Chapter 2256
"Brothers, hold the line for me, and absolutely don't let these sea monsters enter the temple!
This is our mission, and we must stick to it no matter what.

From now on, I will not retreat, and you are not allowed to retreat either.

Stick to the last moment and fight the enemy to the end! "

The Loucheng cultivator commander who was stationed at the Great Temple loudly gave the order to defend to the death, with an unusually firm and calm tone.

The sound echoed around the Great Temple, sonorous and powerful, and completely suppressed the sound waves made by the sea monster.

The Hundred Thousand Towers City monks guarding the Great Temple were silent, waiting for the commander to issue the final battle order.

Although the situation in front of them seems dangerous, all the monks in Loucheng know that the [-] defense zone will not just sit idly by and will definitely send troops to support them.

Perhaps at this very moment, the reinforcements had already arrived quickly.

In fact, even if the reinforcements do not come, the monks of Loucheng have no fear. In the wars of the various planes, such scenes will appear from time to time.

Of the monks in Loucheng who can stand here, which one is not a person with a strong cultivation base, even in the face of such a terrible scene, they are still fearless.

The commander of the cultivator in Loucheng glanced around, with a satisfied look on his face, then raised his hand and pointed forward: "Don't say much, brothers, kill me!"

The response that monk Loucheng gave him was the sound of iron fists hitting the battle armor, which was deafening like thunder.

Whether the indigenous gods are dead or alive has nothing to do with them. The monks in Loucheng only care about their own tasks.

It is their duty to guard the Great Temple and prevent any dangerous elements from entering it.

Even if the enemy is a powerhouse at the level of the Creator, he will never be timid to fight. If the opponent really enters the Great Temple, he must step over the corpse of the monk in Loucheng before he can move forward!
With the order to attack, the situation on the battlefield changed suddenly.

Many Loucheng cultivators who previously only carried swords and guns quickly formed a battle formation, and all powerful individual weapons were taken out, combined and locked on the monsters that rushed up.

There was no formal war before, so many weapons were not taken out at all, because once some things were taken out, blood was bound to be seen.

One is to keep it secret, after all, there are too many traitors, it is simply impossible to guard against

Furthermore, it is also to ensure suddenness, so that the enemy is caught off guard, so that better results can be received.

Seeing these weird and hideous weapons, the believers were dumbfounded, not knowing what they were!
In fact, these weird weapons are the upgraded version of the individual turret, which can be used by a single person.

The rate of fire of the weapon reaches one million times per second, and live ammunition and ray can be switched. Both modes are extremely lethal.

As long as there is enough energy, a single soldier turret can raze a city to the ground.

When testing the weapon, aim the muzzle at the mountain peak, and you can only see bursts of smoke and dust flying up, as if the sky is falling apart.

It didn't take long for the surface of the mountain to be tested to be crushed, and a gravel passage was abruptly pulled out.

Just relying on a single weapon has such terrifying lethality, if it forms a defensive formation, the lethality it possesses will be extremely terrifying.

Therefore, the ground troops composed of monks in Loucheng should not be underestimated. When they are fully armed, they are a steel line of defense.

As the order was issued, the Loucheng monks around the temple opened fire at the same time, and cooperated with the heavy warships in the sky to start the flesh and blood harvesting mode.

A dazzling light flashed, turning the Great Temple into a dazzling sun, shooting out rays of death.

Since the establishment of the Great Temple, it has never been so dazzling. I just don't know if this spectacular scene is the last splendor?

At this time, as the sea water surged, those sea monsters stepped on the waves and came to kill them aggressively.

It's just that the battle between the two sides didn't really start, but the monks of Loucheng opened fire unilaterally.

The energy barrier of the Great Temple did not disappear completely, but reappeared after being smashed, continuing to block the sea monster's progress.

It would be too unrealistic to easily invade the core hinterland of the dignified kingdom of God.

The area of ​​the Great Temple is very large. If the sea monster wants to rush to the real core area, it needs a certain distance.

The sea monsters desperately hit the energy barrier, and at the same time they had to bear the attacks from the guardians, and the death rate was frighteningly high.

With the official exchange of fire between the two sides, this area has become a forbidden area for death, and countless lives are lost every second.

The weapons of monk Loucheng crushed the sea monsters that were approaching constantly, forming rivers of flesh and blood into the sea.

Before getting close to the Great Temple, the waves around here became like sticky mud, which was completely mixed with flesh and blood.

Sea monsters are not afraid at all, they have long been accustomed to this tactic, always using their lives to consume the enemy's resources.

No matter how many people die, they don't have to worry about their race becoming extinct as long as they are in the Kingdom of God.

Because of the intention of the Sea Emperor, these sea monsters have brain problems, they are paranoid and crazy, and they will not hesitate to order the Sea Emperor.

Even if there is a meat grinder in front of them, these sea people will still move forward bravely instead of worrying about their own safety.

Encountering such an enemy on the battlefield is nothing short of a headache.

The believers participating in the battle trembled a little when they saw the sea monsters that were still swarming in despite their incomplete bodies.

They have all fought against sea monsters before, and I don't know how many sea monsters they have killed, but this is the first time they have seen such a crazy and bloody situation.

This kind of madness shocked the believers, the arms holding the weapons kept shaking, and even sad thoughts came into their hearts.

No matter how hard they try, the ending seems to be doomed, and it is impossible for them to be the opponents of the sea monster.

But at this time there is no way to retreat, the only thing they can do is to fight to the last moment, until they fall down.

At that time, I will also die without a whole body, and the wreckage will be mixed with the minced meat of these sea monsters, and finally they will become indistinguishable from each other.

They were mortal enemies in life, but their flesh and blood are mixed together after death. It is ridiculous to think about it.

Of course, at this time, no one cared about these things, and the more they thought about it, the more they became more restrained.

"My friend, you and I have known each other for so long, today we will say goodbye forever!"

In the camp where the believers gathered, watching the surging sea monster, an old believer suddenly opened his mouth and shouted to the believers standing beside him.

The believer next to him was taken aback for a moment, then came to his senses, smiled and nodded.

"It's not a farewell, you and I will fight together, maybe our flesh and blood will mix together after death.

In this way, it will never be separated!
But I still want to remind you that you must not fall down before Lao Tzu falls to the ground! "

After hearing his companion's answer, the believer who had shouted before laughed loudly, and then nodded solemnly.

A thousand words are nothing compared to helping each other on the battlefield. This is true trust, the pride of living together and dying together.

So did the other believers, either laughing or singing.

After drinking the last drop of wine in the jug, he raised his head to the sky and screamed without any scruples, venting all his emotions.

Seeing the sea monster advancing step by step, the believers knew very well that the moment of their decisive battle was coming soon.

As a result, at this moment, the traitors hidden among the defenders suddenly started to attack people violently.

The target of their attack was the monks in Loucheng at the forefront, because under their blocking, the casualties of the sea monster family were getting heavier and heavier.

The sudden change left the believers dumbfounded, and the next moment, like an erupting volcano, they gritted their teeth and killed the traitors.

(End of this chapter)

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