I have a city in another world

Chapter 2370 A Different World

Chapter 2370 A Different World
After eating and drinking, Tang Zhen and others left the forest.

The process of going out was extremely smooth, without any hindrance at all, which is also one of the characteristics of the phantom array.

This phantom array is easy to exit and difficult to enter. When I look back, the scene that comes into my eyes is completely different from the original one.

Light and shadow intertwine, gloomy, one can tell that it is not a good place.

Seeing this, the old woman and the others felt a little fear in their hearts. They were trapped by this phantom formation before, and that's why they ended up like this.

Looking back now, I can't help but feel fear in my heart, and I really don't want to endure that kind of torture again.

Only Tang Zhen could see that there was a passage in the phantom formation that he could easily pass through.

Obviously this kind of phantom array is only aimed at others, but it has no effect on him, which also makes Tang Zhen feel very comfortable.

After asking the middle-aged monk and others, and confirming this point, Tang Zhen laughed and led everyone away.

After reaching the edge of the forest, the middle-aged monk took out his phone to make a call, and then asked Tang Zhen to wait slowly.

According to his explanation, he was the enshrinement of an invisible rich family, and the call just now was also to the other party.

In order to deter their opponents and protect their own safety, the wealthy family is extremely respectful to the middle-aged monks and basically responds to their requests.

Sure enough, not long after, several cars roared up, ready to pick up Tang Zhen and others to leave.

Since the whole process was arranged by middle-aged monks and others, Tang Zhen was naturally happy to be at leisure, and followed all the way to the manor built by the rich man with a lot of money.

After arriving at the destination, Tang Zhen knew that this invisible rich man was indeed rich. The huge manor was luxurious and spectacular, and even a landscape tree was worth a lot.

Tang Zhen was not qualified to enter this special private territory before, but now he has become a distinguished guest.

Hearing that the middle-aged monks and senior brothers had come together, the owner of the manor rushed over by plane. He absolutely did not dare to neglect such a group of monks.

It is precisely because of frequent contact with monks that the owner of the manor knows how powerful they are. For these monks, worldly wealth and power can be easily obtained.

It's just that most of the monks are indifferent to fame and fortune, and they are dedicated to pursuing the way of detachment, which makes the rich and powerful have something to curry favor with.

They handle all kinds of secular affairs for the monks, and the monks escort them, and each takes what they need.

For those families with a long history, there are monks behind every one of them, otherwise they would not be able to survive the vicissitudes of the world.

Listening to the middle-aged monk's explanation, Tang Zhen couldn't help sighing secretly. He didn't expect that the world was completely different from what he imagined.

If he hadn't had an adventure, maybe he would never be able to get in touch with this mysterious circle, and would always be just an ant in the eyes of monks.

The rich man who heard the news was also shocked. The middle-aged monks and others who were high in his eyes actually showed respect to Tang Zhen.

No one is an idiot, one can tell at a glance that Tang Zhen's identity is certainly not simple.

Although he had doubts in his heart, the rich man was smart enough not to ask any more questions, but to provide the best service possible.

So in the following time, Tang Zhen's eyes were opened. All aspects of food, clothing, housing and transportation were properly arranged, and good things were continuously sent to the manor.

The short-term cost is an astronomical sum, and any piece of clothing or food and drink is comparable to the annual income of an ordinary person.

The middle-aged monk was very satisfied with this, and felt that he had not lost face, so when chatting with the rich man in private, he specifically told him to curry favor with Tang Zhen.

With Tang Zhen's wealth and strength, as long as he shows a little reward at that time, it will be enough to benefit the rich man endlessly.

After receiving the advice from the middle-aged monk, the rich man became more courteous, which finally made Tang Zhen a little embarrassed.

He was born in Weimo, and he has never experienced such battles since he was a child. Even though his status has changed, he still does not have the mentality of taking it for granted.

After being favored by others, there must be something in return, otherwise you will feel uneasy.

Sure enough, as the middle-aged monk speculated, Tang Zhen specially recruited the rich man in front of him, and then gave him an item.

This item comes from the rewards of the system. It is a kind of amulet, which can help the wearer resist three disasters.

Even if a rich man falls from the sky by plane, as long as he wears this item, he will definitely save his life.

To put it bluntly, it is a passive energy shield, once in danger, it will automatically activate to protect the user.

After listening to Tang Zhen's introduction, the rich man opened his mouth wide in shock, and then his face was full of ecstasy.

His purpose of fawning over monks is to seek peace, and because of his special status, he is always troubled by safety issues in his daily life.

However, no matter how perfect the security is, it cannot be perfect, especially since he has been targeted by his enemies recently and is facing the threat of a killer.

With this item sent by Tang Zhen, it is equivalent to giving him three more lives, which is something that he never dared to dream of before.

Even the middle-aged monks and others were full of envy at the moment. Such a sacred object of protection is rare but not sought after. Unexpectedly, Tang Zhen would give it to the owner of the manor.

While envious and jealous, they also had a deeper understanding of Tang Zhen's strength, and even breathed a sigh of relief.

From Tang Zhen's actions, he knew that he was not the kind of ruthless person, so their safety was guaranteed.

This was especially true for the middle-aged monk. His purpose of pointing out the owner of the manor was actually to test Tang Zhen's character, but the result far exceeded his expectations.

Combined with the previous rewards for mining in the forest, the middle-aged monks confirmed one thing, as long as they are serious and obedient, Tang Zhen will definitely not treat them badly.

What the middle-aged monk can think of, the old woman can naturally think of. They made eye contact with each other, and their expressions seemed to be a little lighter.

Tang Zhen didn't notice this, but continued to chat with the rich man, asking for some information about the mission.

This rich man has a wide network of contacts. If Tang Zhen wants to collect information, the other party is naturally the best candidate.

After the rich man got the benefits, he was extremely concerned about Tang Zhen's affairs, and immediately mobilized his own power to collect information.

Tang Zhen didn't have to wait long before the relevant information arrived.

It's just that after seeing the information, no matter Tang Zhen or the middle-aged monk, they all showed shock.

The system's prompt to Tang Zhen was to mark a certain area on a world map with a skull logo on it.

As a result, the information received showed that a very serious epidemic suddenly broke out in that area.

The entire area was completely blocked, and no one was allowed to enter or leave. There is no accurate information about the specific situation inside.

However, according to the available information, there are countless casualties in the blocked area, and there seem to be monsters.

The local military once dispatched troops to suppress them, but they did not know what happened. The troops that entered never returned, and it is very likely that the entire army was wiped out.

Such a bad situation, even middle-aged monks and others, have never seen it before.

This made them faintly realize that maybe the whole world has become different, otherwise such a thing would not have happened at all.

At the same time, they were also very curious, why would Tang Zhen know what happened there, thousands of miles away?
Tang Zhen didn't explain too much, but ordered everyone to get ready, and then led the team straight to the scene of the incident.

(End of this chapter)

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