I have a city in another world

Chapter 2397 Am I a god?

Chapter 2397 Am I a god?

Among the scattered bones and remains, there is a three-story building, which should have been a hotel in the past.

The light Tang Zhen saw earlier came from the third floor, near the window.

Because of the dust on the glass, it looks hazy, so it is impossible to see the scene inside.


As Tang Zhen's footsteps fell, a weathered and decayed skeleton broke, and choking white dust was raised.

In addition, there are clusters of phosphorous flames, constantly flying among the bones and corpses, very conspicuous in the dark environment.

It is obviously not easy to create such a cemetery composed entirely of monster bones. Tang Zhen couldn't help but feel a little bit of expectation in his heart.

He stepped on a passage built with huge ribs, walked slowly to the door of the building, and then reached out and knocked on the door.

"Boom bang bang..."

In such an environment, the knock on the door was extremely clear, and the heart seemed to be constantly beating along with the knock.

Tang Zhen did not rush in, but like a qualified visitor, he maintained enough respect for his host.

After waiting for a while, there was still no sound in the room, so Tang Zhen opened the door and entered.

There was an oil lamp lit inside the room, with a faint oily smell, but it looked quite bright.

Tang Zhen glanced at the oil lamp made of the skull of a giant beast. It contained orange-red oil, which was obviously obtained from the monster.

Such an approach can be regarded as waste utilization.

As for the items in the room, most of them are materials from monsters, and then they are processed in various ways, and they are scattered on the tables, which look like cool dishes.

Tang Zhen looked around and found that it was like a medieval wizard's laboratory, giving people a gloomy and weird feeling.

After Tang Zhen took a few glances, he climbed up the trembling wooden stairs to the area on the second floor.

During the operation, his spirit was always tense to prevent someone from launching a sneak attack.

The second floor is different from the previous building, the environment is more comfortable, full of colorful exotic flowers and plants, it feels like a big flower house.

Unknown vines completely cover the walls, blooming lavender flowers, exuding an intoxicating aroma.

Tang Zhen quickly held his breath, because the system had reminded him that the scent of flowers had a hallucinogenic effect.

If he inhales too much, he will experience severe hallucinations, and the situation will become very dangerous at that time.

The solution to the problem is also very simple, that is, take off the leaves of one of the plants and chew them twice in your mouth.

Following the prompts, he walked to the plant, tore off a leaf from a branch that was often picked by people, and chewed it lightly in his mouth.

A mint-like smell reverberated in his mouth, and the scent of flowers he inhaled was immediately dissolved.

Tang Zhen felt relieved, carefully looked at the surrounding environment, and found that in the space of nearly [-] square meters, an unknown number of mutated flowers and plants were planted.

It takes a lot of time and energy to collect them together, after all, these things don't grow together.

For any monk, these plants can be regarded as the ranks of natural treasures, which are of great help to cultivation.

If you have the inheritance of refining medicine, refining these plants into elixir, the effect of cultivation will be increased by more than several times.

Thinking back to the monster materials I saw downstairs, combined with the mutated plants upstairs, it can be inferred that the owner here knows how to refine elixir.

The stairs leading to the third floor, among these flowers and plants, Tang Zhen stepped on the steps already covered with moss, and walked towards the top floor step by step.

This is the last floor, and it is also the place where I saw the light just now. The answer I am looking for may be here.

After entering the third floor, the scene in front of Tang Zhen made him think that he had entered a laboratory.

There are all kinds of weird utensils around, and many places are engraved with runes. There is a weird smell in the air, which feels a little pungent.

After carefully looking around, including every corner, Tang Zhen didn't see any figure appearing.

While he was puzzled, he was also slightly disappointed.

After traveling all the way, only to find an empty house, disappointment is inevitable.

Tang Zhen did not take it lightly, but continued to search for clues. The system gave him such clear guidance that he would definitely not let himself come here in vain.

It didn't take long before he found a table in the corner with some books-like things on it.

Turn it over and look again, it turns out that all the content is handwritten, using a script Tang Zhen has never seen before.

Thanks to the help of the system, Tang Zhen easily completed the deciphering and understood the content of these texts.

The top few books record the formulas of some elixirs and some experience in refining elixirs.

Through content analysis, it can be determined that the writer should have this inheritance, but it is not particularly clear.

That's why he will continue to experiment and analyze, try to match the data, and get the best matching data.

In addition to these, Tang Zhen also found a thick diary.

After opening the diary, Tang Zhen discovered that the content written on the first page was written in all languages ​​of the world.

"In a trance, I seem to see a magical world, in that world, I am the supreme god, everything is created by me, and countless creatures follow my instructions.

I really hope that all this is true, maybe because it is too real, I tried to follow some content in the dream, and then found something that shocked me.

Everything in the dream turned out to be real, and according to the cultivation method I obtained in the dream, I actually gained powerful power! "

"What the hell is going on here? Where is the world in the dream? Who am I...?"

Tang Zhen flipped through the diary, frowning slightly.

The content in the front of the diary is all written in the original world, but when it reaches the middle part, it starts to be mixed with some words from other worlds.

"Through the clues collected during this period, I can basically confirm that it belongs to the memory of my own previous life.

I should have been a real god in my previous life, but I fell for some reason and was reborn into this world.

The awakening of memory is not accidental, obviously it wants me to regain everything in the past, and then restore my original strength..."

Tang Zhen was secretly shocked when he saw this. He didn't expect that the owner of this diary was actually a legendary god.

It turns out that the gods really exist, they are not omnipotent, and they will experience death and rebirth.

Tang Zhen had a vague feeling that what the other party said was not crazy.

But what happened next left Tang Zhen dumbfounded, and even felt a little absurd.

"After digging deeper, I discovered another fact that shocked me, related to the world into which I was reborn.

This is a special world between reality and illusion, and it is slowly changing. The violent explosion of the energy of the heavens and the earth will cause this world to encounter a terrible catastrophe.

The culprits who caused my downfall should have also entered this world, but they didn't follow me, but because of another reason.

They have found a new target, and the other party should be a real god like me.

In other words, I and those horrible things have entered the world related to this god, and are constantly destroying it.

Through my memory and speculation, I found that the name of this god should be Tang Zhen! "

 Thanks: "Book friend 161230210706931" for the reward, thank you book friends for your support.

(End of this chapter)

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