I have a city in another world

Chapter 2212 I am from Baixi Loucheng (2)

Chapter 2212 I Come From Baixi Tower City ([-])
Morning comes.

The morning mist permeating the mountains and forests dissipated, revealing the freshness washed by water, and a moist vitality permeated everywhere.

Under an old tree on the hillside, snow-colored long-haired mice gathered together, making a "twittering" sound, and scrambling for a few nuts that fell on the ground.

They played unscrupulously, until the sound of noise sounded, and then nimbly ran to the branches and looked around vigilantly.

On the hill next to the big tree, there is a half-buried building, like the window of a pair of big eyes, with several clusters of colorful lily-of-the-valleys planted.

With the sound of "creaking" the door was pushed, a muscular young man walked out of the house slowly.

The young man has thick eyebrows and big eyes, and his muscles are like cast iron, shining with a healthy luster.

He was wearing a vest-like top that exposed his arms, and a pair of off-white jeans.

This kind of wear-resistant and wear-resistant cloth is very popular in Baixi Valley. Every time the merchants bring their goods, they will sell them clean.

Residents who have lived in the Baixi Valley for a long time can tell from the young man's appearance that he is a hybrid with orc genes.

If you observe carefully, you will find two curved horns hidden under the young man's long golden hair.

Of course, in today's holy dragon war zone, no one would care about these things, and mixed races abounded everywhere, and they would never suffer any discrimination.

After taking a breath of fresh air, the young man turned back to the house and took out a slender sword.

The color of the saber is pitch black, and the shape is simple and mysterious. At first glance, it looks like an old object with a history.

The young man didn't know the true origin of this saber, he only knew that it should be an antique, and it must be of great value.

As for the origin of this sword, he accidentally discovered it in the mud when he was playing by the Baixi River when he was a child.

Later, the young man started to practice martial arts, and this antique saber became his weapon. After so many years, this saber has almost become a part of his body.

Taking a deep breath, the young man slashed forward with his saber, and began to practice the combat skills that Baixi Loucheng released for free.

Just when the young man was practicing vigorously, a large group of strong men slowly walked along the road not far away.

Most of them are about the same age as young people, and they are also mixed blood with orc genes, tall and strong.

They wore simple leather armor and held rough weapons in their hands. Looking at the packages on their bodies, they knew that they were obviously preparing to travel far.

When they came to the house where the young man was, these people stopped and watched the young man practice intently.

"Ah Feng is becoming more and more powerful now. I guess we will fight together, and we will definitely not be his opponent!"

"Hahaha, you really deserve to be a guy with the blood of the royal family, the talent is just different, we can't compare at all!"

"It's a pity, if Ah Feng can purify his blood, his strength will definitely be improved to a higher level!"

"Now is the opportunity, Baixi Tower City is recruiting mercenaries, so they will definitely not be stingy with rewards.

As long as we perform well, we may have the opportunity to make an exception and become a resident of Loucheng.

Even if you can't become a floor resident, you can still get a lot of rewards, which is a lot of money.

Not only can we practice better, but we can also become more affluent in our daily lives! "

The young people kept talking, with longing in their tone, and the man who was the team leader listened quietly.

He was different from these young people. He once participated in a war organized by Baixi Tower City, and participated in it as a mercenary.

It was that battle experience that completely opened his eyes to the truth of the world.

Because of this war, he also earned a lot of rewards and became one of the richest people in the nearby villages.

Baixi Loucheng recruited mercenaries, and he was in charge of contacting them, wanting to lead the young people to find a future.

Among all the young people in the village, he is especially optimistic about Afeng, thinking that this young man is by no means a treasure.

So in normal times, he always tries to provide some help within his ability, which has become a habit for many years.

When the other party really flourishes, he may be grateful for the friendship at this time and give his juniors proper care.

While everyone was discussing in low voices, the young man named Ah Feng also stopped practicing, put his knife into its sheath while taking a breath.

Looking at the people standing beside him, Ah Feng came back to his senses, with a bright smile on his face, he reached out his hand to greet everyone.

"Uncle Aaron, and brothers, come and sit down, I'll pick some fruit for you!"

Hearing Ah Feng's greeting, everyone smiled and shook their heads.

"Don't be busy, pack up quickly, let's go to Baixi Tower City."

Afeng was stunned when he heard this, and asked in a puzzled tone: "Uncle Aaron, I remember that there are still 15 days until the recruitment day in Baixi Loucheng, why are we setting off now?"

Last time when Uncle Aaron was counting the people who signed up, Ah Feng had already taken the initiative to sign up, and he has been preparing for this period of time.

There is still half a month before the departure time. Uncle Aaron and the others are going to Baixi Tower City now, which makes him feel a little strange.

"Yesterday, I received a message from Baixi Loucheng, saying that the original plan has changed, and Loucheng is going to start the plane invasion war immediately.

This time it was a big move. It was said that many Louchengs were involved, and all mercenaries were required to arrive within three days.

Ordinarily, I should have contacted everyone to set off together last night, but Baixi Loucheng issued a notice that they would send a special vehicle to pick them up.

So we don't need to be too anxious, as long as we arrive at the assembly point within the specified time. "

Listening to Uncle A-Long's explanation, Ah Feng nodded, then turned and went back into the house.

After waiting for more than ten minutes, Aaron came out of the house with a huge animal skin package on his back.

There are a lot of things inside, including some precious medicinal ores, which Ah Feng is going to take out and sell to merchants.

"Uncle Aaron, I'm ready, we can set off now."

Uncle A-Long nodded. Among them, only A-Feng had the biggest package.Only he still thought about taking these mountain specialties out to exchange for money when he went out.

Unlike other young people, Ah Feng has lived alone since he was a child, and he has long been used to this kind of thing.

As for the young people who were traveling with them, all they could think about was the prosperity of Baixi Tower City and the upcoming war of planes.

Baixi Loucheng promotes combat skills for free and advocates the practice of martial arts among the whole people. In fact, it is to prepare for the recruitment of soldiers.

Only when the whole people practice martial arts can they take up arms without fear when the war comes.

For young people of this age, only this kind of blood and fire is the most attractive.

However, Uncle Aaron, who has participated in a war, knows how cruel the war is, and this kind of thing will never have anything to do with beauty.

It leaves people with more sadness and pain, as well as countless regrets.

Those heroic poems and magnificent epics are seldom written by real warriors.

Having experienced brutal wars, they couldn't appreciate any poetic and artistic charm from the wars, and all they had in their memories were bloody and cruel.

Many painful memories linger like nightmares, and they can't even be forgotten for a lifetime.

"I just don't know how many people can come back alive after this trip?"

The mission of a mercenary is not as dangerous as that of a monk in Loucheng, but it is also not easy.

From time to time, you will encounter fatal crises. If you want to make a lot of money, you can also participate in more dangerous tasks.

But then again, it is precisely because of the cruelty of the war that the rewards have become extremely rich.

For ordinary people like them, getting what they want through war is indeed the most ideal shortcut.

Especially for Yexiu who are in the war zone but not residents of Loucheng, a sound war system can make them have no worries, and they don't need to worry about dirty things happening to them.

As long as you are willing to work hard, as long as you get enough combat achievements, then the rewards will never be less.

(End of this chapter)

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