Chapter 2390
"What is this thing, why does it give me a feeling of palpitations, as if a catastrophe is about to happen?"

Meteors falling from the sky caused riots after all. Anyone with common sense knew how dangerous this kind of thing that fell from the sky was.

If it hits the head, it will inevitably die.

The believers expressed uneasiness. Although they knew that their partners were by their side, the flustered feeling became more and more intense.

"Don't think wildly, just follow what the masters said, just concentrate on chanting scriptures and praying.

All these horror scenes are nothing but hallucinations, just to disturb our state of mind. "

The companion next to him said loudly, while reminding others, he was also reminding himself.

This is a means of suggestive hypnosis. Through this special method, one's will will become stronger.

Ordinary people want to have super willpower, this step of training is essential, no different from muscle training.

Under the effect of this kind of spiritual power, ordinary people can do many things beyond their own abilities. When they reach a certain level, they will transform from cocoons into butterflies, and thus automatically step into the ranks of monks.

But no matter how strong this ability is, there is a limit after all. When facing a truly powerful monk, it will not be of much use at all.

In the final analysis, he is still a mortal body, and he cannot be compared with a monk at all, and his fear is even more difficult to suppress.

The huge Dharma figure controlled by the guardian in the sky continued to appease the believers loudly, while reciting obscure ancient scriptures.

The voice of reciting was ups and downs, and the atmosphere that made people feel calm spread again in all directions.

Although it was indeed effective, the depressing atmosphere still lingered in my heart and could not be dissipated.

Just when everyone was reminded of their fears, the meteor shower falling in the sky suddenly spread out in all directions.

It seemed that groups of fireflies were suddenly frightened and could no longer maintain their original formation.

"What's going on here, why did they all go to other places, aren't those things meteors?"

The believers were originally worried that the meteor falling to the top of their heads would cause them to be fatally injured, but at this moment they couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief.

As long as it doesn't land on the top of the head, as for where the meteor flies, it has nothing to do with them.

What really needs to be worried about is eating the guardians standing on the top of the mountain, not ordinary people like them.

But the believers soon discovered that not all the meteors had flown away, and there were still many meteors circling in the sky above their heads.

Seeing this, the guardian on the top of the mountain showed a look of surprise, and then directly launched an attack.

He wants to see, what are these "shooting stars"?
"Come down for me!"

While the guardian roared, a golden light flew out of the guardian's hand and hit the meteor in the sky.


There was a sound of piercing through the air, and the locked meteor shook slightly, avoiding the attack of the golden light with incomparable dexterity.

This situation is enough to prove that "Meteor" has a high enough rationality, and it is definitely not a dead thing.

"What the hell is this, is it some unknown monster?"

The guardian who launched the attack was slightly taken aback, feeling that something was wrong, if the ball of light was really a monster, he had to be more vigilant.

Just when he was about to continue attacking, he saw that the shooting stars began to dim, like candles that were about to go out.

There was a faint cold wind blowing, but in the blink of an eye, those light balls went out one by one, and the sky became dark again.

The guardians looked at each other, a little vigilance rose in their hearts, and they always felt that things were not that simple.

Perhaps the danger has arrived, but they have not noticed it at all.

Sure enough, it didn't take long before riots began to break out among the crowd at the foot of the mountain below.

"Damn it, what's going on, why is it so cold all over?"

"It's strange, it seems that something has ripped open my back, and then got in again."

"Is there a ghost?"

The sound of reading the scriptures was mixed with the doubtful self-talk of the believers, but it was quickly drowned out.

This happens because many believers feel their bodies are cold and lose control for a moment, as if something has penetrated into their bodies.

The problem is, but in the blink of an eye, this feeling has disappeared, as if it was just an illusion.

The believers suspected that there was too much pressure, so there was an illusion.

After carefully feeling his body, he took a look at the surrounding environment, and it seemed that nothing unexpected happened.

The believers who found no abnormality continued to chanting sutras without taking this matter to heart.

It's just that in this dark environment, some believers slowly raised their heads and looked around with strange eyes.

They showed weird smiles, and there seemed to be a trace of flame burning in their eyes, but it disappeared quickly.

Unknowingly, one figure after another stood up from the spot, they withdrew from the chanting crowd, and walked slowly towards the cars.

These people are all the targets of monk Loucheng's possession. They occupied the body of the original owner, and then completed the control in a short period of time.

This method of possession originated from the ghost clan, and it is a skill that monks in the holy dragon theater must practice. The purpose is to perform tasks normally in the state of the soul.

As for the soul of the original owner, it was sealed in the body and could not control his body at all.

If you're lucky, you may be able to regain control and gain unexpected benefits when monk Loucheng leaves his body.

The guardians and believers didn't even know that the companions around them had changed their souls and left this place quietly.

Fortunately, the target of the monks in Loucheng was not these guardians and believers. Otherwise, as long as they attacked silently, they would be caught off guard.

In addition, there is another reason, that is, the strength of the monks in Loucheng at this time is still weak, and it is impossible to be the opponent of the guardian.

Evacuating in time or continuing to lurk is undoubtedly the most sensible approach. It is not too late to take action after you have a certain strength.

The aborigines guarding around the teleportation array don't even know that there are such meteor showers falling in many places around the world.

Those are Loucheng monks who were teleported here and then randomly teleported. They quickly searched for the target after landing, trying to adapt to the new body in the shortest possible time.

After adapting to the new body, the monks in Loucheng will use various resources to find ways to improve their own strength, and then launch an attack on the god-killing virus.

Under normal circumstances, hundreds of thousands of Loucheng monks attack at the same time, even if their strength is not at the level of a lord, they can still win easily.

The problem is that they are all mortals now, and the first thing to do is to improve their own strength.

Otherwise, facing the god-killing virus protected by monsters, it is impossible to be an opponent at all, and it can only be sent to death in vain.

Silently, the monks of Loucheng had completed the invasion, but the aborigines were still kept in the dark.

Tang Zhen's body also didn't know that at this moment he had entered the center of the city and was leading Sun Daquan and others to fight to the death against the god-killing virus.

(End of this chapter)

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