I have a city in another world

Chapter 2396 A Solitary Lamp

Chapter 2396 A Lonely Lamp

The sky was dark and the surrounding fields were silent.

Quiet does not mean safe, in the dark corners, there are actually deadly crises hidden.

Evil things like to exist in dark environments the most, because if they are placed in the sun, everything will be exposed to human eyes.

They only want humans to feel fear, but they don't want humans to know their shortcomings and find ways to deal with them.

Monsters are like this, but humans are also like this. Those evil guys never dare to stand upright in the sun.

Tang Zhen has such a feeling because he has heard and witnessed too many tragedies in the world during this period of time.

For this reason, he also issued a mission, as long as he killed such scum, he could get rich rewards.

Although the number of human beings has plummeted, each of them needs to be cherished, but some guys don't deserve to live, so Tang Zhen sent them on the road for free.

After the situation near the fortress stabilized and he had enough self-protection power, Tang Zhen began to go out frequently.

He needs to kill to release the pressure in his heart, and try to find answers to certain questions.

When the end came, the survivors all knew a piece of common sense. If it is not necessary, don't leave the crowd gathering place rashly, otherwise it is very likely that they will never return.

Although crowd gathering does not mean absolute safety, it is still safer than the wilderness.

Tang Zhen ignored these taboos and always acted alone, giving people a very mysterious feeling.

Even among the survivors near the fortress, Tang Zhen has become a legend, and there are many stories and speculations about him.

There was a roar, and then a ray of light suddenly appeared on the road in the distance, and then kept shaking and jumping.

You can tell by the sound that this is an off-road vehicle.

To dare to drive into the wilderness in such a dangerous environment where monsters are rampant, one is either a lunatic or has great abilities.

Tang Zhen is obviously the latter.

The reason he came out this time was that when he was struggling to find an answer, the system suddenly released a task.

[Answer! 】

[If you want to find out the cause and effect of the matter, and who you really are, then go to a small town in the distance, there will be the answer you want! 】

Just based on the name of the task and the introduction about the task, Tang Zhen has no reason to refuse.

So he single-handedly left the fort according to the requirements of the mission, and followed the abandoned road all the way north.

Along the way, he saw abandoned cities and countless bones.

Human beings have indeed suffered a catastrophe, but it is not the case for other species. Everything is in a withered and dilapidated appearance.

If this situation continues, the entire world will fall into silence, and there will be no more vitality left.

Of course, after destruction comes new life, but no matter how advanced the new species is, it has nothing to do with modern humans.

Tang Zhen's road at this time has already become dilapidated due to various reasons.

Fortunately, the quality of the car he drives is good. Although the road conditions are bad, he still drives unimpeded.

Because the sky was always pitch black, his field of vision was severely restricted, making it impossible for Tang Zhen to see further scenes.


There was a strange howl, and then a huge monster appeared and rushed towards Tang Zhen's car.


A flash of fire flashed through the window of the car, and the bullet hit the monster that had just pounced on it, blasting it to pieces.


Tang Zhen said softly, and casually threw the weapon on the co-pilot's chair.

Along the way, Tang Zhen encountered many monsters, but he killed them all with one shot.

For this kind of hunting game, Tang Zhen felt faintly tired, and wanted to return to the peaceful life before the disaster.

Just looking at the current situation, this might be an extravagant wish.

Click on the system map, the destination is more than ten kilometers away, and it will not take long to arrive.

Tang Zhen heaved a sigh of relief. After running around for so long, he finally didn't waste his time in vain.

Next, he will see what is the answer to the mystery and why the whole world has become like this.

After a while, Tang Zhen stopped the car, opened the door and got out.

What appeared in front of his eyes was a large dilapidated building, and the residents had long since disappeared.

In an abandoned city like this, there are often a large number of monsters lurking, and the survivors will basically take a detour and will never enter it easily.

But the target of this mission is hidden in the ruins, in an unknown corner.

Tang Zhen had to go.

"Let me see, just who are you..."

While Tang Zhen was speaking, he checked his equipment and confirmed that there was no problem.

Under his leather windbreaker, he was wearing a special set of armor, which was a reward for completing the mission.

After understanding the attributes of the battle armor, Tang Zhen felt full of confidence in his heart, feeling that there was no weapon in this world that could kill him.

He felt this way because the armor's defense was so strong that it even gave people an unreal feeling.

Not only the battle armor has abnormal attributes, but also other rewarded weapons. Even if it encounters a god-killing virus, it can kill it in one move.

He is like the protagonist of a game with an invincible cheat, strong in people and strong in weapons, no matter how terrifying the monster is, he can kill it in one move.

Although he has such an abnormal combat power, the area of ​​this world is too large, and it is impossible for him to wipe out all the monsters by himself.

This is also one of the reasons why Tang Zhen is more distressed. He has the ability to hunt and kill the god-killing virus, but he cannot rescue the survivors from the disaster.

On the dark street, only the sound of walking footsteps echoed among the dilapidated buildings.

At the window by the side of the road, a looming figure was staring at Tang Zhen.

This is a ghost and resentful spirit, so powerful that ordinary monks would never dare to provoke it.

It regards the nearby area as its own territory, and anyone who enters it will be attacked crazily by it.

Tang Zhen, who was walking on the street, had already been regarded as prey by the resentful spirits.

Just when it was about to attack, Tang Zhen raised his hand suddenly, and a stream of light shot out from his cuff.

The wraith couldn't dodge in time, was hit by the streamer of light, and was instantly swallowed by white flames.

Even in the state of energy, the Wraith was still severely injured, and was quickly burned into nothingness.

Throughout the fight, Tang Zhen ignored the wraith at all, but kept looking at the center of the ruins.

There is a little light there, which is very conspicuous in the dark night.

The area where resentful spirits exist is a forbidden area for ordinary people, and it is destined not for ordinary people to live here.

Tang Zhen knew that the other party was not simple, otherwise he would not have become the target of the system task, so he had to come all the way here.

Standing quietly in place, watching the lights in front of him silently, Tang Zhen seemed to be thinking about something.

"Who am I? Who are you? What kind of world is this?"

Tang Zhen murmured, then shook his head lightly.

He only knows one thing, and that is to follow the system's guidance, and he will get the answer he wants soon.

Continuing along the street, there were no monsters to harass Tang Zhen anymore, because they had all turned into corpses, piled up all over the street.

(End of this chapter)

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