I have a city in another world

Chapter 2369 Before leaving

Chapter 2369 Before leaving
Three days passed in a flash.

The six middle-aged monks have not rested for three days since they entered the pit, and they have been constantly digging and searching.

Tang Zhen didn't force them, it was purely voluntary, because Tang Zhen promised that they could get a [-]% reward.

It doesn't sound like much, but if they dig enough, the harvest will definitely be considerable.

With this thought in mind, the six monks kept digging without sleep. Because their physical strength far surpassed that of ordinary people, the speed of digging was also very fast.

Looking at the raw gem ore dug out continuously, the six people became more and more addicted, from passive to voluntary.

Even if it doesn't belong to me, it's not bad to be the God of Wealth passing by for a while, at least to satisfy my hand addiction.

However, monks are also flesh and blood, and three days of high-intensity labor, even they can't stand it.

Tang Zhen saw that they were indeed exhausted, so he ordered the excavation to stop, and then each counted the harvest.

After hearing Tang Zhen's order, the three middle-aged monks breathed a sigh of relief and sat down in the pit one after another, feeling quite relieved.

Although Tang Zhen didn't deliberately urge them during the work, they couldn't help but try their best.

If there was no influence of the controller, they wouldn't believe it if they were killed. How could I be so diligent?
It's just that when they looked at the raw gemstones that hadn't been excavated yet, they suddenly felt reluctant to part with them, and they always felt that they should continue to dig.

Such good things shouldn't be buried in the ground, even if they don't belong to you after you dig them out, it doesn't matter.

However, since Tang Zhen gave the order, it was impossible for the middle-aged monk and others to disobey, so they obediently threw away their tools and climbed out of the pit, and began to count their gains.

As a result, they found out that in the past three days, each of them had harvested tens of thousands of raw gemstones.

According to the previous promise, each of them has a [-]% reward, and there are more than a hundred pieces in total.

After calculating the account, the hearts of the middle-aged monk and others jumped wildly. They never expected that they would be rewarded so generously.

But when they turned their heads, they became more concerned about gains and losses, for fear that Tang Zhen would renege on his promise because of greed, and would not reward them as promised.

Now the life and death of the six people are controlled by Tang Zhen, even if he does not keep his promise, the middle-aged monk and others have nothing to do.

But they soon realized that their worries were completely unnecessary, because Tang Zhen asked them to take out the rewards according to the corresponding proportion after learning the specific amount.

Now that there is a system in hand, the good things that Tang Zhen gets are far more than raw gemstones. For example, the energy spar rewarded by the big gift package is comparable to a hundred raw gemstones.

His purpose of excavating these things is to win over and reward his subordinates, and even sell them for money no matter how bad they are.

If you want to do great things, you can't do without money.

The middle-aged monk and the others looked at the raw gem ore in their hands, feeling indescribable in their hearts, and their eyes also changed when they looked at Tang Zhen.

I don't know why, but now they have a faint feeling that following Tang Zhen is not a bad thing.

If Tang Zhen knew what they were thinking, he would definitely secretly suspect in his heart, is there something wrong with these guys' heads?
After being controlled for life and death, they were forced to dig for ore for three days and three nights in a row, each of them was as tired as a dead dog.

What's the point of feeling grateful when the rewards you get are not even a fraction of the total?
How did he know that for middle-aged monks and others, these hundreds of raw gemstones actually have unimaginable value.

If it were normal times, it would be almost impossible for them to obtain these raw gemstones.

But now following Tang Zhen, he only dug the soil for three days and got such a generous reward.

If this matter gets out, it will definitely arouse the envy of other monks, and they wish they could be controlled by Tang Zhen.

This situation occurs because there are very few items containing the energy of heaven and earth in today's cultivation world.

Every time a treasure appears, it will attract bloody competition, which shows how valuable it is.

The rewards received by middle-aged monks and others can definitely be regarded as a huge amount of wealth, and it is the kind of money that is hard to buy.

It is reasonable to feel grateful.

After everyone took out their own rewards, Tang Zhen used the storage equipment to put away all the remaining raw gemstones.

After seeing this scene, the middle-aged monk and others were full of envy, and at the same time, they were deeply curious about Tang Zhen's identity.

"Let's have some food and then leave here. I have something very important for you to do next."

While Tang Zhen was speaking, he immediately manipulated the vines in the forest, tied up and dragged a wild boar nearby.

Seeing the groaning wild boar being strangled by vines, the middle-aged monk and the others recalled the scene when they were captured, and couldn't help but secretly rejoice in their hearts.

If Tang Zhen had acted like this back then, they would have been unable to resist at all, and they would have already turned into a pile of dead bones.

Tang Zhen was responsible for bringing the food, and the next thing to do was to be handled by middle-aged monks and others.

Because they often go into the deep mountains and old forests to search for natural treasures, all the monks are skilled in handling wild game.

Six people cooperated at the same time, and it didn't take long for the wild boar to be cleaned up.

Then set up wooden sticks and gather fire to grill.

In the blazing flames, the fat of the wild boar dripped continuously, and after being smeared with natural condiments, it smelled quite good.

Tang Zhen had eaten wild boar meat before, and he knew that if the food was not prepared properly, the taste would not be particularly good.

This wild boar is roasted very fragrant, but I don't know how it tastes?

After the food was cooked, the middle-aged monk and others invited Tang Zhen to sit down, then cut off the fattest and tenderest piece of roast meat, and brought it to him respectfully.

These guys are all human beings. After recognizing their situation, they all behaved very well.

Only by making Tang Zhen happy, their life will be easier, after all, they will not hit the smiling face.

But if they behaved like a doormat, it would very likely anger Tang Zhen, and even kill them directly.

Looking at the cautious middle-aged monk and others, Tang Zhen secretly smiled, but did not explain too much.

It is actually a good thing to keep them in awe, so that it will be easier to use.

Picked up a piece of barbecue and tasted it, it melted in the mouth, and the taste was far beyond imagination.

“The meat is grilled well!”

Tang Zhen glanced at the middle-aged monk and the others, and nodded in praise.

Everyone around heard the words, and immediately breathed a sigh of relief, with a smile on their faces.

"Master, you don't know that I learned my barbecue skills from an old hunter, and I have studied it in depth.

If the tools and seasonings are complete, the taste will be even better. If there is a chance next time, I will definitely make it for you to taste. "

It was the smiling tiger who spoke, with a hint of flattery in his tone, but the middle-aged monk and others did not feel contemptuous.

They are now grasshoppers on a rope. If Tang Zhen can be made happy, it will be good for them too.

The fellow disciples who were originally at odds with each other have now become extremely united. This kind of thing was unimaginable in the past.

"Don't be dazed, everyone hurry up and eat!"

Tang Zhen greeted, and the middle-aged monks and others started to cut the meat one after another. After three days and three nights of non-stop busyness, they were already hungry.

Now that they could smell the aroma of barbecue, they couldn't bear it anymore, and they all buried their heads in eating.

(End of this chapter)

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