I have a city in another world

Chapter 2391 Little Monster

Chapter 2391 Little Monster
A building looms in the gray mist, like a terrifying monster watching its trembling prey.

The dilapidated buildings around also give people a hideous feeling, as if danger is hidden everywhere.

This is indeed the case.

This area, which originally belonged to the center of the city, has become unrecognizable now. Both the ground and the exterior of the building are covered by a layer of colorful moss-like things.

These things are like living things, constantly wriggling on the ground, which makes people's scalp tingle.

On top of these things, there are things like giant eggs, the surface is covered with flesh and blood meridians.

Some of the giant eggs have been broken apart, and the fluorescent green liquid inside is sprinkled all over the giant eggs.

The monster bred in this giant egg looks like a slim and beautiful woman, tall and thin.

Although they are very beautiful from a distance, if you look closely, you will find that they are more like a combination of lizards and humans, and their every move is no different from wild beasts.

These monsters were extremely agile, and with the help of the cover of gray fog and night, they caused great troubles to Tang Zhen and others.

When Tang Zhen and others were marching, these monsters kept attacking, and the road was covered with corpses of such monsters.

Fortunately, because of the existence of the auxiliary system, Tang Zhen can immediately find a solution whenever he encounters a problem.

Even if you encounter this kind of monster, you can also easily solve it.

After passing all the way, they entered the center of the city and finally saw the target of this trip.

It's just that when Tang Zhen saw the God-killing virus, he felt a little doubt in his heart, wondering if there was something wrong with the system?
The god-killing virus that appeared in front of him was not a monster with a hideous face, but a child who looked no more than eight or nine years old.

He sat quietly in the middle of the ruins of the city, his buttocks were full of white bones, and his fair face was stained with a trace of dark red blood.

In his hand, the arm holding a part of the monster was incompletely gnawed by him.

Seeing Tang Zhen and others appear, the child smiled, showing an innocent and romantic expression.

"It's great, there's new food again, so happy!"

The children jumped up and down, dancing, looking very happy.

That small figure seemed to be blown away by a gust of wind, but no one dared to take it lightly.

If it is a normal child, it is absolutely impossible to survive in such a dangerous environment, not to mention that Tang Zhen has confirmed that this child is a god-killing virus.

"kill him!"

Tang Zhen said coldly, his tone extremely firm.

Sun Daquan and the others had no way out, and now that they were ordered by Tang Zhen, they could only bite the bullet and start attacking.

The first to attack was still the young man in a suit. He held the automatic rifle in his hand, aimed at the child's head and pulled the trigger.

The monk has a cold heart, and he can use any means to achieve his goals, not to mention that the child in front of him is a monster, so he naturally has no scruples when he strikes.

After the bullet flew out, it did hit the target, directly hitting the child on the forehead.


Seeing a big hole in the little boy's head, everyone was surprised. Didn't expect this ultimate target to be so vulnerable?
"The monster is not dead, so be vigilant, Sun Daquan will continue to attack!"

Tang Zhen's voice came again. He didn't receive the notification that the task was completed, and the red dot on the map didn't disappear. These circumstances were enough to prove that the monster hadn't been killed.

After receiving the order, Sun Daquan immediately raised his rune rifle, aimed at the little boy and pulled the trigger. With a muffled sound, the bullet landed directly on the little boy's chest.


The rune rifle was so powerful that it directly coaxed the little boy to pieces, and blood and flesh flew all over the sky.

After seeing this scene, everyone felt a little relieved. Such a situation seemed to mean that the monster had been killed.

However, Tang Zhen's expression was still serious, because even though the little boy turned into meat sauce, he still didn't receive the reminder that the task was completed.

"It's not right, look at those minced meat!"

The woman in black, who seldom spoke along the way, suddenly spoke to everyone, with a hint of fear in her eyes.

When everyone heard the words and looked at it, they all showed shock at the same time.

It turned out that after the flesh and blood fell to the ground, they immediately wriggled like insects, and soon turned into lumps of flesh.

But in the blink of an eye, something like tentacles grew on the meat ball, and the volume continued to expand.

Soon there were skulls, brows and eyes appearing on the lump of flesh, which looked exactly like the little boy, with an evil smile on his face.

Hundreds of little boys gathered together and kept crawling around on the ground, their appearance was a hundred times more hideous than before.

They made weird and sharp screams, crawled on the ground at an extremely fast speed, and surrounded them in an instant.

This scene is enough to make the legs of the timid weak.

Seeing this, everyone didn't dare to hesitate, and immediately waved their weapons, fighting with those little monsters.

Because of their agility, these little monsters are not easy to deal with, and they can easily get rid of the lock.

The most troublesome thing is that once this little monster is killed, it will be resurrected in an instant.

The revived monster became stronger and more agile, which also caused everyone a headache.

Tang Zhen was also a little worried. If this situation continues, they will be surrounded by such little monsters sooner or later.

Once that time really came, they would have no chance of escaping unless they had wings.

During the battle, other monsters in the city also joined in the fun, which made everyone's situation more dangerous.

In a short period of time, several people have been injured. Although it is not enough to lose their lives, the combat effectiveness has been greatly reduced.

Just when everyone was burning with anxiety, Tang Zhen's eyes lit up, and then he kept taking out the same items from the storage equipment and threw them at Sun Daquan and the others.

"Use this weapon quickly, it's just for dealing with monsters!"

After hearing Tang Zhen's words, everyone dared not hesitate, and took over the thrown weapons one after another.

The appearance of the weapon is similar to that of a firearm. There is something like a radar in front. After pulling the trigger, a black beam of light will appear.

But wherever the beam of light sweeps, the items will disappear automatically. The effect cannot be said to be very powerful, but it is very strange.

Those little monsters disappeared immediately after being swept away, eliminating the possibility of resurrection after being killed.

After seeing that this method was effective, everyone felt a little joy in their hearts, and quickly cheered up and continued to attack.

Tang Zhen also breathed a sigh of relief, because he had seen that the monster's health bar was constantly shortening, indicating that the attack had indeed had an effect.

As for where the monster went, neither Tang Zhen nor Sun Daquan and the others could figure it out at all.

In fact, if their strength is high enough, they can see that under the sky above their heads, a crack in the void appeared at some point, filled with monsters that just disappeared.

As for the monk Loucheng behind the invisible scene, he is packing up these monsters and preparing to conduct research on cracking them.

 Thanks: "Book friend 161230210706931" for the reward, thank you book friends for your support.

(End of this chapter)

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