Chapter 2348
Walking near the fallen enemy, Tang Zhen kicked his weapon away and quickly checked it.

After confirming that the enemy was dead, Tang Zhen's tense expression relaxed slightly, and then he started to grope around the corpse.

It's not that he has a hobby of touching corpses, but that he is in the middle of a battle at the moment, and his equipment is not dominant, so he naturally wants to collect as many weapons as possible to arm himself.

The enemy is also a poor man, except for a pistol and a few bullets, only an imitation saber is left on his body.

Tang Zhen didn't dislike it either, he put away all of them, and continued to track forward.

He didn't know where the middle-aged monk fled to, but he was certain that among these enemies, only the middle-aged monk had the strongest ability to survive.

Even if the team leader and others are dead, the middle-aged monk will not die.

Even though he has been injured now, his knowledge and fighting power far exceed that of ordinary people.

If this guy is allowed to leave, troubles will follow one after another, and it will be impossible to monopolize this treasure land.

As for the other enemies, Tang Zhen would not let them go, but they were ranked after the hunting order.

After tracking for a further distance, Tang Zhen saw an enemy lying in the grass, and now he was dead or alive.

After the inspection, it was confirmed that he had died of breath. Looking at the corpses of poisonous bees scattered around him, he knew that he should have been stung to death by poisonous bees.

The purpose of Tang Zhen throwing the honeycomb was to scare the enemies away, but he didn't want any enemies to be killed by the poisonous bees.

But that's good too, it saves Tang Zhen's trouble, and besides, these guys are not good people in the first place, and it's not wrong to be killed by poisonous bees.

Tang Zhen actually had no idea what to do next.

In just the blink of an eye, the enemy no longer knew where he was, and Tang Zhen could only look for it by feeling.

He is a rookie in jungle fighting, and he can't track accurately when the enemy is scattered.

"Is there any way to accurately lock the positions of these enemies?"

Tang Zhen muttered to himself. At this moment, he clearly realized that even though he had extraordinary strength and speed, he was not omnipotent.

He suddenly became a little envious of the middle-aged monk, guessing that with the other party's means, he might be able to easily solve the situation in front of him.

After all, in the legend, monks are almost omnipotent, and it should be extremely easy to track and lock the enemy's tracks.

Cultivators do have such abilities, and Tang Zhen himself has such abilities, but he doesn't know it.

"This feeling of restraint is really uncomfortable, and I don't know when the main body will wake up?"

Seeing this, the avatar watching the battle in the air shook his head secretly, feeling that he should help the main body.

The actions of a dignified creator-level monk are naturally extraordinary. As the thought arises, the entire forest immediately begins to change silently.

But in just a few minutes, it turned into a special small world, the energy is so rich that it is comparable to a medium-level energy plane.

With the transformation of the avatar, this primeval forest has become a real paradise, even every plant and tree has changed accordingly.

Many things that shouldn't exist, along with the idea of ​​doppelganger, appeared one after another in this forest.

As for the outskirts of the forest, it also began to become cloudy and foggy, allowing people to know the extraordinaryness of this place at a glance.

It is not easy to enter the forest, and it is even more impossible to leave the virgin forest.

As for the consequences of doing so, the avatar doesn't care much, what he cares about is the safety of the body.

In addition, he has a feeling that he should lock the main body here, otherwise it is very likely to lead to unexpected changes.

As a monk at the level of the Creator, he would never have such an induction for no reason, so this immediately aroused the vigilance of the avatar, and it was no accident that the main body suddenly fell into a lethargic state.

If there is really any problem, then as long as you observe carefully, you will probably find the clue soon.

Tang Zhen, who was in the forest, soon realized something was wrong.

He felt that there seemed to be an inexplicable thing in the air around him, which made him feel extremely comfortable.

Every plant and tree in the forest has become more vibrant, and even pieces of flowers are blooming one after another.

I don't know if it was an illusion, but Tang Zhen found that there seemed to be a simple communication between the trees and flowers.

"How is this possible, I must have made a mistake, right?"

Tang Zhen felt that his thoughts were a bit outrageous, but they were just plants without souls, how could they talk to each other!

"Either I have an illusion, or these plants can really communicate with each other!"

The sudden change around him made Tang Zhen feel that this possibility was very high.

Listening again, he confirmed that those mysterious and mysterious voices did exist, and they kept echoing in his ears.

Even when you listen carefully, you can still understand the content of the communication, which is a wonderful feeling.

This way of communicating with vegetation is not a language used by humans, but a special way of spiritual communication, which can only be understood but cannot be expressed in words.

Although Tang Zhen could understand the content of their communication, if he was asked to teach others this way of communication, he couldn't do it at all.

If you want to learn and understand, you can only rely on your own efforts, and others can't help you at all.

Tang Zhen was fascinated by the sound, and soon thought of something, showing a hint of excitement on his face.

He walked in front of a big tree, stroking the trunk with his palms, and at the same time, a special mental wave was sent out.

He is communicating with the big trees, asking them to help him, looking for traces of those enemies.

Suddenly receiving Tang Zhen's message, those plants and trees were stunned at the same time. Although they can communicate with each other, the content of the communication is extremely simple.

The request made by Tang Zhen is completely incomprehensible to these young grasses and trees.

Tang Zhen is also aware of this, because his wisdom far surpasses these plants, so at this moment he acts as the mastermind.

He uploaded all the things he wanted to do to the Caomu Exchange network so that every participant could receive them.

After sharing the information uploaded by Tang Zhen, the originally simple and pale communication network immediately became extremely lively, making people feel like being in a vegetable market.

These plants are like children who are babbling. They grow up in a very short period of time, and the content of communication becomes more and more abundant.

They quickly responded to Tang Zhen's request, and quickly uploaded pieces of complete or fragmented information to the Internet.

After integrating and sorting out the information, it quickly became organized, and the information Tang Zhen wanted was in it.

Tang Zhen already knew the location of the enemy at this time, and more information came one after another, showing the real-time information of the enemy like a surveillance camera.

Tang Zhen can even integrate into it, using the perception of plants to monitor the enemy. As long as the enemy is in the virgin forest, it is absolutely impossible to get rid of Tang Zhen's monitoring.

Ignoring the other enemies, Tang Zhen directly targeted the middle-aged monk, only to find that he was hiding on a big tree in the forest, looking around in surprise.

His expression was both surprised and happy, and he was also full of doubts. He obviously discovered the energy change in the forest.

This guy is very cunning, he was the first to turn around and run away after discovering that Tang Zhen was attacking with a honeycomb.

After escaping for a certain distance, he quickly climbed to the top of the big tree and hid motionless.

With the sudden strong energy of heaven and earth in the forest, the middle-aged monk was too lazy to pay attention to other things, but seized the time to recover from the trauma of his body.

As for the life and death of the team leader and others, he didn't care at all, they were just tools, and it didn't matter if they were all dead.

After Tang Zhen saw this scene, he frowned slightly, and an idea popped up in his mind.

If he could do it, then the entire primeval forest would be his Tang Zhen's world!

(End of this chapter)

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