Chapter 2255 Fight!
It is not uncommon for things with a length of [-] meters, but most of them are dead things or plants, and there are very few creatures with a length of [-] meters.

There are some in the void, but they can only exist in the void, and rarely appear in the real world.

The ordinary world can't bear this kind of life at all, and a little carelessness will lead to the damage of the plane barrier.

For a creature to reach this size, it means that it has surpassed the limitations of ordinary life and entered another life form.

This form is the Creator.

If the cultivator of the Creator is willing, the body size can be made larger, and it is possible to achieve a hundred thousand meters, or even a million meters.

Of course, this requires a lot of energy support, otherwise, even a strong Creator would not be able to maintain this form for a long time.

So even if one is promoted to a Creator, one can magnify the body countless times, but most Creators will maintain a normal body shape, thus avoiding unnecessary energy consumption.

As the master of sea monsters, the Emperor of the Sea has super strength, and because of the treasures obtained from the super plane, he has abnormal reproductive ability.

The sea monsters besieging the Great Temple at this moment are all descendants of his second or third generation, or even dozens of generations.

Including those sea monster cannon fodder that were sacrificed at will, they are also the descendants of the sea emperor, the difference is that they were bred by sea monster lairs, and there was an unknown number of generations in between.

In fact, strictly speaking, these sea monsters are not descendants of the Sea Emperor, at most they are his works.

The Neptune has the ability to create, and with the treasures of the super plane, it can naturally mass-produce sea monsters.

So these strange sea monsters are more like products on the assembly line, and there is not much blood relationship with the Sea Emperor.

Most sea monsters are creatures created out of thin air based on the sea emperor as a template. After many sea monsters are created, their bodies have various problems.

So they were used as cannon fodder, and while consuming believers, they also became the test subjects of the Sea Emperor.

The sea monsters participating in the siege of the Great Temple at this moment are the elite sea monsters that finally stand out after numerous tests and eliminations.

Through the sea emperor to make up for the defects, they can become full members of the sea monster family and have the qualifications to reproduce.

Without an in-depth understanding of the sea monsters, you will never realize how far-reaching the sea emperor's plan is.

His goal is obviously not only the kingdom of God, but the wider world outside, and now he is only accumulating strength.

Of course, before achieving this goal, the Sea Emperor must defeat the native gods and completely control the Kingdom of God.

Otherwise, no matter how beautiful the plan is, it is just a fantasy, and there is no possibility of realization.

At this time, the defenders in front of the Great Temple were already overwhelmed by the terrifying size of the Sea Emperor, and felt invincible in their hearts.

The fact is true, they are not qualified to face the Sea Emperor at all, once they really fight, they will be killed in seconds.

The gap in strength and realm is there, no matter how many people there are, it will not have much effect at all.

What really caught the attention of the guards were those berserk sea monsters, they had already started to attack the energy barrier at this moment.

A series of water patterns flashed continuously in the mid-air around the Great Temple.

Once they break through the barrier, the monstrous seawater will rush in frantically, and the real decisive battle will officially begin.

Anger suddenly became tense, and the guards who were ready to fight drew their swords out of their sheaths, full of murderous aura.

At this moment, a voice sounded, echoing around the Great Temple.

"Friar Loucheng, this matter has nothing to do with you, it is a personal grievance between me and the Great Temple.

I can give you a chance to withdraw from the battlefield immediately, so that you can retreat completely.

If you insist on going your own way and continue to guard the idiot hiding in the temple, then don't blame me for being rude! "

The voice was icy cold, and it kept ringing above the head. The body of the believers who were a little weaker in willpower had already begun to tremble slightly.

Facing the coercion of such a terrifying god, it is not easy for them to persist without collapsing.

There is an inseparable relationship between the indigenous gods and the Sea Emperor, and after believers see him, it is equivalent to seeing the indigenous gods.

The sense of worship and awe that comes from the bottom of my heart will explode at this moment, which cannot be suppressed at all.

Even if the Emperor of the Sea is willing, he can even use this special ability to persuade the believers guarding the Great Temple to surrender and let them lay down their weapons willingly.

Of course, it will take enough time, and it can only be aimed at ordinary believers. It is absolutely impossible for the servants who really guard the core of the Great Temple to be bewitched by him.

Of course, with the strength possessed by the Sea Emperor, he would definitely disdain to do this, not to mention that what he really needs to deal with is not the believers, but the monks of Loucheng.

This war broke out in advance because of the monks of Loucheng. If the monks of Loucheng were willing to evacuate, they could easily take down the Great Temple.

After the Sea Emperor's voice came out, monk Loucheng was silent for a while, and no one responded.

In the camp of believers, there are some people who are ready to move. They have been shocked by the aura of the Sea Emperor, or they simply have evil intentions.

"You immature guy, it's better not to talk nonsense here, so you won't be afraid that the wind will flash your tongue!"

Suddenly, a rough voice sounded, echoing around the Great Temple.

After hearing this voice, the corners of the mouths of some Loucheng monks showed faint smiles.

After hearing the voice, the Emperor of the Sea turned his huge eyes and looked at the position above the Great Temple.

"We have already signed a contract with the owner here, promising to protect his safety, so no matter what the situation, we will never evacuate.

So I advise you to get out of here as soon as possible, as far as you can, and you'd better go back to your lair and hide.

If you insist on going your own way, then no one can save you, and your deformed head will be cut off and kicked as a ball in a short time! "

Zhan Kuang Yunzhu's words were not polite, and he directly took the scar of the Sea Emperor. If he was a thin-skinned guy, he might turn his face on the spot.

Sure enough, after hearing the sarcasm of the war mad lord, the sea emperor immediately looked up to the sky and let out an angry roar like a wild beast.

The surrounding space also vibrated, as if it would be torn apart at any moment.

The ugly and ferocious appearance has always been a pain in the sea emperor's heart. Maybe it looks majestic to the sea monster, but the sea emperor knows in his heart that it is nothing more than self-deception.

This is a taboo, no sea monster dares to mention it lightly, and now it is revealed in public by the war mad lord, it is like a slap in the face.

The Sea Emperor, who was flawed in every aspect of his body and character, broke out completely at this moment, roaring angrily and giving the order to attack.

"Kill, kill me, kill them all!"

With the roar, the energy barrier around the Great Temple began to tremble violently.

The master humiliated the minister and died, and the sea monsters were furious, and finally showed their true strength and began to attack the Great Temple.

"Come on, I want to see how much you weigh, this monster!"

Cultivator Loucheng had no fear, and the warships that had been waiting in the air for a long time opened fire at the same time, cleaning up the sea monsters like mowing grass.

In the blink of an eye, the sea water turned blood red, and broken flesh and internal organs were everywhere.

Not to be outdone, the sea monster exploded at the same time like a glass wall around the energy barrier.

Countless sea monsters are mixed in the billowing sea water, like a collapsing mountain peak, smashing towards the Great Temple!
 Thanks: "Big breasts and hips" and "book friends 161230210706931" for their rewards, thank you book friends for their support.

(End of this chapter)

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