold-water fish in the stream, and because there are not many natural enemies, these cold-water fish grow very large.

In fine weather, the sun shines on the clear and slow water area, and the big fish seem to be floating in the air, and it takes a long time for them to shake slightly and make slight ripples.

The taste of the big fish is extremely delicious. After the fish is cut open, it looks like the best fat, and it exudes a sweet fragrance after entering the mouth.

The orc nobles like this kind of big fish. After they specially send people to catch them, they use freezing spells to seal the deliciousness, and then use flying beasts to deliver them to their destination.

In addition to this kind of big fish, a cold-water giant snail, a specialty of Baixi, is also extremely delicious, but most of these things are hidden in the crevices of boulders, making it difficult for people to find and catch them.

The river in the Baixi Valley is extremely beautiful, and the scenery is also very beautiful, but it is only known by people.

Especially when winter comes, this stream will not freeze, but will continue to emit white mist.

The mist hangs on the plants by the river, like a silver-covered artwork, looking like a fairyland.

When the branches are covered with frost, clumps of strange flowers will grow on the banks of the river. They are not afraid of the severe cold and decorate the stream beautifully.

No one would have imagined that beside this extremely beautiful river, there had been an extremely bloody war.

Many years ago, Sacred Dragon City sent legions to try to control the entire continent.

The Beastman Alliance lost to the monks of Loucheng. Hundreds of thousands of Beastman warriors were besieged in the Baixi Valley, and all escape routes were blocked.

Brother Loucheng's attitude was very clear. If the orc army resisted stubbornly, there would only be a dead end in the end.

The orc warriors refused to give in, and a bloody battle began.

The outcome of the battle was already doomed. The orc army, which has always been known for its bravery and fierceness, lost very miserably this time.

Whether it was strength or close combat, they were all suppressed and couldn't hold their heads up. They were no match for the monks of Loucheng.

After nearly half of the warriors were killed and the corpses blocked the rushing Baixi River, the commander of the Orc Legion could only choose to surrender with tears in his eyes.

Because the royal court of the orcs has been defeated, and the other orc legions have been wiped out, it is meaningless for them to continue to insist.

It is possible to swear not to surrender, but it does not make any sense. On the contrary, it cuts off the chance for the orcs to rise again.

After the battle in Baixi Valley ended, there was no country on this continent anymore, replaced by the Holy Dragon War Zone, and tower cities that appeared out of thin air.

After the blood was washed away in the beautiful Baixi Valley, a group of new owners ushered in.

They are from Holy Dragon City, and they are all experienced Loucheng monks.

These are old residents who followed Tang Zhen from the wild war zone and experienced countless wars, large and small.

After Tang Zhen established the Shenglong War Zone, he selected some old residents of Shenglong City to select suitable candidates to build a new Loucheng.

This is a necessary link. A war zone must have a sufficient number of buildings and be promoted to the corresponding level within the specified time in order for the war zone to be eligible to remain.

Becoming the Lord of Loucheng is the dream of countless Loucheng monks. The more powerful the theater is, the more difficult it is to realize this dream.

The holy dragon war zone was first established and provided a large number of places for city lords, which is a rare good thing.

Because the number of places in Loucheng is limited, at the beginning of the competition, it was really a battle between dragons and tigers.

The residents of Loucheng who successfully obtained the places were extremely excited. It was a supreme honor to be the first batch of owners of Loucheng after the establishment of the war zone.

Then the Holy Dragon City held a meeting, and Tang Zhen personally attended the meeting to preside over the meeting. He encouraged the masters of the Loucheng, and personally supervised them to extract the cornerstone of the Loucheng.

This batch of building city cornerstones has been accumulated by the Holy Dragon War Zone for many years, and all of them are of the highest level, which cannot be touched by ordinary building city monks.

Even in the holy dragon war zone, this is a top-level strategic material, and it is a good thing that cannot be exchanged for a thousand dollars.

As a reward for the initial construction of the war zone, Tang Zhen gave away these sealed building foundation stones for free, and there were hundreds of them in one shot, which is definitely a big deal.

After the cornerstones of Loucheng are drawn, these residents of Loucheng will take their companions and followers, as well as the city building resources donated by Tang Zhen, to their respective areas.

Backed by a big tree to enjoy the shade, because of the existence of the Holy Dragon War Zone, these monks who went out to build the building city were extremely relaxed.

They don't need to work hard at all, they just need to choose a suitable location to build the building city.

Even before the sixth level of Loucheng, there is no need to withstand much storms, because in the holy dragon theater, the setting of monster siege has been cancelled.

Although there is no option for monsters to attack the city, the monks in Loucheng still have a lot of actual combat training, which will be more cruel and harsh.

Sweat more in peacetime, and bleed less in wartime.

Regarding the improvement of their own strength, the monks in the Holy Dragon War Zone have never slackened in the slightest.

The prosperity and strength of a building city is based on the residents of the building city. After the establishment of these building cities, the residents of the building city have been recruited one after another.

The Loucheng world is extremely inclusive, no matter what race you are, you have the opportunity to become a member of the Loucheng world.

Especially the first-generation residents of Loucheng, although they will experience many trials and tribulations during the growth of Loucheng, they will be the biggest contributors when Loucheng grows up.

As long as you are lucky enough and live long enough, when the Loucheng is promoted to a certain level, the benefits of the first-generation residents will be enviable.

While enjoying high welfare, these residents are still serving Loucheng instead of just eating and waiting to die.

The resources they obtained are basically used to improve their strength, or used on their offspring.

In terms of cultivating future generations, Loucheng's system is very fair, even the son of the city lord does not have any privileges.

At most, the city lord would allocate part of his welfare to his children, which was reasonable and reasonable, and there was absolutely no problem.

If the junior monks want to obtain more resources, they must work hard to practice and study, and strive for various rewards.

As long as you are talented and work hard enough, you can get a lot of resources and finally stand out from the competition.

Even if the talents are not rewarded, the various benefits provided by Loucheng are enough for a monk in Loucheng to grow up.

It's just that most of these monks have a limited future, and they will eventually disappear from the crowd and become a member of the ordinary monk army.

 Thanks: "wt hello" for the reward, thank you book friends for your support.

(End of this chapter)

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