I have a city in another world

Chapter 2349 The Temptation of Evolution

Chapter 2349 The Temptation of Evolution

According to Tang Zhen's thinking, since he can observe the enemy from the "perspective" of grass and trees, can he also control some behaviors of grass and trees?
For example, manipulating the big tree under the middle-aged monk's buttocks, turning the branches into big hands, and directly strangling the middle-aged monk?

This idea seems outrageous, but it may not be impossible.

Among the plants and trees in the natural world, some plants have special abilities to prey on insects or small animals.

Cordyceps and man-eating trees are actually talking about this kind of thing.

Now that I can connect with the thinking of plants and trees, I can completely use my own thinking to control the movements of plants, and I should be able to obtain better control effects.

How can the simple thinking of plants be compared with that of humans? Even if they have that ability, they can't think of how to do it.

Of course, in the process of control, there will definitely be great restrictions. After all, what he controls is a plant, not a human being, and many expected actions may not be able to be achieved.

Every creature has its own characteristics, and forcibly applying the habits of one creature to another is completely beyond the reach of others, and it is even completely unfeasible.

But Tang Zhen didn't care, he just wanted to try, if possible, then he would become very relaxed next time.

Thinking of this, Tang Zhen sat cross-legged on the ground, and then tried according to his own ideas.

The first object he controlled was an ordinary weed around him, which was everywhere in the forest.

At the moment when thinking replaced weeds, a special feeling arose spontaneously, which made Tang Zhen slightly taken aback.

The thinking perspective of plants is completely different from that of humans. If you have the opportunity to experience it, it will definitely be a very novel feeling.

Tang Zhen, who had replaced Xiaocao's thinking, felt that he had become simpler, and there was only one simple thought left in his mind, which was to continue to grow and reproduce.

Fortunately, this thought only appeared for a moment, and then completely disappeared without a trace. Obviously, the power of this thought was too weak to compete with Tang Zhen's thought at all.

Tang Zhen secretly sighed in his heart, as expected, plants and trees also have feelings, but they are too humble and insignificant, and no one notices them at all.

Then he controlled Xiaocao and made some expected movements, but the effect was not ideal.

The humble and ordinary Xiaocao, even with a human soul, can't do certain actions that it is destined to be unable to do.

Just as fish cannot leave water and birds cannot fly without wings, the same is true for grass.

After trying for a long time, Tang Zhen's only achievement was to make the grass sway like a convulsion.

This result is not bad, but it is far from satisfying Tang Zhen.

"Could it be that my idea is wrong, the vegetation cannot be manipulated by anyone, or is it that I chose the wrong object and should change to some more advanced plants?"

Thinking of this, Tang Zhen was about to try to exit Xiaocao's body and continue to look for subjects to manipulate the experiment.

As a result, just as he was about to quit, he had a flash of inspiration in his mind, and then he made a new attempt.

Plants can absorb nutrients for their own growth, so can I start from this aspect and make some changes?
Thinking of this, Tang Zhen immediately manipulated the grass and began to absorb the nutrients in the soil.

Under normal circumstances, the nutrient absorption of plants is a subconscious behavior, and it is not like humans who actively eat to supplement the body's needs.

Xiaocao itself does not have the ability to quickly absorb nutrients, but with Tang Zhen's intervention at this moment, it has such an ability.

When this ability was activated, Tang Zhen immediately felt a huge change in Xiaocao. It seemed that there was a steady stream of energy-like things pouring into his body, making him want to shout out comfortably.

Affected by this energy, the grass grows taller and thicker, and at the same time, its roots begin to extend underground, trying to absorb more energy.

In Xiaocao's pure thinking, a desire suddenly appeared, a pure and greedy desire to obtain more energy.

Because it knows very well in its heart how beneficial this is to itself.

The more energy it absorbs, the richer the grass's thinking becomes, and it will soon become exactly the same as those big trees.

But in a short period of time, this once ordinary grass has grown to more than one meter high, and it seems that it is still growing continuously.

This kind of growth rate is too abnormal. Obviously, it is due to the absorption of a large amount of energy from heaven and earth, which led to the sudden appearance of this change.

Tang Zhen felt extremely excited in his heart. This situation is enough to prove that his idea was successful. By absorbing energy, Xiaocao has already begun some kind of evolution.

The evolved grass will become easier to control, and can also make some actions that were impossible for grass and trees.

For example, Tang Zhen tried to control Xiaocao to bend and sweep before, but he couldn't achieve it at all. It seemed that as long as he did that, Xiaocao would break at the waist.

Even with the flexibility of the grass, it is impossible to withstand this kind of extreme movement, after all, it is just a grass and not a living thing.

But at this moment, as Tang Zhen's thoughts arose, Xiaocao easily completed this difficult move.

The seemingly fragile branches and leaves of the grass were as sharp as a blade, easily cutting off a nearby small tree that was as thick as a wrist.

As for the grass itself, it was not damaged at all.

The results of the test surprised and delighted Tang Zhen, and at the same time, he was thinking deeply. Since an ordinary weed has become so powerful after evolution, how powerful will human beings, the spirits of all things, be after evolution? Degree?
If possible, do you want to try it yourself.

Faced with this huge temptation, Tang Zhen couldn't help hesitating. He wanted to gain great strength, but he was also afraid of enduring some terrible mutations.

Evolution must pay a corresponding price. If there is no change in itself, there will naturally be no evolution.

Just like the little grass that I control, it is now out of tune with the original population, or it has completely become another special species.

If Tang Zhen wants to evolve, he will inevitably appear in a corresponding state, making him incompatible with normal humans.

Tang Zhen felt an inexplicable sense of fear and resistance when he thought that he was about to become an alien and completely cut off from his original race.

"In order to gain great power, you have to become a monster in the eyes of your peers. Is the price worth it?"

While Tang Zhen was struggling, there was a faint idea in his heart telling him that this is a rare opportunity, don't miss it easily, otherwise you will regret it for the rest of your life.

But there is another thought, reminding him not to do this, because this is an extremely dangerous evil path.

The price of evolution is extremely high, and every time it is a narrow escape, if you really choose the path of evolution, you are likely to destroy yourself.

Tang Zhen didn't know what choice he should make, but he knew that this choice was related to his future life. If he made a wrong choice, he would endure unimaginable hardships. Death might be the easiest result.

At this time, Tang Zhen, who was caught in a difficult choice, didn't know his original identity, and was facing a huge crisis at the same time.

If he can think about these issues from the perspective of the Creator, he will find that the choice he faces at this time is actually a huge trap.

 Thanks to: "Master Xiaoyao Pavilion" for the reward, and to book friends for their support.

(End of this chapter)

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